Episode 25 reviews, Episode 26 preview

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(Spoiler warning)

The author:I am back, my test is over!!!!

Illya: (Hug Author chan) I so touching, you here, author chan

Bell: 😅

The author: Yeah....last episode you win first.....but.......Lui is not that easy to win

Illya: Well.....

The author: See.....Lui is not that easy to win....

Illya: Yeah.

The author: And here have the perfect Belial!!!

The author: Bell is so cute 😍 (Pat Bell head)

Bell: (Smile and enjoy the pat)

The author: 😊

The author: Ok......And today talk about Why Illya leave BC SOL......It because Rashad......

The author: Is the anime start ship Rashad x Illya?!?!?!? Why today episode have many their moments!!!!!(How do you think about Rashad x Illya? Comment it 😉😉)

The author: (Sigh).......I don't want to talk about Rashad to have Valtyrek......it enough for me......

Rashad: Well.....that good for....um.....

The author: (See Rashad in a helplessness and some contempt in the eyes)

Rashad:.....ok.....forget what I say...

The author: Ok.....next episode.....

The author: Yeah.....Bell vs Lui again!!!

The author: Wonder who will win!!!😆😆

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