An Accident... (Shu Kurenai x Valt Aoi)

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~~ Y'all  motherfuckers were getting too comfortable ~~

Valt yawned as he leaned against the passenger side door, his head on his hand as he attempted to stay awake.
    “It sure was a long day today, wasn’t it Shu?” He asked the man driving, hearing a soft chuckle to his left.
    “It wasn’t that bad Valt. It only felt long because of the paperwork I needed to do.” Shu told him, his red eyes side glancing at him. Valt smiled and shifted his leaning body to the center console, leaning his head against the older man’s shoulder gently.
    “I missed you during those meetings…” The blue-haired blader said softly, yawning yet again. Shu chuckled yet again, eyes trained to the road.
    “I know baby, but that’s what happens when you own a large team like the Raging Bulls.”

See, Valt and Shu now live in America together, the Valtryek blader having moved out there with him so they could be together.  After the whole Red Eye incident, the two bladers started their romantic relationship, Valt almost being like a grounding point for the albino from all the stress he dealt with while being the new owner of the Raging Bulls.
    “On the brightside, you have me until our next match. No meetings to break up our time together.” Shu smiled, quickly kissing Valt’s head before focusing completely on the road. The smaller man giggled and nuzzled his head into his partner’s shoulder more, a bright smile on his lips. It wasn’t too late at night, almost nine at night, the sun still slowly sinking down into the horizon as they drove back to their apartment.
    “I can’t wait! It’ll be really nice having it just be-” Valt stopped mid sentence, his brown eyes widening. “S-Shu, the car!”
    “What-” Was all Shu was able to say before a car slammed right into them hard, the stomach-churning sound of crunching metal and shattering glass echoing the crisp air.

The impact completely smashed in the passenger side where Valt was sitting, their car being pushed before flipping and rolling into a shallow ditch, sitting on the roof. Shu groaned heavily in pain, blood coming from different wounds as he looked at his beloved through blurred vision.
    “V… Valt…?” He called softly, trying to reach out to him. Valt hung unconscious in his seat, sirens echoing through the air as police and paramedics arrived on scene to treat the injured and get statements.
    “Hello?” A new voice called out, two or three paramedics running up to Shu’s car and peering inside. “Alright, two males, one conscious and one not. How are you doing in there sir? Are you okay?”
    “Everything… Everything hurts…” Shu muttered, the paramedics carefully laying him and Valt against the crushed roof on the inside of the totaled car.
    “I know it does, but you need to stay with me. Do you know your name? What day is it?”

The Spryzen blader flinched and groaned as he and his partner were pulled from their car, the paramedics attempting to treat some of their wounds before loading them into the ambulance.
    “I’m Shu… Kurenai... “ He spoke slowly due to the amount of pain he was in, looking towards Valt. “That’s… That’s Valt….” His pale hand attempted to reach out to him again, wincing at the pain.
    “Alright Shu, well we need to get you to the hospital so we can treat you better. Everything is going to be okay, alright?” The main paramedic caring for them told him, helping him onto a gurney. The albino nodded and let out a deep sigh, being rolled toward the ambulance that would take him to the hospital.


    “Are you okay?! How’s Valt, do you know yet?!” The feminine voice asked worriedly through the phone, making Shu flinch slightly at the volume.
    “Doctor says Valt is doing just fine, he’s just getting x-rayed to see if there are any major internal injuries…” He answered softly, glancing down at his broken arm with a sigh. "I’m doing okay myself, but I’m out of commission with blading for the next few months. Valt too, Mrs. Aoi…”
    “I’m so sorry to hear that Shu, I really am. I wish I could be there for you two, but I have to watch the bakery and-” Mrs. Aoi stressed, making Shu smile softly.
    “I know, don’t worry, okay?”
    “If you say so… Tell Valt I love him and I’ll call him later.”
    “Don’t worry, I will. Good night, Mrs. Aoi…”
    “Good night Shu.”

The two finished up their phone call and Shu let out another deep sigh, setting his phone beside him. It was on the closer side of eleven at night in America and the albino team owner yawned, leaning against the pillows behind him. A knock echoed on his hospital room door, a doctor poking his head in with a soft smile.
    “How are you feeling Mr. Kurenai?” He asked softly as he stepped inside, walking over to do a quick assessment of his bandaged wounds.
    “Better, the morphine finally kicked in…” Shu answered with another yawn, rubbing his crimson eyes gently.
    “That’s super good to hear. I’d thought I’d come by and tell you that your friend is doing really well. A couple broken bones, a concussion, and then all of the bruising, he’s going to get better in no time.” The doctor explained, Shu nodding along.
    “Good… Any news on the other driver?”
    “Well, he was drinking and driving if that’s an answer you were looking for. His BAC was four times what it should’ve been, so he was drinking for a long while before getting into his car…” The doctor’s hand tightened on his clipboard, sighing. “He’s alive, so cops are going to take him into custody after his discharge." Shu’s eyebrow twitched in anger. A drunk driver, of fucking course he thought. Thanks America…
    “Well good then, he deserves it…”

The doctor chuckled and turned for the door, saring him a final wave.
    “A nurse will come by a couple hours from now for another round of vitals. Until then, try to get some sleep Mr. Kurenai.”
    “With pleasure…” Shu grunted, lying down as the doctor chuckled again. He left and the Spryzen blader turned to his side, sleep clouding his mind as his eyes finally closed.


The couple was reunited the next day and Valt broke immediately into tears, clinging to his taller partner despite the pain he felt.
    “S-Shu, I thought I was gonna lose you… I-I was so scared…” The blue-haired male cried softly into his chest, the two in normal clothes after being discharged.
    “I know honey, but I’m still here... I’m not going anywhere, promise…” The albino soothed him, kissing his head. Their ride pulled up beside the sidewalk they were standing on and Shu opened the door, helping his injured lover inside carefully before entering himself.
    “I-I don’t trust driving anymore…” Valt whimpered, nuzzling his nose into Shu’s torn black long-coat.
    “I know Valt… But everything is okay now, we’ll be fine…”

Valt sniffled and nodded as his head stayed resting into Shu’s shoulder, trying his best to hold his hand with his own cast in the way.
    “So much for blading in the next match…” He said softly, chocolate brown eyes staring sadly at the plaster on his arm.
    “Don’t worry, we’re in this together…” The white-haired man smiled, tilting his beloved’s head to him and pressing their lips together softly. Valt kissed him back, any sadness or worry he felt disappearing in an instant when his partner’s lips met his. The two pulled away and cuddled closer to each other, silently enjoying the rest of their car ride so they could get home and curl up in bed.

Shu had already called Raging Bulls headquarters to inform them about the car accident, telling his team that they were down a couple bladers for the time being as he and Valt were healing. So with all of the business taken care of, the next couple months involved them spending all their time together and going to any of the matches the team had~

NightBear15 signing off...

~~ >;) Breaking feelings like Red Eye broke beys ~~

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