Shu Kurenai x Ex-Wife Reader

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Requested by Kurenai1626. This request was very interesting for me to write. Hope that you enjoy it.

Shu Kurenai sighed as he looked at his laptop. Work, work, work. That was all he seemed to know.

Shu shut his laptop as he was starting to get a headache. Which made sense considering that he had been sitting in the office doing work for seven whole hours.

Right now, Shu was totally stressed and badly needed a break. He was so exhausted that he almost walked into a wall as he went out of his office.

Some people would be astonished if they knew how often Shu worked. He would wake up at dawn and go straight to his office without any breakfast. He would work the whole day and only come back home late at night. Sometimes Shu even stayed up all night doing work.

What people had no idea is that Shu used work as a coping mechanism for something upsetting he wanted to forget.

Five years ago, Shu was married to a lovely woman called (Y/N). They were very happy until one day, when they had had a fight.

"Why on earth do you spend so much time in that office of yours?" complained (Y/N).

"I have to work!" Shu had protested.

"Well, you spend more time in there than with me!"

"Are you saying that I'm cheating on you?"

"No, but I'm starting to consider it!"

"I was being sarcastic. Of course I'm not cheating on you! I'm too busy working to notice other women anyway."

"Ugh! You're always working! I'm not sure that I want a workaholic for a husband!"

"Then maybe we should divorce!"



Shu had regretted it bitterly afterwards, but for some reason (Y/N) seemed to completely vanish into thin air, so he had no chance to apologize for his behaviour.

Shu sadly looked at a photo of him and (Y/N) in his phone. He wished that he could turn back time and apologize to (Y/N). He still loved her deeply and regretted divorcing her.

Shu got into his car to drive home. But then he heard the screams of a child. Curious, he got back out to hear where it came from.

To Shu's horror, he saw a little boy drowning in a lake. He quickly went in to save the boy.

"Are you okay?" Shu asked the little boy.

"Okay," said the boy as he shivered.

"I'll take you to the hospital," said Shu. "Where are your parents?"

"Mommy is working," said the little boy. "I don't have a Daddy. Miss Eleanor is looking after me."

Shu looked around for this Miss Eleanor, but he couldn't see anyone. But there was no time to think. His top priority was to get the boy to the hospital.

Shu's POV

I just sit in the hospital waiting room for news. The little boy, whose name is Noboru, told me his mother's phone number. I called her, but it went straight to voicemail, so I gave a voice message. I don't know why, but Noboru sort of reminds me of someone.

I must have dozed off, because the next thing I knew, a nurse was shaking me awake. "Your son is okay," she said. "He will have to stay at the hospital overnight, but his life doesn't seem to be in any danger."

I was so groggy that it took me a minute to realize that the nurse thought that Noboru was my kid. "Whoa there!" I said. "He's not my son!"

Just then, I heard a voice outside asking if her kid was alright. That must be Noboru's mother. I went outside to talk to her. But I stopped in my tracks when I saw who she was.

No one's POV

"(Y/N)?" asked Shu.

"Shu?" asked (Y/N).

The former couple just stared at each other as if they were looking at ghosts. Just then, a thought clicked in Shu's head.

"Wait, if you are Noboru's mother, then I'm..."

"Yes, you're his father," said (Y/N). "Not that it matters."

"Not that it matters?" asked Shu. "I had a son I didn't know about! Why didn't you tell me that I had a kid?"

"Because you were always working," said (Y/N). "I found out I was pregnant the day we argued. I thought that you wouldn't care for our child as you were a workaholic."

"(Y/N), I'm so sorry for everything I said to you. I didn't really want to divorce, I was just stressed and overwhelmed. I still love you."

(Y/N) looked down. "I know," she said. "I'm sorry too. I didn't mean anything I had said either. I never ever considered that you would cheat on me. But how could I tell you about Noboru?"

"(Y/N), I know that it's a bit too sudden, but..." Shu got down on one knee again. "Will you marry me again?"

(Y/N) smiled. "Yes, a thousand times yes. But first I need to fire an irresponsible babysitter and introduce Noboru to his father."

Shu smiled at his ex-wife. "I missed you," he said.

"I missed you too," said (Y/N).

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