Episode 15 Reviews,Episode 16 Previews

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(Spoiler warning)

The author:So cool

Shu, Lui: What?

The author: You two

Shu, Lui: Thank author chan....(Blushing)

The author: Hikaru, don't afraid the Hedgehog.......

Hikaru: Noooooo(Hold author chan)

The author: Calm down..........

The author: Lane Valhalla, why you bey is black, the original is white...

Lane:........I don't want to tell you

The author: You and Hyuga like same??

Lane: No, we aren't....💢💢

The author: Next episode.......Lui vs lane Valhalla....and shu, don't borrow your launcherto lane.......

Shu: He is my student.....

The author: (Shake head and Sigh) Poor Fubuki

Fubuki: (Crying)......

Shu: (Hug Fubuki) It ok, it ok......

The author,lane:...........

The author: (See harry)So cute

The author: (Take away harry)Can I borrow it?(Run away)


Lane: No, give me back.......(Chase author chan)

The author: No way

Lui, Hyuga, Hikaru, Shu, Fubuki:...............

The author: One more thing, Hikaru, don't crying


The author: Can someone help you


The author: I know one person can help you(Go to find one person)

Hikaru: What?(Still crying)

The author: (Bring Ranjiro) Here.....

Ranjiro: (Hug Hikaru) It ok

Rantaro, Hyuga, Lui, Shu: Ship it

The author: Me too.......

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