Broken Promises... (Naoki Minamo x Jin Aizawa)

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         "What the hell?!"

Jin flinched slightly at his husband's sudden exclamation, sitting on the couch in his large sweater and holding a cup of hot tea. He sipped his tea, hearing the frantic footsteps in the hall before Naoki emerged from the doorway.
         "Did you lock the door to my lab?!" The young scientist asked, panting slightly. Jin calmly set his tea on the coffee table and leaned against the arm of the couch, his bright green eyes holding a stern look in them.
        "I had too..." He said, his voice quiet like it normally was. Jin hardly raised his voice at anyone, and when he did, it's sort of concerning to those around him. Everyone that knows him knows he's a soft-spoken sweetheart. "Five months Naoki... I gave you that long to stop spending all your time in there... So when you were gone, I had to take a different approach..."
       "You don't have the right to do that! All my work is in there!" Naoki said, his voice raising slightly.
       "You have your tablet, that's all you need for now..." Jin spoke calmly, picking up his cup and sipping his tea again.

Naoki looked like he was going to have a stroke, his hands ruffling his hair roughly as he made a loud noise. He opened his eyes and glared at his husband, pacing around the living room, making Jin sigh.
          "Sweetie, you can last a few months without being in your-"
          "No I can't! All my god damn work is in there!" Naoki interrupted, his voice louder than before as he stopped his pacing to glare harshly at him. Jin closed his eyes and grit his sharp teeth together, his hands tightening on his cup.
          "Don't interrupt me when I'm talking... It's not pol-"
          "No, what's not polite is you locking my lab door without talking to me about it!" The teal-haired scientist interrupted again. Jin's eyes snapped open as they glowed slightly, the bright green irises narrowed at the man in front of him.
          "I had given you five months to get your act together and reduce the time you spent in there, Naoki!" Jin suddenly yelled, surprising the taller blader before him. "You've spent weeks upon weeks in there hardly eating and sleeping, hardly spending time with me, your husband! I'm more important than your stupid science and your stupid lab!"
           "How dare you! My research is more important than food and sleep, it's certainly  more important than you Jin!"

Jin gasped and threw his cup of tea at him, hitting his chest as the hot contents spilled onto him, scorching his chest, stomach, and hands as the cup shattered on the floor. Naoki hissed in pain and quickly undid his vest and shirt, seeing his pale skin turning a painful red.
           "Don't you dare say bullshit lies like that Naoki... You know damn well that that's. Not. True!" Jin growled, on his feet and pointing a finger at him in anger. Naoki looked up at him in fury, his burning hand coming up and slapping him hard across the face before he had time to react. The sound carried throughout their house as Naoki grabbed the front of Jin's sweater, lifting him up slightly in anger.
          "A little bitch like you has no right to treat me like that..." Naoki hissed angrily, ignoring the terrified look in his lover's tear-filled green eyes. He threw him to floor after and stormed off, stomping up the stairs and slamming the door to their bedroom. Jin squeaked softly and flinched, his tears streaking his cheeks as he shakily picked himself off the floor. A small sob left his lips as he pulled his boots on, wrapping his scarf sloppily around his neck before he ran from the house, slamming to door behind him. The snow was falling steadily to the the already white landscape, the cold air making him shiver and his skin flush a light pink. His cheek stung from where Naoki slapped him, the cold irritating it even more than it already was.

Jin slowed to a walk as he cried, his hands hiding in the sleeves of his large sweater, shivering as he walked to his destination. Night was not going to be happy, he knows it, but all he needs is the love and warmth of his mother figure...


           "Coming~!" A bubbly blonde female sang, a wide smile on her face since she wasn't expecting company. Every visit she gets from someone was always special to her. Opening the door, grey eyes landed on the freezing form of Jin, a gasp leaving her lips as she quickly pulled him inside. "Jin Aizawa, where is your coat?! You know better than to be outside without it!" She scolded, her hands on her hips.

Jin kept his gaze to the floor, his hands fumbling with each other as another round of tears filled his eyes, leaving the mother figure concerned.
           "Jin, sweetie, what's wrong?" Night asked, reaching forward and taking his hands into her own. The moment her hands touched his, Jin broke down into tears, hugging her tightly and sobbing into her shoulder. Night immediately hugged him back, her maternal instincts kicking in as she rubbed his back and pressed soothing kisses to his head. She led him carefully to the couch, having him sit down as she sat beside him, placing her hands gently on his cheeks. Jin flinched and jerked his head away from her hands, a small whimper leaving his lips.

And then she seen it, the deep red mark that burned his cheek and was already starting to bruise.
          "Baby, what happened to your cheek?" The female blader asked, brushing her fingertips gently over the mark. Jin didn't answer, refusing to look at her. "Jin, what happened?" She asked again, a little more stern than the first.
           "... N-Naoki... W-we had a fight..." The small black-haired male said quietly, staring down at his hands that rested in his lap. Night grit her sharp teeth together tightly in anger, standing suddenly as he walked toward the door. "W-what are you doing...?"
           "I just want to talk to him." The infuriated female said as calmly as she could.
           "N-Night, no, don't..."
           "I just want to talk to him."
           "N-no you don't..." Jin's voice rose slightly, but Night wasn't going to back down.
           "I just want to kill him, I'm just going to kill him!"
           "No, you can't kill him!"
           "I can and I'm going to!"

Jin stood up, a pleading look in his eyes as he stared at his mother figure.
           "Night, I'm begging you! Yes I'm pissed off at him, but I still love him! I'm the one who provoked him into hurting me!" He pleaded. Night whipped around with her pocket knife in her hand, her teeth grit together.
            "Jin, I love you, but don't you dare say that this is your fault. That bastard had no right to put his hands on you!" The grey-eyed female said, putting the blade of her knife down.
             "I threw a cup at him! I spilled hot tea all over him!"
             "That means nothing though. Granted, you shouldn't have thrown a cup of tea at him, but he still had no right to hurt you..." Night sighed, walking over and hugging him. Jin hugged her back tightly, his face in her shoulder yet again.

The blonde female pulled away and kissed his forehead, having him sit on the couch while she walked into the kitchen to get him an ice pack. Jin sat back and sighed, bringing the bottom of his sweater slightly to expose his stomach. Correction: his pregnant stomach. Jin smiled slightly and rubbed it gently, smiling at Night when she came back with an ice pack.


Two hours later, Jin fell asleep on the couch, his sweater still pulled up slightly as his hand pressed to the skin of his pregnant belly. Night walked out of the kitchen for a second while she was cooking dinner, smiling at the sight of her son sleeping as she walked over and kissed his head, kissing his stomach after. Her smile dropped as she slipped his phone from his pocket, unlocking it with ease as he went to Naoki's contact, calling him.
            "Jin! Thank god, I thought something happened-" Naoki answered immediately, his voice frantic.
            "You're so lucky I love Jin to death. Because if he hasn't stopped me, your entrails would be spilled on the floor..." Night growled lowly, cutting him off. On the other side of the line, Naoki paled when he heard his mother-in-law's voice, gulping.
            "H-hey Night..." Naoki said nervously, sweat beading at his forehead already. "H-how are you? How's Hartz?"
            "Stop trying to change the subject Minamo... What the hell gave you the right to put your hands on my son?"
            "Nothing gave me that right! I was just so pissed off that I wasn't thinking!"
            "You're lucky you didn't anything worse, like hurt my grandchildren that are growing inside him." Night hissed, walking back into the kitchen to finish dinner. "I swear to God, I should call Rei so she could have a say in this."
            "No, please! She'll kick my ass if she hears about this!"
            "Then you better drag your ass over here and apologize. Doing it over the phone is a coward's move."
            "Alright alright, I'll be there in ten..." Naoki sighed, hanging up and wiping the sweat on his forehead away.

Jesus Christ, talking to that woman is scary...


            "So everything is fine now with them?" A light-lavender haired male asked, looking up at his girlfriend who was sitting on his stomach. Night smiled and traced little shapes on what little skin of his chest was showing.
             "Of course, I made sure of it. I hate seeing Jin sad... It kills me inside." The female said, taking her hand and flicking his bangs away from his eye. Red and green eyes stared up at her as Hartz smiled, sticking his tongue out at her which caused her to do the same.
             "You're a good mother Night, but damn, you can be terrifying." He smiled, rubbing her hips slightly.
             "Well duh, they don't call me Mommy Shark for nothing."
             "How about we test that..."

Hartz flipped their positions, a wide smile on his lips before he leaned down and pressed their lips together. Night kissed him back and wrapped her arms around his neck, trying to pull him down more as she melted away at his touch...

NightBear15 signing off...

~~ I'm sorry, but I had to!~~

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