Changes In Taste... (Shu Kurenai x Valt Aoi)

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It all started out as subtle changes, changes that went unnoticed by his albino partner. But when his appetite started to change to where he was denying foods he knew were his favorite, yeah, it was finally noticed.

    “What’s for dinner when we get home, Shu? I'm starving!” Valt asked in excitement, staring at his husband with his big brown eyes. Shu smiled softly down at him, holding his hand as they walked towards the exit of the building.
    "I was thinking of the spaghetti of mine you love so much." The taller man told him, the couple walking out to the car.
    "Oh, uh, great!" The blue-haired blader said, trying to keep his happiness up. Something about having that just made his stomach churn.
    "What's wrong? You like my spaghetti."
    "And I do! It's just, it just doesn't sound that good today…"

Shu opened the passenger door for his beloved, allowing him to get inside.
    "Have you been feeling okay?" He asked him, his crimson eyes looking at him in concern.
    "I've been fine! I just, I just haven't been feeling certain things lately." Valt answered, getting his seatbelt on. The albino man frowned and shut the door, going around and getting in the driver's side.
    "That's what I'm talking about, honey. I've been noticing how you're avoiding your favorite foods, like my spaghetti." He said, buckling up and starting the car. Valt looked over at him before looking away in thought.

Has he been avoiding his favorites?

They drove in silence, tears filling the Valtryek blader's eyes the more he thought about it. He and Shu have been married for over two years and have known each other for many more, so why was he suddenly drifting away from his lover's cooking? Their car pulled into the parking lot of their apartment building, and the moment Shu shut the car off, Valt broke down.
    "Baby, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" He was asked, a larger hand reaching over and taking his.
    "I-I'm sorry… I-I don't know why I'm wanting other things, I-I love your cooking!" Valt sobbed, reaching over and hugging him tightly. The Spryzen blader sighed and hugged him back, pressing gentle kisses to his cheek and head to help calm him down.
    "Valt, it's okay. It's most likely just a change in your taste."
    "B-but, I love your cooking…"
    "I know baby, but it's okay. I won't be offended, okay?"

Valt pulled back and looked into his husband's red eyes, noticing the sympathetic look they held.
    "I-I'm sorry…" He whimpered, sniffling softly as he sat back and unbuckled.
    "Don't be. I'm not upset at you, I just want what's best for you." Shu smiled softly, the two getting out of the car. They shared a better hug before sharing a soft kiss, the two walking into their apartment building hand in hand.


His lunch was spilled the moment his knees touched the bathroom floor, the agonizing feeling of throwing up clouding his head. Valt coughed harshly after finishing, hardly having the time to recover before more vomit climbed up his throat. He was just in the middle of training, training while Shu finished up some documents in his office. And now he's throwing up in the bathroom, practically clinging to the porcelain he was currently retching up in.

Tears brimmed his eyes as he sat back on his legs and sniffled, wiping his mouth on the sleeve to his hoodie. He sighed and flushed the vile fluids away, getting up and walking to the sink. Brown eyes stared at his reflection before he turned the water on and washed his mouth out, splashing the cool liquid on his face to extinguish his burning cheeks. He dried off his hands and face before exiting the bathroom, wandering the halls to get to Shu's office, knocking on the closed door.
    "Come in." He heard, twisting the handle and walking inside. "Hey baby, everything okay?"
    "I just got sick…" Valt mumbled, collapsing onto the couch in the office. Shu looked at him in worry, setting the papers in his hand down before standing, walking over to him.
    "What do you mean? Are you not feeling well?" The albino asked, leaning down and pressing his lips to Valt's forehead.
    "No, I feel fine, I just all of a sudden had a sick feeling…" Valt told him softly, his eyes closed. Shu pulled back and hummed softly, reaching down and petting blue hair gently.
    "Well, you don't have a fever so that's good. Are you just going to lay in here?"
    "If that's okay…" The smaller male opened his eyes slightly, looking up at his husband. Shu smiled softly, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
    "Anything for you, my love."

Shu walked back over to his desk and sat down again, glancing over at Valt one more time before getting back to his paperwork. The poor blader on the couch yawned all of a sudden, rubbing his eyes softly before closing them, welcoming sleep almost immediately.


It took time.

Time to figure out just what the fuck was wrong with him.

Valt swallowed the growing lump in his throat as he stared at the device in his hands, a look of shock painted on his face the longer he stared at the results. Over two years of marriage with his best friend, six years after getting him back from being Red Eye, the many years of them being best friends…

He's having Shu's child

The overwhelming shock and happiness was enough to make him collapse. The Valtryek blader immediately shoved the pregnancy test into his pocket and rushed out of the bathroom, slipping his shoes on and running from the apartment. He's gotta tell him, but he wants to make it special. And he knows just how to do it.

Later on, with Shu on his way home, Valt made sure everything was in place and ready. He was shaking with excitement, his hands holding onto a wrapped box. The Spryzen blader is going to be so confused at first, but it'll be worth it.
    "Baby, I'm home." Shu called out, closing the front door and slipping his boots off.
    "Hi! Welcome home!" Valt smiled, going over and hugging his husband tightly. The white-haired blader chuckled and hugged him back, his crimson gaze noticing the box.
    "What's with the box, Valt?" He asked, immediately sensing the excitement his smaller partner radiated.
    "You have to sit! Then you can open it!" Valt smiled, taking his hand and tugging him to the couch.

Shu smiled softly and unbuttoned his black long coat, slipping it off and laying it over the back of the couch before sitting down.
    "This is a little concerning, honey. It's nowhere near our anniversary nor is it my birthday, so I don't know what this could be for."
    "It's a surprise!" Valt giggled, setting the wrapped box on his lover's lap. "Now open it!"
    "Alright, alright." Shu chuckled, tearing into the wrapping paper. A plain cardboard box laid under the paper, the albino's eyebrows furrowing slightly as he opened the top.

The first thing that greeted him was a note that read 'I love you so much!' as well as a pacifier. Red eyes held a confused look and picked both the note and pacifier up.
    "What the hell?" He asked, looking over to Valt. His beloved husband practically had stars in his eyes, motioning to the box again. 
    "There's more." Was all he said, causing red eyes to look back into the box. He was right because below the note was a pregnancy test, the word 'pregnant' displayed on the window.

Shu nearly dropped the items in his hands, his head shooting back up to stare into excited brown eyes.
    "Are you serious?" The white-haired man asked him, shock evident in his voice. "Are you really pregnant?"
    "I found out this morning after you left." Valt smiled, his hands holding each other happily. "I felt I needed to make it special to tell you."
    "This is exciting!" Shu was beyond amazed at the news, setting aside everything before standing and hugging his beloved in excitement. "You don't know just how happy I am, Valt!"

The blue-haired male was attacked with kisses, all over his face and lips as he laughed at the attention.
    "I figured you would be happy!" He giggled, cradling Shu's cheeks gently. "We're going to have a new addition to our little family, Shu."
    "I just can't wait." Pale hands drifted under Valt's red hoodie, pressing to his currently flat stomach. "Thank you."
    "For what?"
    "For the opportunity to be a father." Shu smiled down at him, leaning in and pressing their lips together gently. Valt kissed him back happily, wrapping his arms around his neck.

A new addition.

The thought just kept sounding better and better~

NightBear15 signing off…

~~ I did say Valt was next bitches ~~

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