Episode 39 Review,Episode 40 Preview

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(Spoiler warning)

The author:Wow....Today Valt and Rantaro vs Luis and Drum.....

Valt: Aww......

Rantaro: (Sigh)......

The author: It ok you two......Oh I love this moment 👇🏻

All: Why??

The author: It because Lui and Drum just remember Valt....They didn't notice Rantaro 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Rantaro: (Crying on the corner)😭😭😭😭😭

Valt: (Hug Lui) My King

Lui: (Hug Valt)My Queen


The author:😅😅😅

The author:Now I think Shu is acting evil.....🤔🤔

The author: Oh...i love this moment Kawaii

The author: Drum is so cute 😍

Drum: (Smiled)

The author: Next episode.....Lane and shu vs Ranjiro and Aiga!!!!!!

The author: And Wakiya training Hikaru and Hyuga......

The author: 🤩🤩😮😮Maybe it have new bey appear!!!

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