Episode 19 Review,Episode 20 Preview

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(Spoiler warning)

The author:Kawaii

The author: I think Drum and Hyuga is like brother.........


The author: Hyuga, you win the battle, Congratulation(Clapping hand)

Hyuga: Thx (Blushing a little)

The author: But you can do more better.....

Hyuga: Ohhh

The author: You can do you best next time

Hyuga:Thx author chan.....

The author: (Smile)

The author: Ranjiro.....don't be impetuous.....

The author,Hyuga: (Take harry away and ticklehim)

Harry: (Enjoy the tickle)

Pearl: (Sleep on Hyuga head)

Harry: (Climb to Hyuga head and sleep with pearl)

The author: (Smile)


The author: Next episode......look like lane Valhalla vs Ranjiro

The author: Who will......

Lane: Must be me

The author: I didn't finish my sentence.......

Ranjiro: (Sweat)......

The author: You eyes.......(To Hyuga)

Hyuga: What?

The author: Still thinking lane and you lost to him?

Hyuga: (Blushing a little)

Lane: Ha.....(Pat Hyuga head)

Hyuga: Emmm.....

Hikaru: 💢💢💢

Harry and pearl: (Already jumped on author chan head before lane pat Hyuga head)

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