Episode 30 reviews, Episode 31 preview

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(Spoiler warning)

The author:Ok....I am late.....because my Chinese history class 🥲

Bell:Poor you

The author: Yeah......(Pat Bell head) Well....today Rashad have new bey......it is Raphael......

Rashad: Yeah

The author:......Finally....you not use Valtyrek again......

Rashad: Hey!!

The author: Then you have battle with Valt,but at the same time, Ranzo and Bell have the battle

The author: Then....let watch the battle

The author: Ok......0 vs 0......

The author: Aww,I want to watch Rashad vs Bell
But...I want Bell win

Rashad: Hey!!!!

The author: That is today episode......nothing special.....just Rashad have new bey.....

The author: But, I love the new op and Ed

The author: I hope Wakiya have DB Wyvern 🙏🏻

The author: 🤣🤣🤣

The author: Here is the ed

The author: Wow 🤩,Bell home is flying

The author: Too many...Rashad.....

Rashad: But it is normal for me.....

The author: If me......I just eat half of your appetite......

The author: Bell....No!!!!!,it is not polite to you grandfather........

Bell: Aww.....

The author: No......

Bell: Fine......(play tricks to author chan)

The author: Aww.......(Get wet) 💢

Bell: He he

The author: Bell, if you play tricks to me.....I won't write one shot about You and Basara.....

Bell: Noooo!!!😱

The author: (Smirk) 😏,know it.....

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