Episode 36 reviews, Episode 37 preview

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(Spoiler warning)
The author: Well, before we watched the battle of Rashad vs Valt......Look we have BBQ In Basara and Hannah home

The author: Too cute 😍

The author:......(Smile and Sight) Just like my friend when it was past.....

The author: Basara.....zombie is not that afraid....it not real....

Basara: Yeah...I know

The author: But you.....(Cover the mouth by Basara)

Basara: Don't say it, it is embarrassing

The author: (Nod head)

The author:Well.....

The author: Please......Valtyrek.....hope you don't broken in next week......

The author: Wow, the Ultimate Valtyrek 😍,I can't wait for it !!!!!!

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