Babysitter Shu x Cute Child Reader

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Requested by KaoruKenzaki555. Sorry that you have to wait for so long.

Shu's POV

I went over to Mrs (L/N)'s house to get her daughter, (Y/N). Mrs (L/N) is a close friend of my mother's. When I was little, she would come over all the time when my parents were working.

I haven't seen little (Y/N) since she was a baby. I think she's six years old now. I was only a kid myself when I met her as a newborn.

Mrs (L/N) called me yesterday to ask if I could look after (Y/N) for a few days as she and her husband had to go for a trip and their usual babysitter was sick. I agreed at once.

Mrs (L/N) was happy to see me. "Hi there Shu. I haven't seen you for so long. You have grown up."

"I'm not quite grown up yet," I said. "I'm only thirteen."

"Good gracious! I thought that you had to be eighteen. You have gotten so tall and grown up."

Then Mrs (L/N) called up. "(Y/N), Shu is here!"

"Coming Mommy!" A cute little girl came downstairs. She had a Hello Kitty backpack.

I smiled at her. "Hi there (Y/N)," I said. "I'm Shu Kurenai."

(Y/N) giggled. "You're cute," she said.

Did a little girl just call me cute?

No one's POV

Shu had been initially worried that (Y/N) wouldn't like his sister. But thankfully he was proved wrong.

"This is Kirika," he said as he showed (Y/N) the crib with a infant girl in it.

(Y/N) squealed with delight. "She's so cute! Can I play with her?"

"Sure, but don't be rough. Babies are very delicate."

As Shu worked on his laptop, he kept an eye on (Y/N) and Kirika. (Y/N) played a guess the colour game with Kirika by showing her pictures in a picture book.

"Wad," said Kirika as she pointed at a picture of an apple.

"Yes. Red," said (Y/N). "You like red, Kirika?"

"Wes," said Kirika.

"Now how about this?" said Kirika as she pointed at a picture of the sky.

"Boo," said Kirika.

"Yes, blue," said (Y/N).

"How do you understand Kirika's baby talk?" asked Shu. "I never understand what she's saying half of the time.

"Maybe it's because she's close to my age," said (Y/N). "I was speaking in baby talk myself a few years ago."

"How about you two colour while I prepare lunch?" asked Shu. "Don't go anywhere. I will be nearby."

When Shu returned a short while after with some spaghetti (and mashed potato for Kirika) he saw that the two girls had already completed their drawings.

"Wolk!" said Kirika as she waved a piece of paper.

"She means look," said (Y/N).

Kirika's drawing was a bunch of red, blue and pink scribbles, but Shu pretended to like it.

"Very nice, Kirika. What about you, (Y/N)?"

(Y/N) had drawn a picture of a flower garden with butterflies. She didn't quite colour inside the lines and the grass was coloured purple, but it was quite a good drawing for a six-year-old.

"Wow, this is really good. You're a good artist."

"I like drawing," said (Y/N).

Shu and (Y/N) took turns feeding Kirika. It was quite difficult as she kept snapping her mouth shut at the wrong moments.

After that, Shu and (Y/N) had their own lunch. Shu told (Y/N) that Kirika would have to take a nap after lunch.

"You can watch cartoons," said Shu. "But not too loud."

(Y/N) had fun watching Sofia the First, and after Kirika woke up, they watched Frozen together.

Shu accidentally dozed off at the beginning of the movie, but woke up unexpectedly when (Y/N) sang Let It Go. Kirika was babbling along, clearly trying to join in.

"You like Let It Go?" asked Shu once the song was over.

"Yes. All the girls in class love it," said (Y/N). "Not the boys though."

"Kirika likes it too," said Shu.

That night, (Y/N) didn't want to go to bed. "I want to stay up longer," said (Y/N). "The sky is awake, so I'm awake."

"If you go to bed, I will let you watch Frozen again tomorrow," said Shu.

In a minute, (Y/N) was in bed and there wasn't a single peep out of her the entire night.

The next day, Shu had to go to the Raging Bulls, so he took (Y/N) and Kirika with him. The two girls watched Frozen from a TV while he worked.

Several of the Raging Bulls members came into the office and were surprised at (Y/N), though they were used to Kirika.

"I'm babysitting (Y/N) for today," Shu said.

(Y/N) had a nice time, for the Raging Bulls members made a fuss over her. They gave her chocolates and sweets. Shu allowed her to have one sweet.

That night, as Shu was tucking her into bed, (Y/N) suddenly thought of something.

"Shu, where's your Mommy and Daddy?"

Shu gasped. "What?"

"You are thirteen. Don't thirteen-year-olds live with their parents?"

"Er... Usually, but my parents are... Always busy."

"My Mommy and Daddy are busy, but I see them a lot."

Shu sighed. "Okay. The truth is that my parents don't like me. Or Kirika."


"They didn't want kids. Don't tell Kirika this."

(Y/N) got out of bed and hugged Shu. "I won't," she said.

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