Lui Shirosagi x Reader [May I Have This Dance?]

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Y/N nervously waited for her friend, Valt, near the snack table, where he was wolfing down all the food he could get to. The two were at a large party hosted by the Murasaki family. Anybody who was anybody showed up. 

Y/N looked around when the music playing changed from upbeat to slow. 

"Alright everybody, find yourself a partner!" Hanami screeched. Everybody covered their ears. Who thought it would be a good idea to hire him as DJ? 

Y/N turned to Valt, but Shu had already whisked the little blue porcupine away. 

Lui's PoV 

"Alright everybody, find yourself a partner!" 

I covered my ears as I heard the overly loud announcer screech out those words. What the heck was Wakiya thinking, hiring that dude? 

I looked around, hoping to find somebody to dance with that wasn't a complete brat, when I realized that there was nobody left. Everybody had already found a dance partner. I glanced around when my eyes landed on a girl in the back, her H/C hair draping over her face. 

Sighing, I realized that she was the only option. I made my way over to her. 

"Excuse me, miss, wanna dance?" 

She glanced up at me, unsure, but I just wanted to get this over with. I grabbed her hand and pulled her onto the dance floor. 

"So, what's your name?" I asked. 

"Y/N," she responded. 

I huffed. "Nice name. I'm Lui." 

She nodded slightly. "Yeah, I know that." 

We continued dancing in silence after that. Neither of us said a word. I honestly felt quite... relaxed. When the dance finally ended, she scurried away. I realized that the little blue porcupine, Valt, was following her. I don't know why, but something just felt... angry when I saw the two together. 

3rd PoV 

Valt noticed Y/N was dancing with Lui and was skeptical at first, but finally decided to let it go. After the dance, Valt went back to the snack table. 

He saw Y/N run outside. Valt noticed her leaving and apologized to Shu, saying he had to go take care of something. He followed Y/N outside. 

"Hey, Y/N, are you alright?" he asked as she sat down on a bench. She nodded quickly, but as I looked at her face, it was beet red. "Wait, are you sick? Do you need to go home? DO YOU NEED TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL?" Valt asked, overreacting and running around, panicked. Y/N quickly slapped her hand over Valt's mouth. 

"Shut up! No, I'm fine!" 

Valt stopped, and glanced at her eyes. "Did Lui do something to you?" 

"N-No," she stuttered, and Valt raised an eyebrow. 

"Alright then... 

Three weeks later... 

Y/N was practicing blading after school on the roof with the Bey Club. For some reason, she was distracted, and Shu noticed this. She was continuously messing up her launches. 

"Hey, Y/N, are you alright?" he asked. Y/N nodded, and continued mislaunching. Shu sighed. "If you say so." 

After a while, when Y/N was on her way home, she stopped by the Bey park. 

"Oh, hey there," she heard somebody say. "Y/N, right?" 

Y/N turned around to see somebody with flaming blue hair standing there, grinning, his shark teeth showing. He held his hand out. 

"May I have this dance?" 

A/N - Sorry that this one was short, I've just had this idea in my head forever and needed to type it out. 

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