Episode 47 Review,Episode 48 Preview

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(Spoiler warning)

The author:OK,Today we have Free and Sisco vs Hikaru and Hyuga......

Hyuga: Thx, Hikaru

Hikaru: Always, my little brother (Pat Hyuga head

Free, Sisco:You two (Mean Hikaru and Hyuga)
are strong before....

Hikaru, Hyuga: Thx, Free and Sisco

The author: I love this moment 👇🏻

The author,Ranjiro, Lane: Kawaii moment

Hikaru,Hyuga: Thx...(Blushing and Smile)

The author: Then.....Free, Sisco, Aiga,Ranjiro, Lui and Drum......are out......

Free, Sisco: (Smile and sigh)


Ranjiro, Aiga:We did our best


Lui: (Pat Drum) You do your best, Drum

Drum:.......Thx Lui.......

The author: OK........Next episode is Shu and Lane vs Rantaro and Valt

The author: Hey, Lane,Look like shu never forgot you........

Lane: Thx, shu


The author: It looks interesting, I wonder who will win. 😊😊

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