Episode 21 reviews, Episode 22 preview

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(Spoiler warning)

The author:Today is Free vs Bell...

The author: Well, This time you finally win

Bell: Yeah

The author: Well.....before the battle you have dream

Bell: Nightmare......

Basara: (Pat Bell) You too tired, Just sleep again

Bell:(Sleep on Basara lap) 💤

Basara: (Pat Bell head)

The author: Ok....

The author: Illya!

Illya: Hi.

The author:I know you are one of the BC sol members in the past

Illya: You right

The author: Then why you leave? And that the reason you know Rashad

Illya: (Nod head)

The author: Hope have you back story in future,Ok....next episode!!!!!

The author: Gold earing 😏😏

Lui: No again!!!!Enough, author chan

The author: He he.....

The author: 😅😅😅

The author: And we can see Illya bey

The author: I hope I can see the new Longinus 😆😆

Valt: Author chan, you really love Longinus

The author: Of course 😊😊This is the new Longinus 😆😆

Lui: As cool as me 😎😎

The author: 😅😅

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