Badge... (Ben Azuki x Ken Midori)

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~~ The request and plot by PlatyP0ssum ~~

Ken Midori, a rookie police officer in his second year on the force, sat back in his chair at his desk, a soft breath escaping his lips. He finally finished filling out the reports the captain put on his desk when he came in, rubbing the tiredness from his green eyes.

Night shifts are the worst.

The raven-haired man of twenty-four popped his shoulders and sat straight again, organizing the papers before standing.
    “I told you! I didn’t start the fight!” The sound of a man’s rough voice yelled, struggling in the hands of an arresting officer as they walked towards the holding cells. The man, who looked no older than twenty-six, was tall and tan-skinned, his pink hair shaved down the sides and came up in the middle as a messy mohawk, continued his struggle with the officer. His magenta eyes held nothing but rage, meeting Ken’s green for a moment as he slowly stopped his struggle.

Ken blushed and looked away, rushing past them as he took his walk to the captain’s office, his head trained to the floor as he did.
    “Wait, Ken, trade me!” He heard his colleague call to him, stopping dead in his tracks as he turned back around. The officer holding the pink-haired man looked at him pleadingly, making the rookie sigh and walk over.
    “Just this once…” Ken mumbled, handing over his paperwork and taking the arms of the arrestee.
    “You’re the best.” The other officer smiled, walking quickly away from them happily. Ken sighed again and nudged the man forward softly, the two walking down the opposite hall yet again.
    “Thank god, I was sick of how pushy that other prick was.” He growled softly, looking back to get a better look at the officer. “Hey, did anyone ever tell you that you’re fucking gorgeous?”

The rookie officer flushed immediately in embarrassment, his words caught in his throat as he refused to meet those damn magenta eyes. The man smiled softly, turning his head back around to look forward.
    “I’m Ben, by the way.” He told him, his deep voice a lot softer than earlier. The two walked until they reached where Ken was supposed to take him, opening the door and taking the cuffs off.
    “I’m Ken… Nice to meet you…” The officer said softly, giving him a small smile as that little fang of his poked out of his mouth. Ben smiled back softly at him and took a step back, knowing the procedure.
    “Someone will come by later for a statement.” Ken told him, closing and locking the door.
    “Eh, I know. I was arrested once before this so I know what to expect.” The magenta-eyed man shrugged, giving him a smile. “I hope it’ll be you though. You’re really cute.”

Ken flushed yet again at the compliment and shook his head with a small smile.
    “I doubt it, I have to go on patrol in about thirty minutes.”
    “Damn… Well, I hope I can see you again at some point.”
    “I’m sure you will. Hopefully when you’re not getting arrested again.” Ken giggled, a pale hand to his inflamed cheek. He waved slightly to the man in the holding cell and walked off back towards his desk, attempting to calm the quick beating of his heart.

What’s that fluttery feeling though?


The fanged police officer sat in the parking lot that was his designated post as a speed trap, keeping his green eyes on the main road while also checking some things on his car’s laptop.

It was about a week after meeting the mysterious man that was arrested for fighting and Ken hadn’t seen him since his release, the thought kind of saddening him that he wasn’t able to give him a proper goodbye after their encounter. The raven-haired man had found his thoughts drifting to Ben almost every time he was alone in his thoughts, his cheeks flushing and his heart quickening as he did.

Was this what love felt like?

Love, something this poor retired ventriloquist didn’t have a lot of experience in. Apparently no one liked ventriloquism anymore, so Ken decided to retire his beloved puppets after years of relying on them to be his voice, and then decided to become a cop. People like a man in uniform, right?

A car sped down the road and Ken sighed at the speed, pulling out of the parking lot and flicking on his flashing blue and red lights to alert the car to pull over. Thankfully, the driver was considerate and pulled into an empty lot as the cop car pulled behind him Good, Ken thought, having not wanted to chase after someone tonight. The man slid out of his car and flicked his flashlight on, walking up to the car with caution.
    “Sir, do you have any idea…” His voice trailed off as he stood at the driver’s window, finding a familiar pink-haired man in the seat. “... Ben, I didn’t think I was gonna see you.”
    “Hey Ken! ‘Bout been long time, hasn’t it?” Ben greeted with a smile, causing the pale-skinned man’s cheeks to turn pink.
    “Y-yeah, it has been I guess… U-uh, license-”
    “Registration and proof of insurance, all right here for you.” The other man said, handing him the documents. Ken’s cheeks darkened as he nodded and took the papers, biting his lip softly.
    “I-I’ll, uh, be right back…” The officer squeaked, rushing back to his car to run the information. He did his best to calm his breathing and held his hand to his chest, doing the necessary steps to running info.

He took a deep breath and turned on his heel, making his way back to Ben’s car, his cheeks still a deep red.
    “A-alright, here’s that for you…” He mumbled, handing back the documents. “U-unfortunately, I have to write you a ticket since you were going about ten over the speed limit back there.”
   “I had a feeling that was coming, but it’s fine. It doesn’t hurt that much coming from a cutie like yourself.” Ben winked which caused burning cheeks to deepen in color. Ken bit his lip in embarrassment and pulled out his notepad, embarrassed green eyes trained to the paper as he wrote some things down.

The rookie tore the page off and handed it to him, bidding him a goodnight before rushing back to his car. Ben took a look at the paper and felt himself smirk, glancing at his mirror to look at the young officer pulling away.
    ‘I really like you… How about we meet up and go out some time?’ Was what was written on the paper instead of a speeding ticket, Ken’s phone number underneath the text. The pink-haired man chuckled and put the number in his phone real quick and sent a quick message, setting the phone down and driving off yet again.

‘I like you too cutie’ 

Simple and sweet~

NightBear15 signing off...

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