Attention Seeking Shu Kurenai x Busy Reader

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Requested by shannusofia. I almost forgot about your request. Hopefully you enjoy this one.

Shu Kurenai and (Y/N) are very good friends. They had started out very awkward, for Shu was the manager of the Raging Bulls and (Y/N) was a young librarian.

Shu had accidentally bumped into (Y/N) when he was rushing to get back home after getting caught in a thunderstorm. Unfortunately, he wasn't looking where he was going and crashed into her.

"Hey!" yelled (Y/N). "Watch where you're going..." She suddenly stopped as she found herself getting lost in the crimson eyes of Shu Kurenai. "Oh, hi."

"Er... Sorry. I didn't see you," muttered Shu while blushing, though he was certain that it was because of the cold he was experiencing.

(Y/N) blushed as well. "I'm (Y/N) (L/N)."

"I'm Shu Kurenai," said Shu.

The two of them forgot all about the rain as they chatted with each other.

It wasn't long before they became good friends. Although neither of them would admit it, they were slowly getting feelings for each other.

To be honest, Shu sort of liked hanging out with (Y/N). He haven't received much attention from his parents as a kid (understatement of the century; he had none). So he liked having someone he could talk to.

But although Shu tried to spend as much of his free time with (Y/N) as possible, she always seemed to be busy.

If it wasn't work, it was babysitting. If it wasn't babysitting, it was a family event. If it wasn't a family event, it was housework. Honestly, there was no end to it.

Of course, the few times (Y/N) was free was when Shu was busy or at a meeting or had something to do. Shu found this very annoying.

One day, Shu wanted to invite (Y/N) to dinner, but she told him that she had to work overtime.

"I can wait," said Shu. (Y/N)'s usual working time ended at six in the evening, but today she would finish at eight. "We can just meet at 8.30 pm. All good?"

(Y/N) agreed, so Shu went to the restaurant at 8.30 on the dot. So he waited. And waited. And waited.

A waiter came up to Shu. "Sir, you have been sitting here for an hour. Are you going to order something?"

"Not yet, I'm waiting for someone," said Shu.

"Okay, but personally, I don't think that your date's coming," said the waiter before walking away.

Shu blushed furiously at that. (Y/N) wasn't his girlfriend... Yet.

At 10.00 pm, Shu finally gave up. He texted (Y/N). "Where are you?"

It turned out that (Y/N) had been called to a friend's house to help out with her younger brother after work, and (Y/N) had forgotten to alert Shu about the change of plans. Unfortunately, she had already gone to bed by the time Shu had sent his message and only read it during lunch break the next day.

Shu had been upset when (Y/N) didn't reply that night and went back home. He wouldn't admit it to anyone, but he actually cried when he got home, which was something he hadn't done in years.

Shu had lost his appetite, so he decided to just take a shower and go to bed. But it took him a really long time to fall asleep. He had to get up early the next day, and he was very tired when he woke up.

As for (Y/N), she had been mortified when she realized how badly she had screwed up. She tried to repeatedly text Shu and call him, but Shu had turned off his phone so he never received her calls.

Shu had to work late that day, so when he was finished, he just wanted to go home and sleep. But he was in for a surprise when he returned home.

(Y/N) was sleeping at his doorstep. Curious, Shu shook her awake. (Y/N), are you okay?"

(Y/N) opened her eyes to see Shu. "Shu? Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to stand you up. I thought that you might be ignoring me, so I just came here so that I could apologize in person."

Shu sighed. "I turned off my phone. It's just... I was really upset. I thought that you didn't want to spend time with me."

(Y/N) looked shocked. "Why wouldn't I want to spend time with you?"

"My parents never spent time with me," said Shu. "When you kept saying that you were busy, I thought that it meant that you didn't want to spend time with me either."

"Oh Shu," said (Y/N). "I had no idea..."

"Actually, there's something else I should tell you," said Shu. "I... Have a crush on you." He went red after saying that.

(Y/N) blushed. "I have a crush on you too."

Shu smiled at (Y/N). "Would you like to be my girlfriend?"

(Y/N) hugged Shu. "Yes, yes, yes."

Soon after that, Shu and (Y/N) tried to spend time together, but it wasn't easy due to their work schedules.

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