Lui Shirosagi x Innocent! Cheerful Reader

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Requested by 29dipamra. This was an unusual request for me to write. Hope that you like it.

(Y/N)'s POV

I woke up in a good mood. Today I would be going to see a match in the Legend Super Tag League. At least, I think that's what it's called. I went to feed my pet snake, Kaburamaru. I had named her after a snake in Demon Slayer, my favourite show.

"Here you go, Kaburamaru," I said after giving her some food. "Today's a big day," I said happily.

I don't think Kaburamaru understood what I was talking about, but that didn't matter to me. Some of my classmates think that I'm odd for having a pet snake, but I don't care.

After eating my breakfast and getting dressed, I went out. I called out to my mother to feed Kaburamaru later.

"You want me to feed that snake of yours?" asked Mom. "What if he bites me?"

"Kaburamaru is a she," I said. "And she doesn't bite."

But Mom still looked terrified. She has actually fed Kaburamaru several times before when I'm at school, but that has never stopped her from being scared of her.

I cheerfully hopped over to my best friend's house. I couldn't wait to watch the first match of the... Legend Tag Super League? Whatever it's called.

No one's POV

As (Y/N) went out with (B/F/N), they talked about the matches they had seen earlier. "That guy Lain seemed really scary," said (B/F/N). "Can you imagine having to deal with him every day? I feel sorry for his teammate."

"Yeah," said (Y/N). "What's your favourite blader in the league?"

"I think that mine's Free De La Hoya," said (B/F/N). "Yours?"

"Hmm." (Y/N) looked up as she thought. "Mine would be Lui Shirosagi. Speaking of which, I'm surprised that he teamed up with Dante Koryu. I mean, Dante is a Legend and a good blader, but he's way younger than Lui. Didn't Lui win the National Tournament five times in a row?"

"Yeah," said (B/F/N).

Just then, (Y/N)'s phone rang. "Just one sec," she said before answering. "Hello?"

It was (Y/N)'s mother, sounding frantic. "(Y/N), Kaburamaru is missing!"

"What do you mean Kaburamaru is missing?" asked (Y/N).

"I don't know," said her mother. "I opened his... I mean, her cage to feed her, but then I dropped my ladle. I bent down for a moment to pick it up, but then when I next checked the cage, Kaburamaru was gone!"

"Okay, I will search for Kaburamaru right away," said (Y/N). After hanging up, she whispered, "My pet snake is missing!"

(B/F/N)'s eyes widened. "Whoa there. I'm not searching for a snake with you. You know that I don't like snakes."

(Y/N) sighed. "Never mind, I will look for her myself. How many white snakes are there in Japan anyway?"

(Y/N) spent half of the day searching for her snake. But nobody seemed to have seen Kaburamaru. She tried looking for clues at home, but there was none.

It was now evening. (Y/N) was exhausted and starving, but there was no way she was going home with Kaburamaru still missing. But she had no idea where her snake could possibly be.

(Y/N) groaned as she sat down on a bench. Why hadn't she taken Kaburamaru out? She would often have carried Kaburamaru on her shoulders when she went out. She hadn't done so today because of her best friend's fear of snakes.

Just then, she heard a voice call out, "I believe that this snake belongs to you." She looked up and gasped.

Standing in front of her was none other than Lui Shirosagi himself. He had Kaburamaru happily sitting on his shoulders.

"Kaburamaru!" said (Y/N). "How did you find her?"

"I saw this snake in the park a few hours ago," said Lui. "Everyone was screaming and freaking out, so I decided to rescue it. I'm not scared of snakes."

"But how did you figure out that this snake belong to me?" asked (Y/N).

"I bumped into some girl/boy called (B/F/N). She/He told me all about you and how you had lost your pet snake. I was on my way to your house when I saw you calling for your snake."

"Oh. Thank you," said (Y/N). For some reason, a warm and fuzzy feeling was rising in her chest. She relished the thought of being friends with Lui or so much more.

"No problem," said Lui dismissively. "I'll be going off now." He handed (Y/N) Kaburamaru and prepared to head off.

"Wait!" called (Y/N).

Lui turned around in surprise. "What?" he asked.

"Can we hang out sometime?" asked (Y/N). "I would like to know you better."

"You're almost as bad as Dante Koryu," said Lui. "But sure. Maybe Dante would like to tag along."

"Oh," said (Y/N). She had wanted to hang out with Lui alone. But still, it was something.

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