Dark Room Love... ~Smut~ (Joshua Boone x Trad Vasquez)

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Trad Vasquez loves photography. It was another passion of his alongside being a bey trainer. He got to follow that passion more after he left BC Sol and moved to America, finding the nature and culture there fascinating.

The amber-eyed male was working on his latest set of photos, they ready to be printed in the dark room. He held special papers in his hands that are going to be printed, the stack neat as it was held together by a folder. Trad walked silently through the hall, not even his footsteps making a sound as he walked.

His body hit the back of another, the folder in his hands slipping and the contents within spilling all over the floor. Trad grunted softly, sighing and kneeling down to retrieve his papers
         "Oh my! Trad, I'm so sorry!" A familiar voice said. "Here, let me help you." They knelt down with him, amber eyes meeting the green eyes of Joshua Boone. This guy was unique to Trad. Despite the fact that he's this super famous movie star, he doesn't really have that big of an ego like some. In all honesty, Joshua fascinated him.
         "Thank you Joshua." Trad said, trying his best to keep his formality despite the growing blush on his cheeks.
         "Not a problem! It was the least I could do." The idol smiled, making the other male's blush deepen.

Another thing about Joshua was that Trad had a huge crush on him. How he acts and how sweet he is to children, it makes the brown-haired male smile.
          "Where are you off to with all these papers?" Joshua asked, straightening up after helping with the stack.
          "The dark room. I'm printing my next set of photos." Trad replied, adjusting the folder in his hands once again. Green eyes lit up in curiosity, tan hands clapping together.
          "You know, I've always wanted to see how you print you pictures! Mind if I tag along?"
          "I don't see why not. Come on." Trad started walking again, the idol walking alongside him.

The two walked until they stopped in front of a door.
          'Dark Room: If door is closed, knock before entering.' a sign on the door said, making Joshua tilt his head.
         "Why do people need to knock before going in?" He asked curiously. Trad opened the door, motioning Joshua to follow him. The name 'Dark Room' is a bit misleading because it's not a completely dark room. There's always a deep red light providing partial light in the room.
         "The solution I use is very sensitive to normal light. If someone was to open the door without knocking as I was printing the pictures, it would make the image fade away with no chance of bringing it back." The amber-eyed male explained, closing the door behind them
          "I see... Fascinating." Joshua inquired, his hand to his chin.
          "This is the other reason why photography is a passion. Yes, there are easier ways to printing our photos, but this is the most interesting way. Very hands on."

Trad set the folder of papers on the table in the room, walking over to a shelf and taking a bottle off, pouring the contents into a tray. Joshua watched in wonder and the other male took one of the sheets from the folder and set it in the solution, coating it entirely as an image started appearing.
            "Wow! That's amazing!" The black-haired male said, smiling widely. Trad smiled back, using tongs to take the fully printed image out and hung it on the line.
            "Yeah. And I do this everyday. Talk about living the dream." The brown-haired male said, repeating the process.

Joshua stared in fascination as Trad printed the photos, looking at all the ones he had printed, his green eyes looking each one over. From flowers to beautiful streams, the Big Five blader found each picture calming.
          "Trad, you're a fantastic photographer! These photos are incredible!" He said, making Trad blush at the compliment.
          "W-well, thank you." Trad gave him the smallest of smiles, hanging another picture up. Joshua remembered this one all too well. About a week ago, Trad wanted to use him as a model. The picture, despite being black and white, was still able to show a familiar sparkle he has in his eyes, that same smile he flashes everyone.

It definitely is a beautiful picture...

Trad had finished printing out the pictures, cleaning up and putting the solution back in the shelf where it sits.
         "I hope you don't mind staying in here a bit longer... Just until the pictures dry entirely..." Trad said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck slightly.
         "No, I don't mind. It's all fine!" Joshua smiled, his eyes catching the picture again. He pointed to it happily, like a child wanting a cookie. "This one is really good! I might just hire you to be my photographer!"
         "R-really?" Trad asked, a bit shocked that the Joshua Boone, movie star and Big Five blader, would think of hiring him as his photographer. "B-but this is just a hobby, something to relieve the stress of being a bey trainer!"
          "Well, how about we turn that hobby into a job! I'm sure Theodore would like the idea!" Joshua was beaming, the thought of Trad being his photographer made butterflies flutter in his stomach. "Come on Trad, what do you say?"
          "W-well-" Trad sighed, sparing him a smile and a small nod. "Alright, I'll do it."
          "Fantastic!" Joshua smiled, hugging him tightly.

Trad flushed red, a little shocked that the taller male was hugging him, hesitantly hugging him back, his arms going around his neck. Joshua pulled back slightly and grinned, something coming over him as he leaned in and pressed their lips together. Amber eyes widened and his skin burned an even deeper red, Trad barely knowing how to react to something like this.

It was his first kiss after all.

It was slow and hesitant but Trad started kissing him back, closing his eyes and enjoying the kiss. Joshua smiled slightly against his lips, deciding to deepen the kiss by licking his lips, begging them to part for him. The slightly shorter male let out a small gasp, giving Joshua enough time to soup his tongue in, declaring its dominance as it roamed the cavern, brushing against Trad's every now and then. Trad let out a small moan, his hands gripping and pulling slightly at Joshua's white suit coat as he pressed himself to his taller body, Joshua's hands tightly grabbing at his hips.

They pulled apart for a breath when their lungs ached, saliva connecting their lips and tongues as Joshua smiled, breaking the string to lean down and kiss his neck gently, wiggling his suit coat off. Trad let out a shivering breath, grabbing his yellow tie and pulling him as he walked backwards, feeling the table and hopping on to make things easier, Joshua pressing in between his legs. The green-eyed kissed and licked his neck softly, tan hands undoing his shirt as he bit down gently, making him moan softly. He pulled back and licked his lips, loosening his tie and undoing his vest and shirt, pulling them off as Trad rid himself of his own, the two malesnow shirtless.

Joshua looked at him and gave him a friendly smile, looking down at his white pants and undid the belt, wiggling his pants and boxers down slightly as his eyes pleaded Trad to do the same. The amber-eyed male, if possible, flushed an even deeper red at the sight of his member and started undoing his own pants, unable to disobey. Joshua moved in closer and kissed his forehead, helping him with getting his pants off and grabbed his hips, pulling them closer to him. Trad swallowed hard, not knowing what to expect since he's never done something like this.

Joshua must have read his mind because he pressed another loving kiss to his forehead, that same smile on his lips.
          "Don't worry Trad, I promise that I'll go easy. I will warn you though... I've heard that it hurts at first..." The black-haired said softly, his tip pressing against Trad's entrance gently. Trad swallowed again and tightened his arms around his neck, nodding slightly for him to do it. Joshua wrapped his arms around his waist, pushing inside him with a small breath, overrun by the sudden tightness.

Trad let out a shivering moan and held on tightly, his eyes shut as he shifted his hips uncomfortably, making Joshua stop.
          "Everything okay?" He asked softly, rubbing his back gently. Trad panted slightly and looked at him slightly, lust in his amber eyes as he nodded slightly.
          "I-I'm okay now... P-please, d-don't stop..." The brown-haired male moaned softly, spreading his legs apart a little more. Joshua smiled and nodded, kissing his cheek softly as he started thrusting gently i to him, his lips on his neck again.

Trad moaned quietly into his ear, one of his hands coming up to tangle in Joshua's hair, his toes curling slightly as the thrusts got a bit quicker. Moans and huffs filled the small room quickly, Joshua's thrusts wasting no time in speeding up as his hands held on tightly to the slightly smaller male, biting gently into his neck again to leave his mark. Trad moaned loudly, one hand in his hair as the other grabbed his arm tightly, tears of pleasure starting to fill his eyes. Joshua pulled back and moved his hands,using them to carefully force Trad to lay on the table,his thrusts never missing a beat as his hand tangled and held Trad's. Trad moaned his name, squeezing his hand tightly as he arched his back.

Joshua forces himself deeper inside the quivering male in front of him, leaning in more and smiling slightly when he felt himself hit a nerve. Trad let out a shivering scream at the nerve, his nails digging into his arm and the back of his hand as his trembling legs wrapped around his waist tightly. The black-haired male winced slightly at his nails but kept his ruthless pace, sweat slowing dripping down his face.  Trad continued to moan loudly, moaning Joshua's name on multiple levels as the pleasure was starting to be too much for him. A knot twisted deep inside of him, his nails digging deeper into his skin the closer he got to his climax. Joshua was close too, his pace slowly turning sloppy since the knot was getting painful. Trad, through blurry eyes, leaned up to Joshua, kissing him as he covered his member and came in his hand, clamping down suddenly on his member. The idol groaned softly into the kiss, the knot coming loose and he released inside of him, pulling back with a breath.

Trad shivered and moaned softly at the warmth that filled him up, laying limp on the table for a second, his eyes closed. Joshua smiled at him and looked at his hand, grabbing his wrist gently and running his tongue along his hand, licking it clean. Trad opened his eyes in surprise, blinking when he seen it was clean now, smiling slightly and taking in a breath.
           "T-that felt... amazing..." Trad said softly, trying to control his quivering body.
           "I'm glad!" Joshua beamed, sweaty but still his energetic self. It made Trad smile.

Someone knocked on the door at the moment, making the two males jump and Joshua pull out.
          "Trad? Are you in there?" Theodore Glass' voice called from the other side.
          "Y-yes, but don't come in." Trad called back, he and Joshua starting to get dressed again.
          "Alright, but have you seen Joshua? His director said he can't find him anywhere."
          "N-nope, haven't seen his since this morning." Trad sat on the table again, his legs still trembling slightly as Joshua fixed his attire.
          "Thank you Trad. If you see him, can you tell him to see his director?"
          "O-of course Mr. Glass." Trad waited and listened, hearing Theodore's footsteps continue down the hallway before disappearing, making the two males let out a breath of relief.
         "That was close..." Joshua said softly, wrapping his arms around the smaller male.
         "T-too close..." Trad agreed, his arms around his neck. Joshua smiled at him kissing his lips softly before kissing forehead, pulling back from him.
         "I hate to do this Trad but I have to go. But I do hope you'll stop by my room tonight." The offer made Trad smile, pecking his lips one more time.
         "Count on it Joshua..." Trad said, letting him go. Joshua smile and kissed his forehead one more time before going to the door, slipping out the door and closing it. Trad took in a breath and stood, looking at all his pictures and started taking them down since they were dry.

Trad walked out of the Dark Room with the photos in hand, walking down the hall to his room. He looked down at the stack and smiled, the picture on top being the one of Joshua, his movie star lover.

FantaFox333 ;3 2200 words

NightBear15 signing off...

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