< Beyclub!

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Shu left the chat

Wakiya: oh great.

Valt: noooo Shu!!

Valt added Shu back into the chat
Shu left the chat
Valt added Shu back into the chat
Shu left the chat
Valt added Shu back into the chat
Shu left the chat
Valt added Shu back into the chat
Shu left the chat
Valt added Shu back into the chat
Shu left the chat
Valt added Shu back into the chat
Shu left the chat
Valt added Shu back into the chat
Shu left the chat
Valt added Shu back into the chat
Shu left the chat
Valt added Shu back into the chat
Shu left the chat

Ken: hi.

Honcho: gAsP




Daigo: chill guys. He's alright. I got him to talk again

Daigo: actually HE'S BEEN TALKING you idiots. -.-

Valt: oh.

Valt: Forget What I said then ^^

Honcho: What did you do to Ken to get him to talk again? I can't believe I never noticed him talking

Ken: >:(

Daigo: it wasn't me, it was Ryota who convinced him.

Valt: oh! Your little brother?!

Daigo: yea.

Valt: Yay!! Ken is back to normal now then??

Daigo: no.

Ken: I sTilL hAte aLl oF yOu >:/

Valt: i'M sOrRy!

Ken: but I forgive you,

Valt: :D

Ken: except for Shu.

Valt: eh good enough.

Valt added Shu back into the chat

Shu: sToP

Valt: no! Stay! We gotta play the game!

Honcho: no worries! This is quick and it isn't about opinions!

Shu: oh.

Shu: fine I'll stay.

Valt: yay :D

Honcho: ok here is the story, you own a smart car.

Valt: really?! Where?!

Daigo: not actually Valt, just imagine.

Valt: oh.

Valt: yayyy I got a smart car :DD

Valt: vroom vroom!!!!

Valt: Wait— I don't have my drivers license!


Honcho: Imagine you do have a drivers license and you're old enough.

Valt: but I don't wanna run over someone! I never drove before!!

Daigo: just imagine you're good at driving.

Valt: ok .v.

Shu: can we hurry this up?

Honcho: ok, back to I was saying.

Honcho: it's a rainy day and you drive by the bust stop and you noticed three people.

Honcho: one, your most trusted friend, two a pregnant women who needs to give birth soon, and three the girl of your dreams.

Honcho: or boy of your dreams.

Honcho: There are also only two seats in your car, what do you do?

Shu: Well I pick up the boy of my dreams and drive him back home so he doesn't have to use the bus.

Shu: girl*

Wakiya: haha nice try Shu, we all know it's a boy.

Wakiya: anyways I would just drive by them, I don't give a f*ck.

Wakiya: actually I'll zoom close by so all the rain water gets on them.

Wakiya: And then I'll actually reverse and pick up the girl of my dreams even though I don't have one I'll just imagine that I do so I would pick her up and show off my smart car and bring her inside my home to let her dry and warm up from the water I splashed on her.

Honcho: can't decide if you're manipulative or good.

Wakiya: also Shu... you never said whose home it was...

Honcho: oOo

Shu: his home.

Honcho: you don't need to lie Shu~ we all know it's your home hehe~

Shu: no it isn't! I'm serious!

Honcho: whatever you say Shu~

Honcho: Daigo you next.

Daigo: I would pick up the pregnant women and drive her to the hospital of course, the girl of my dreams can wait love takes patience and as I trust my friend my friend trusts me so he would understand.

Valt: oh ._.

Valt; all of you are dummies.

Wakiya: yea and what does that make you?

Valt: smart! This is what you are supposed to do!

Valt: You give your car to your most trusted friend so he can drive the pregnant women to the hostpital while you stay at the bus stop with the person of your dreams!

Daigo: that's actually smart.

Shu: agreed.

Wakiya: Shu translations: "Who is the person of your dreams"

Shu: wha no!

Valt: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Valt: someone?

Wakiya: oh so you actually have someone in mind?

Valt: idk

Shu: boy or girl?

Valt: idk.

Valt: unless you mean like actual dreams?

Valt: cuz I have been having scary dreams of Free's deer.... his deer is evolving...!!!!!!!

Rantaro: not the latter.

Valt: oh ok then just someone, idk who I want .3.

Rantaro: well Ken is next!

Ken: I would go home and re-evaluate my entire life cuz why the heck would I buy a smart car ._.

Wakiya: .

Daigo: Ken's right.

Honcho: Yea, who would actually buy a smart car ._.

Honcho: I deem Valt and Ken's answer to be the best.

Valt: yayyayayyaayayayayyaayayayayaya do I win anything?!

Honcho: you won the heart of almost every character there is what more could you want?

Valt: b e y b r e a d.

Honcho: then beybread it is.

Ken kicked Shu out of the chat

Ken: ok I got my prize done uwu

Daigo: Ken, what did I say about abusing powers.

Ken: you said not to.

Daigo: so put him back.

Ken: ima play some Minecraft

Valt: oh I wanna join!

Ken: let's play then :D

Valt: yeaaa!!!

Ken left the chat
Valt left the chat

Daigo: wait Ken!

Daigo: darn it he escaped.

Rantaro: hey guys wait for me!!! I wanna play Minecraft too!!

Wakiya: Rantaro we need a rematch from before!! That wasn't fair I was on laptop! You know how hard playing with the trackpad is!!

Rantaro: it was totally fair! You're just in denial that I am better than you!

Wakiya: then prove it! This time I'm going on my PC!

Rantaro: fine if that's what you want, I'll beat you again and again~

Wakiya: Yea keep saying that, cya in the game

Wakiya left the chat
Rantaro left the chat

Daigo: oh my god you guys!!! Wth you can't just leave for Minecraft!!

Daigo: ughhhhhhh

Daigo invited Shu to the chat
Shu rejected the invite

Daigo: I give up ;-;

Daigo left the chat

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