Ukyo x Reader [Undecided]

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A/N - This was requested by Absol_Shirosagi. I hope that you enjoy! 

"Come on, can I please go with you to the dojo, Quon? You never let me!" 

"For the last time, Y/N, no." 

Y/N frowned. "Come on, why not?" 

Quon shook his head. He didn't have an answer for that, and just walked away. 

Y/N looked down at her skateboard, kicking it angrily. One of the wheels popped off. 

"Oh, shi-" 

She quickly grabbed the wheel before it could roll away and sighed. She put the wheel in her pocket and turned around, deciding to head to the skateboard repair shop. 

The moment she turned around, she came face-to-face with a boy. He had long, light-blue hair and wore a purple hoodie. 

He gestured to her skateboard, a blank expression. "Do you need help fixing that?" 

Y/N staggered back, alarmed. She hadn't noticed the boy sneak up behind her. "Who are you?" 

"I'm Ukyo Kabuki," he said, running his hand through his hair and letting out an annoyed sigh. "Now, for the last time, do you need help fixing your skateboard?" 

Y/N nodded quickly, still alarmed. The boy gestured for her to follow him. 

She did, and they soon arrived at a big wooden building. They went inside, to be greeted by a red-haired giant. 

"Hey, Ukyo, you're back!" he said. "I thought that you were hiding somewhere... oh well. Who's this?" 

He gestured to Y/N, and she waved politely. "I'm Y/N L/N." 

Xander grinned. "Pleasure to meet you." 

Ukyo gestured for Y/N to hand him her skateboard, and she did, fishing around in her pocket for the wheel that had come off. Ukyo disappeared with them quickly, and Y/N stared at the spot he was a moment ago in shock. 

"So who are you, then?" she asked, turning to Xander. 

"I'm Xander Shakadera. Say, do you have a Bey?" 

She nodded, pulling out a F/C Beyblade. "This is B/N." 

He grinned. "It looks powerful. Want to battle?" 

Xander pulled out his own red Bey, and Y/N nodded. "Sure, why not? I've got nothing better to do anyway." 

Xander led her into the training room, where there were multiple stadiums set up. He then introduced everybody battling. 

"...And over there," he said, gesturing to a stadium in the far corner, "Yugo Nansui is battling Quon Limon." 

Y/N froze. This was the dojo Quon always went to? She saw Quon's head snap in their direction after hearing his name, and he glanced at Y/N in shock. 

"Y/N, what are you doing here?" he asked angrily. 

"You two know each other?" Xander asked, but he was ignored. 

Y/N just shrugged. "My skateboard broke, and Ukyo offered to fix it." 

Quon sighed. "Of course he did." 

A moment later, Ukyo appeared in the doorway, holding Y/N's skateboard. He tossed it to her. "Here, it's done." 

Y/N caught it, smiling. "Thanks." 

She then went outside, getting on her skateboard, testing it out. "Woah, it's as good as new!" 

Xander watched from the entryway, laughing. He then turned to Ukyo. "You don't normally help random people, Ukyo. What's up? Do you think she's cute or something?" 

A faint blush crept over his cheeks. "C-cute? No way!" 

Xander let out a booming laugh. "Sure." 

Ukyo sighed and turned towards the dojo door, planning to go inside. Y/N picked up her skateboard and stopped him. "Hey, uh, thanks for fixing my skateboard." 

"It was no problem," he said, smiling, before going inside. Y/N smiled and turned towards Xander. "I'm gonna go home. But I'll come back tomorrow! 

Xander grinned and nodded as Y/N skateboarded away, closely followed by Quon, who wouldn't stop teasing her about Ukyo on the way back to their houses. 

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