Episode 18 reviews, Episode 19 preview

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(Spoiler warning)

The author:Ok....We have Valt vs Bell

Bell:Yeah!!!But author chan......

The author: Hmm?

Bell: Why you didn't tell more about the battle? (Show a sad face)

The author: Well......I think the other moment more than excited.....

The author: Season one.........

Valt: I never forgot this memory

Shu: (Smile)

The author: Then....before the battle...you go to Wakiya home......

The author:(Cut the rope)Bell come down.....

Bell: (Fell on the ground)Ahh.....

Bell:(Started to cry)......

Basara: (Hug Bell and Pat Bell) It ok, it ok...

The author:.....Sorry Bell...my bad......

The author: But....just like Hikaru and Hyuga.....The machine broken again.....😅😅🤣

The author:.......🤣🤣🤣

Wakiya: Author chan......💢💢

The author:...Umm......(Run away)

Wakiya: Come back (Chase Author chan)

Rantaro: (Feel his nose have some red liquid).....(In mind: Why my wife smile is so beautiful? )

Valt: (Give a tissue to Rantaro).....Look like you are thinking something dirty.......

Rantaro: Umm......Thx....

Few moments later

The author: (Touch her painful head) Ok...Next episode, Bell vs Rashad........

The author: OMG!!!!New character!!!!!

The author

The author: Awwww

The author: So excited about you three to come

Free, Shu,Lui: Thanks 😊

The author: ED is so funny 🤣

The author: RIP......Rashad, Ranzo, Basara and Wakiya😅😅😅😅

Bell: He he.....

The author: I so excited about next episode, although have red Valtyrek....But never mind 😊

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