Episode 23 Review,Episode 24 Preview

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(Spoiler warning)

The author:Finally......Tag battle is starting

The author:It makes me a lot of memories

Valt, Shu, Free, lui, Rantaro:Yeah.....

The author: These two are cute 👇🏻

The author:Valt, you smile is funny

Valt: (Smile nervous)

The author: This is the paired 👇🏻

The author: Valt with lui much better......

Free:........author chan ←_←

The author: Too bad Shu is not here....


The author: What? Wakiya

Wakiya: Nothing

The author: Jealous 🤭😏

Wakiya: No.....

The author: The battle is cool

The author: I thought lane and Hyuga will win, but at last is Hikaru and Aiga win

Hikaru, Aiga: Yeah

Hyuga: Hmm......(So sad face)

Lane: Em.....

The author: Poor Hyuga.......Lane didn't want to notice you

Hyuga: (Crying in the corner)

Lane: Emmm......

The author:......lane go to comfort Hyuga

Lane: (Hug Hyuga tenderly)

Hyuga: (Crying a little on lane chest)

The author: In this episode, I can see Hikaru is adoration Aiga

The author: When he training with Aiga. He is very happy. And bring me some memories

The author: Next episode is Free and Valt vs Rantaro and Sisco.

Hyuga:(Hold Sleeping Harry)

The author: Kawaii

Lane: I give Harry to you for few hours, Don't angry me, ok?

Hyuga: Let me think.....(Touch Harry tenderly)

The author: And last, I love this photo too 👇🏻

All: Why?

The author: Because all of you have Kawaii Smile

Free, Drum,Rantaro, Sisco, Lui: Thx author chan

The author: You welcome. (*^ω^*)

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