Meeting Harry

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Harry is always by Lean's side. Everyone knows that. It's hard to imagine that there was a time where they didn't know each other yet. But there was. And this is the story of how Lean and Harry met, and what Lean's teacher, Shu Kurenai, had to do with it


Ever since Shu had invited him to the Bulls, Lean spent all his time training. Shu was strict but fair and Lean could feel himself getting stronger and was feeling proud of himself. Which is why he was immensely displeased by Shu taking him outside.

"You have to learn how to take breaks, Lean," he had said, smiling a little. "It'll be fun, I promise."

Well, Shu's definition of fun was weird. They had been walking around the city for a while now – in the rain, because of course, it was raining when his teacher dragged him outside. He grumbled something a little less than polite under his breath and Shu stopped in his tracks.

"Lean, language," he scolded but it seemed a little less heated than usual.


"Be quiet," Shu commanded. The rain was splashing around them, the cars were driving at crazy speeds that were definitely not allowed but Lean did not see why Shu would tell him to be quiet.

"Do you hear that?" he asked, turning towards a small alley that seemed like the one you would see in horror films. It was like it had a huge sign that said, 'Don't come here'. Shu ignored it.

"Follow me," he said, and somehow Lean wasn't even surprised. Danger didn't faze his teacher as much as it probably should. He had overheard some of the stories the Bulls told each other about their reckless leader and especially Fubuki often had the strangest things to tell. That kind of was part of the deal if you lived with Shu, Lean had come to realize.

They didn't get very far when Lean suddenly understood what Shu had meant. There was a small sound, it reminded Lean of a kitten but not quite. What could it be?

"Do you hear it now, Lean?" Shu asked.

"Yeah," he answered, a little in awe by the fact that Shu had picked that sound out with all the background noise from the traffic and rain.

"I'm not sure what it is but I think it needs help. You look over there and I'll try to find it over here, alright?"

"Yes," Lean answered and nodded.

They both searched the alley, both completely soaked by the rain, and Lean found himself thinking that the creature probably wasn't faring any better. He tried harder to find the little thing when he suddenly heard the noise from before coming from behind some trashcans. He slowly pushed them away to get a better look and was surprised to find a little soaked hedgehog behind them. The hedgehog was very small and had a light colouring. Lean tried to reach out and...

...The little thing growled at him, perceiving him as a threat.

"You found him, huh?" Shu suddenly commented, standing right behind Lean. Lean only nodded. "He looks young and he's probably cold. We should try to get him to a vet as soon as possible."

"How do you know it's a 'he'?" Lean asked.

"I don't." Shu smiled. "It's just intuition. We should try to gain his trust, otherwise, he won't let us near."

Lean nodded again and looked at the little thing in front of him. He hesitantly lied his hand on the ground, palm open. The hedgehog seemed suspicious, or that's what Lean thought, and sniffed the hand hesitantly. Shu's hand was on Lean's shoulder, grounding, and guiding.

The hedgehog seemed satisfied that they weren't going to hurt him and climbed onto Lean's warm palm. Lean's breath hitched.

"It's okay," Shu encouraged him. "Try to keep him as calm as possible, I'll look up the vets in the area, alright?"

Shu was still behind him but his hand wasn't on Lean's shoulder any longer. Lean looked at the hedgehog on his hand and hesitantly tried petting it with his other hand. At first, the hedgehog seemed scared but soon he realized that Lean wasn't trying to hurt him. Lean petted him softly, amazed.

"I found a vet not far from here," Shu spoke, watching him with a smile softer than Lean had ever seen. "We should go. Do you think you can manage to carry him?"

"Yeah, that's fine," Lean answered, sounding much more confident than he felt.

He gently cradled the little thing in his hands, trying to shield it from the rain, and Shu walked beside him, confidently showing the way and shooting Lean a few worried glances. Was it that obvious that Lean was uncomfortable? Lean had so much physical strength, he could crush the little hedgehog to death!

But, Lean remembered. Shu didn't even hesitate when he told me to gain his trust. Shu thinks I can do it, so I will.

The walk to the vet was much shorter than Lean expected. Shu explained their situation and in a second someone came and took the little thing away. Lean instinctively reached out but Shu put a calming hand on his wrist.

"They'll take care of him and then we'll see him again soon. Let's trust the vet and wait."

Lean knew it was more of an order coming from Shu and that he couldn't really disobey but he felt really worried for the little guy all of the sudden. Was he really going to be okay?

"Boys, do you want to sit down?" a nurse asked. Shu replied positively even if Lean could see that he did not appreciate being addressed so casually. There was a story behind it, one that Lean had heard bits and pieces of, but he couldn't remember it exactly.

They went to sit in the waiting room, many people looked up when they stepped inside. An old lady stared at them disapprovingly. Shu ignored her, sat down, and took out his phone but Lean glared at her which made her look away, trying to not show that she was terrified of him. As most people.

"Lean," Shu said warningly. Lean growled but Shu silenced him with a glare. He then went back to his phone.

"What are you doing?" Lean asked.

"Telling Fubuki and Mark where we are. They'll get worried otherwise."

The two of them sat in silence for a long time, owners and their pets coming and leaving as they still waited for the little guy. Lean was starting to get worried, bouncing his leg and biting his tongue and he saw Shu drum his fingers on his thigh. Lean had never seen him do that before.

The sun was starting to set, and with the rain, the darkness was soon overwhelming. The streetlights were dimmed by the drops still falling from the sky and the cars passed through water and mud. It was getting worse. When thunder cracked in the distance, Lean flinched. He saw Shu do the same, then collecting himself and looking at Lean.

"It'll be fine," he said, sounding incredibly sure of himself. Lean was tempted to believe him, but he wasn't sure if he could. Before he had to make a decision, the vet that had taken the little guy from them emerged. Shu was the first to stand, Lean right behind him.

The vet smiled. "Everything is fine. The little one is young and a little undernourished and cold but nothing we can't fix. I'm sorry it took so long."

Lean let out a breath. Shu smiled at the vet.

"Thank you. May we see him?"

"Of course," the man answered and motioned them to follow. Lean's steps were quicker than usual but if Shu noticed he didn't mention it.

They arrived in a little room, posters of animal health checks and physiology on the walls. In the middle was a table with a towel on it. From inside, Lean heard a familiar sound. He hurried to it and saw his little friend come out, recognizing him and making a pleased little sound. Lean put out his hand and the hedgehog climbed on it, then on his arm and into the fur he wore on his neck.


Shu chuckled in the background and the vet smiled. "He seems to like you, young man."

"I guess..."

Shu smiled even more, the same way he usually did before saying something either completely crazy or really fun.

"The little guy needs a home, right?"

"Well, yes," the vet said. "As he is right now, releasing him into the wild would be a bad idea, especially here in New York."

"Lean could take care of him," Shu suggested. Lean made an indignant sound and the vet seemed surprised as well. The vet thought for a moment.

"That's actually not so bad of an idea," the vet said. "Of course, he might need help at first but if you feel up to it, young man?"

Both of them were looking at Lean now and he was feeling a little overwhelmed. Yes, he wanted to have his little friend with him but could he really take care of him? He didn't know anything about taking care of a pet and what if he hurt the little guy on accident?

Shu looked at him, crimson eyes observant, knowing. He walked closer to Lean and looked him in the eyes, reassuringly.

"We'll learn together how to take care of him, what do you say?" Shu asked again, and Lean's mind was made up.

"I'll take him."

"Wonderful." The vet clapped. "Now, he needs a name. Do you have an idea?"

Lean saw the little thing peak out from his hiding spot, big black eyes staring at him with trust, and thought a little. He petted the little guy and came to a decision.

"His name is Harry."

"Welcome to the Bulls, Harry," Shu said and let Harry sniff his hand. Harry seemed to like him and let himself be petted by Lean's teacher quite happily.

Lean smiled. Maybe this day wasn't a complete waste of time after all.

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