Shu×Reader fluff angst

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A/N= this is a mixed angst with fluff. Requested by DJUTZU

Y/n = Your name
Y/s = Your surname
B/n = your bey's name
Y/a = Your age


   This is the most boring day ever. Im training for like, 6 hours, and yet, not a challenge against me. Boring ass weekend.

   Okay, maybe a little trip won't hurt, I guess I'll go have a walk on the forest, I'm pretty close of BC sol, but I won't dare myself to challenge Free De La Hoya, if I loose my parents will be really mad.

   I walk all trought the forest and I find two guys talking, its in a little beyblade stadium that looks abandoned in the middle of the forest, I fastly recognized the first boy, Free de la hoya. I took a few minutes for the second, Shu kurenai Right?

   Free de la hoya smirks and softly looks at me, and walks to my way.
"Hello, what is your name?"
He askes, Shu kurenai looks curious to me, and wonders how i came here.

  After i told 'em my name, my age, and the reason why I am here, Free just smirks at Shu, and Shu gets a little mad.
Well, anyways, and then, Shu looks better at me.

"You are the so called 'Bey destroyer'?"
Do that means I am famous? That would be amazing. Maybe my parents will stay impressed.
"Yes i am!"
I answer to the albino, that gently puts his hands on my shoulder.
"You know you are going trought the wrong path, right?"

   I look at him for like 30 seconds, when The Prodigy, de La Hoya, comes near me, and whisper in my ear,
"Is Shu so pretty that you are looking at him for 10 whole minutes?"
"Its been 10 minutes."
Great, i lost time that i could use to train.
After that, without saying any other word, i run home. I do look back, and free is smirking at Shu, and i realize his cheeks are bright red.

  I run the faster i can, and i start to train, but then i hear footsteps, my parents are here.
They ask me where i was. I tell them about it, and i told them everything about how Free de la hoya himself knew who i was. But that didnt seamed to be enough.

I could hear my dad screaming with my mom from the other room. Screaming about divorce, of course. They always talk about this.

And, at the other day, i go to a bey stadium that i just found and start to challenge all the bladers that are there.
None has the power to defeat me, some did remeber me about myself, but that doesnt matter by now.

I launch my bey all at the stadium that was before filled with people, as a feel something to touch my head.


I get to the so called 'bey distroyer'. She's training all alone in a stadium at night, i walk closer as i realize she just as a touched her head she backs away and points a knife to me.
Why would she even have a knife?
But, anyways, I make a sign for her to calm down. As she puts the knife away, i ask to train with her, and she accepts.

  As we start  i can feel the tension in the air, she really wants to win, too bad, i do too.


   Shu launches his blader just as Y/n does, the sparks start as what we call a thirty minutes match begins. Shu wins the match with a burst finish, Y/n falls on the floor and starts crying as Shu gets closer and askes what's wrong, yet, Y/N doesnt answer and keeps her head on the floor. Y/N tries to calm down, and then she remebers what will happen when she gets home, she starts sobbing and Shu pets her head, there's no one there. Shu slowly brings Y/n's hand closer to his, but Y/n is crying so badly that she passes out and wakes up at Shu's place.

  After that, Y/n gets home as soon as she wakes up, she run away from shu, and they didnt talk ever since, but that has been a month.
  Y/n hasnt told her parents about her lost, and she ignores her parents fights.


  Theres something between Shu and Y/n, i can feel. I know that they like each other, — they just dont know about that yet, and ill help them to find out.

  I go to Shu's house and I call Y/n, i challenge her to a battle that's in a stadium close of Shu's house and... Its pretty impressive how fast she was.

  Its not like i care for their relashionship.. But Shu has been talking a lot about Y/n lately, and it started to mock me. If he doesnt stop im shoving a french frie down his throat.
As me and Y/n start, as i thought, Shu chimed in, and, started a conversation with Y/n. I was expecting that tbh. The boy is.. too predictable. Well, i slowly walk again. I wont be dragged into this bullshit, no, thank you, goodbye.


    Shu calls Y/n, Y/n doesnt express emotions and keeps quiet, as Shu starts to ask her stuff, such as, why did you cry?
   After a few moments Y/n reveals to Shu that, if she fails, Her parents will spank her half to death. After hearing that, Shu gets so mad, he calls the cops that arrest Y/n's parents.
  Y/n sits on Shu's chair, as she'll be living on his house for a while now that her parents are in jail.

After a few months

Y/n and Shu are getting closer.
Free lost his patience and called Valt to help.

"So Shu likes Y/n and Y/n likes him back but she doesn't know yet?"
Asks valt, to Free.

"Yeah" Free answears monotulesly.

Valt smirks as he and Free start making a plan, Free tries to run away but now that he is in, Valt wont allow.

"I dont need a plan i just want shu to stop talking about Y/n-"

"Yeah, shut up, you're in this with me"


Y/n goes to her training place as she sees Shu in there, Shu doesnt realize Y/n is there, Free is at his side, Shu smiles and starts talking about Y/n,  describing how wonderful she is, and how he loves her. Y/n blushes and Free looks back, Free smirks to Y/n and shu looks back, Both Y/n and Shu start becoming red as valt falls of the tree he was hiding in. Free cant stop himself but laugh at the situation, which makes him not to regret joining the plan.

Y/n goes to Shu and kisses him, and Shu kissed back. Valt is impressed, and Free is... Yawning.

A/n: thats it, but i can make a part two. My motivation has died long ago.
And I don't use wattpad that much.

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