One Little Songbird

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Allora: So your lovely Shadow Host is back, and we have more singing!  asks that a certain someone sing It's Gonna Be Me by NSYNC.

Free: Oh Lord, just kill me now.

Allora: Don't be like that. Little hint: It ain't you.

Free: Thanks.

Allora: No prob. Gotta give the people what they asked for, and today they decided to cut you a break.

Free: Well 'people,' thanks to you then.

Allora: SHU!

Shu: *spawns in the room* What do you want from me? Valt's took off his headband. Do you know how serious that is? Let me be there for my best friend, before he starts singing again.

Allora: Wait, what happened? Why's Valt singing? I know he's amazing, but he usually only does that when he's sad or one of the kids asks.

Shu: Momoko, from the old Beigoma News Team. Ehh, he asked her out... It didn't... She has a boyfriend.

Allora: Holy... Poor thing.

Shu: Yeah, so can I get back to him?

Allora: No...

Shu: Why the hell not?

Allora: Because one, he's still mad at you for what you said the other day, and two, you have another song request.

Shu: Godsdamned request. Look, people, whoever 'people' are. I sing alone. I have incredible stage fright.

Allora: And an incredible voice. Please?

Shu: Fine... And don't push your luck.

Allora: Nothing embarrassing. I think. Maybe I should listen to this song...


Allora: Yep, I already did that FOR you.

Shu: What?! What do you mean?! You can't- Can you do that?!

Free: Hmmm... Gotta give the people what the people want. Besides, I actually have heard this one. When we were 7, Kris went through a whole random NSYNC phase. This song is theirs. And it's... well, you won't be able to look at anyone for an hour, out of sheer embarrassment. But after that, you'll be fine. No one will even remember. Except Kri- Nothing, nothing.

Shu: What do you mean?

Free: Absolutely nothing.

Allora: VALT!

Valt: *spawns in the room*

Allora: Shu's going to sing.

Shu: What? But I don't even know the-

Allora: I stuck the lyrics in your head. You know them now. Go on, check.

Shu: *thinks for a second* I have them... How did you- You don't even know them yourself!

Allora: Author powers. Now, you have to sing, kay?

Shu: Okay...

Allora: Here's an empty room. Oh look, it has my comfy couch. I've been looking for that! How I lost a couch though...

Valt: Because you're an airhead.

Allora: *walking out the room to give Shu privacy* That's rich coming from you.

Valt: *drops onto MY couch* Anyway, Shu, whatever you've gotta sing... Now's the time. Daylight's wasting, and I made Beybread for Drum, Hikaru, Hyuga, Allora and Aiga. That burns, and I do too. They will all kill me. That will hurt, Aiga and Allora are very efficient at physical torture.

Allora: *turns back for half a sec* We are, we are. I'll handle the Beybread, 'kay?

Valt: Thanks, I guess. Bye!

Allora: *planning to stand outside the door because Shu's voice is amazing* Sure thing.

Shu, in a wonderful tone:

It's gonna be me
Ooh, yeah

You might been hurt, babe
That ain't no lie
You've seen them all come and go, oh
I remember you told me
That it made you believe in
No love, no cry
Maybe that's why

Every little thing I do
Never seems enough for you
You don't want to lose it again
But I'm not like them
Baby, when you finally
Get to love somebody
Guess what
It's gonna be me

You've got no choice, babe
But to move on, and you know
There ain't no time to waste
You're just too blind to see
But in the end, ya know it's gonna be me
You can't deny
So just tell me why

Every little thing I do
Never seems enough for you
You don't want to lose it again
But I'm not like them
Baby, when you finally
Get to love somebody
Guess what
It's gonna be me

It's gonna be me
Ooh, yeah yeah

There comes a day
When I'll be the one, you'll see

It's gonna gonna gonna gonna
It's gonna be me

All that I do is not enough for you
I don't want to lose it
But I'm not like that
When finally
You get to love
Guess what?
It's gonna be me

Every little thing I do
Never seems enough for you
You don't want to lose it again
But I'm not like them
Baby, when you finally
Get to love somebody
Guess what
It's gonna be me

Every little thing I do
Never seems enough for you
You don't want to lose it again
But I'm not like them
Baby, when you finally
Get to love somebody
Guess what
It's gonna be me

Valt: *tears streaming down his face, and that cinnamon roll smile is back* Shu... That was amazing, thanks. You look out for me, man. Thank you, thank you so much, for being my big brother.

Shu: Big brother?

Valt: Which is weird.

Shu: Because I'm younger than you.

Valt: Yeah, I'm older!

Shu: But I'm taller.

Valt: I just can't win, can I?

Shu: Nope.

*They both glare at each other, then start laughing so uncontrollably that they lean (walhalla) on each other for support*

Allora: *standing with watery eyes outside the door* Beautiful besties. I'm not. Gonna. Cry!

Allora: *busts down door, tears streaming down her face* Oh screw it! Why the hell do y'all gotta be so pure?! I ruined the moment, dammit! Gimme a hug!

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