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NEW SERIES ALERT!! @Madness_Be_Boundless asked (2 months ago, I am SO sorry) that we see how our Bladers would be as teachers, and here they are! I'm going to write my headcanons, and then a skit based off them. They will be teaching whatever level of school I've specified them in. I will be including whether they're regulars or substitutes, because that actually changes the circumstance. Bladers are 20-25 in this. Enjoy!

Akaba Aiga/Aiger Akabane: Sub to Reg

Age: 23

Notices how the kids are exactly like how he used to be when he was their age, a bunch of wild banshees

One child, she is an actual sweetheart who looks up to him the same way Hikaru does, as an idol Blader, and almost all the rest are living demons

Pretends he doesn't like the kids, but after they start behaving like civilized human beings, secretly thinks their eyes have all the shine and beauty of jewels

Has a soft spot for children because he half-raised Naru

Trying so hard not to curse please help him T^T

Battles with the one real sweetheart who somehow has amazing Resonance

Doesn't believe all these kids can hate Beyblade, but only two of them like it, the good kid and her best friend

Pulls out twelve blankets when they all start crying and curls up with them in a corner of the room

Goes to sleep humming "Twinkle, Twinkle" after all of them have fallen asleep to it


Ends up the regular because of how much the kids adore him, and never laughs at Shota Aizawa's eyebags again. He watches My Hero in silence, knowing the same pain. He will shout at the fight scenes though, especially Overhaul vs Deku.

Aiga POV

"So," Principal Shinoda says. "These kids are the ones you'll be taking care of. Don't even try to teach them anything. They have a town-wide rep for being unteachable, and their teacher, she just quit, which is why you're here. Just keep your sanity intact, always assuming it really is after how much trouble I had with you."

"Heh heh," I mumbled, remembering my training machine and all the insanity that followed it onto campus. "Yes, sir."

"Okay. Have a nice day," he said, leaving.

"Sit down," I said sternly, hiding a smile, and they did, looking very innocent, with gorgeously shining eyes. What could these adorable cinnamon rolls possibly do wrong?

"Take out your books, kids."

Then the classroom erupted into chaos, and kids were going crazy, showing their true devil forms. And that's when I knew, I fucked up.

"Excuse me mister," a little girl whispers shyly, walking up to me with the sweetest look in her eyes. "Can I have your autograph, please?"

"What?" I said, breathing in stress from the wildness, and blinking in confusion at this little sapphire child.

"You're the World Champion of Beyblade, and your Star Achilles is my favorite Bey," she said shyly, but taking care to make sure I understood every word.

"Oh. Oh, you little sweetheart, of course," abandoning all pretense of detachment. "I didn't even know kids your age were watching Beyblade yet."

"They aren't, and they don't like it either," she said, looking down with a sad smile. "I kinda get made fun of for it. But don't worry, I don't care. And I certainly love Beyblade enough to disregard them."

'Certainly? Disregard?' I thought. 'Well, now I know she's above grade level in Language Arts at least.'

"That's great, kid," I said, shaking myself back to reality. "A thing like Beyblade, all you really gotta do is love it. Ask anyone who knows. Do you have a Bey?"

"Yes. I made it myself. I live on a farm, and we have metalworking tools. I figured out how to use them when I was really little."

"That's impressive. Do you have it on you?" I asked, trying desperately to drown out the seven loud crashes behind me.

"Yes. This is my Sash Kitsune."

'Damn, kid,' my thoughts marveled.

"This is a damn good-- sorry, an amazing Balance type. It's like an improved Cho-Z Achilles, blades and all."

Her eyes just sparkled with happiness, and I saw Naru saying "Look, nii-chan, I did it!" for half a second.

"Th-thank you! Thank you so much, Mister!"

"Huh? Wha'd you call me?" I asked her, doing a double take..

"Um, Mister?"

"Oh, heh. I'm only 23. Just call me Aiga."

"I-- Okay."

"Good. Now who are you?"

"Menzen Kaho. And, um, this is like an amazing thing for me, I'm literally meeting my hero right now. So, uh, could you battle me, please?" she asked, blue eyes shining with excitement

"Of course, Kaho. Let's just turn this into a whole event. If we can gather up all your classmates, maybe they'll actually pay attention to us then."

"Yes, M- Aiga," she said happily.

It takes 20 minutes, but we seat the kids and find a Stadium.

"Does anyone know the rules to a 2-point Bey battle?" I asked. "Or is it just Kaho, because guess what? I don't really believe a class of 20 can only have one kid who likes Beyblade."

"And you'd be right," a new, song-sweet yet unemotional voice said. "My name is Samui Kana, and though I may not be in possession of a Bey, I am in the process of creating one, based along the lines of a certain theory of mine. And I know the rules better than most WBBA officials do."

"Impressive. You two kids sure do seem like you've got shi-- stuff figured out."

"Yay, Kasan!" Kaho chanted excitedly.

"Thanks, Kahchan!" she smiled.

(Kaho = Aiga's cute little fan.

Kana = apathetic mathematical/Beyblade/conspiracy theorist. As in, theorizes about all three of these.

I really recommend you come up with something to tell them apart, because I almost forgot who was who too.)

"Okay, you're the ref since you know the rules, and I'll be battling Kaho."

"Why do we have to watch that?" a pretentious-looking boy with blond hair and smoke-blue eyes asks.

"Yeah, Neito-chan's right," A brown haired girl wearing way too much makeup for her age said.

"Cancel that. I want a roast battle, against the two of you, and anyone else who wants to challenge me. 1 vs however many little kids feel like messing with the wrong person. If you win, do whatever you want. When I win, you all have to sit down and listen to me."

"Sound fair to you guys?" he, Neito, asked them.

"Yes," said the brown-haired girl.

~Kaho POV~

"Kay," Kana said. "Now I'm reffing a roast battle: Akaba Aiga vs Neito whose family name I don't actually know, and Samui Shimi. Who's going first?"

"The little kids can take it," Aiga snarled down at them. "Try me."

"You really came here to mess with us. Didn't anybody ever tell you to respect your superiors?"

"Whoa," the kids gasped. (Yo, I got this reaction from my little brother. You know they do say write what you know.)

"No, and it makes no difference anyway. From my point of view, you're nowhere near my level, let alone superior, with your little unknown, Goldilocks-looking, blonde-headed, arrogant little bi-- I mean brat."

"What've you been around, talking like what that you now have to censor yourself around us?"

"Stay out of grown folks business."

"Yep, it's over, Akaba-san wins, before this comes to tears," Kana and Shimi break in.

"Fine," Neito pouts. "And I wouldn't have cried."

"Whatever makes you feel better about yourself, Neito-kun."


"Now, sit down," Aiga said.

~Aiga POV~

Then everybody started crying.

"We're tired, we wanna sleep, AAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!"

"Oh my fu– freaking Achilles. Samui twins, get blankets out of the closet, all the ones you can find, even if you've got to go back. Kaho, grab a broom and clear out a corner of the room."

"Which one?" Kaho asked.

"I dunno, surprise me kiddo!" I say, attempting to calm down three kids at the same time.

" 'Kay!" she said, running to the most easily-accessed corner, with that lovely common sense of hers, making me let out a sigh of relief I didn't actually realize I was holding in.

"We've got the blankets," Kana said.

"Okay, bring them here," I said, taking them. I walked into the corner, building a blanket fort in like, 20 seconds. It looked way too sturdy for the build time, but whatever, I trusted it. It wasn't like I hadn't created crazier things in less time, so yeah, whatever. I crawled inside, and called for the kids, some of whom were still crying, although much quieter. They came in small groups of three and four, and after they were all gathered around me, they relaxed and began to breathe softer. Looking back, the singing started absentmindedly. I was reminded of the days when Naru would fall asleep in my lap, after we'd sat in near silence, except for me singing "Twinkle, Twinkle" since it was her favorite. I fell asleep surrounded with feelings of happiness and deja vu.

At the end of the school day, we were all still asleep, and the first parents to come get their kids were the Samui twins' parents, and Kaho's mom. Apparently, they were friends, and often came to get the three girls together. They woke me, Kaho, Kana, and Shimi, and laughed kindly while I tried to get myself in order. They shook my hand and went on their way, leaving a feeling of rejuvenation behind them.

The rest of the kids left, and I went home. The next day, I was a regular teacher, for the demon children who were suddenly my baby angels. Every year after that, I was given the most difficult kids, and at the end of the week, had a crowd of composed scholars who absolutely adored each other, themselves, and me.

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