New Helios and Hyperion

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The author: (See something in her IG)!!!!! Yes, Yes, Yes (Jump around)

Shu, Lui,Valt, Free:.........What you doing here, author chan?

The author: Because It have Helios and Hyperion in few months. Yeah

Hikaru, Hyuga: (Hug together) Yeah....we so happy 😊

The author: Here is the New Helios and Hyperion 👇🏻

The author: New Helios is called Volcano Helios
New Hyperion is called Burn Hyperion.....So cool....but Volcano Helios?

Hyuga: It so beautiful 😍 New Hyperion

Lane: (Hug Hyuga) But not as beautiful as you

Hyuga: (Blushing)

The author,Shu, Lui,Valt, Free:Our eyes....painful

Hikaru: (Sigh)........

The author: November 14, one month later....I can't no wait for it 😍. How about you guys think about it? Write down in the comments. 😊

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