Flowers... (Fubuki Sumie x Suou Goshuin)

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Watering all of the different kinds of plants in his garden, Suou hummed quietly to himself. His coat laid carefully to the side, his pale skin glowed slightly in the sunlight coming through the greenhouse while he cared for his plants. Gardening was fascinating to him, beautiful even, and it was a great way to clear the mind. So to say Fubuki Sumie stared in awe at the sight of his silver-haired friend was an understatement. He was completely overthrown by the beauty standing in front of him, drawing out that silly little crush he’s had for the longest time out even more.
    “What’s brought you by Fubuki?” Suou asked, that same caring smile of his on his lips as he turned to the other blader.
    “A-ah-” Fubuki cleared his throat and gave a small smile. “I thought I’d come by on my way home.” Suou continued watering his plants, a small laugh passing his lips.
    “That’s a great excuse.” He told him, turning to look at him again. “Now, what’s the true reason you’ve stopped by?”

Fubuki blinked then smiled, a hand on his hip as he closed his eyes for a moment.
    “I can never get anything past you, can I?” The blonde asked, walking further into the greenhouse.
    “Not past my eyes unfortunately.” Suou answered, setting his watering can down as he gave the other man his full attention.
    “Alright, you got me. I’ve always wondered how you cared for your plants, and I’ve had the plans to make my own, so I thought you could show me some tips.”
    “Is the great Fubuki Sumie asking for help?” The albino teased, watching as a soft blush tinted his friend’s cheeks.
    “Well, I’d be more than happy to help you get started.” Suou smiled happily, waving him over to start with the lesson.

He had spent the next forty-five minutes going over the different things he did in maintaining his garden. From how to take care of the soil to properly watering each different type of plant, he explained with a smile. Of course it didn’t go unnoticed by the Bey Club leader, often giving him such loving looks and kind smiles from the amount of happiness he heard in the younger male’s voice.
    “So, any questions?” Suou asked at the end of his explanation, turning back to his blonde friend. He stopped a moment, noticing the look he had and raised an eyebrow. “Fubuki, why are you looking at me like that?”
    “I kept hearing how happy you sounded and it made me think about how lucky I am.” Fubuki answered, his smile never faltering. Suou furrowed his eyebrows at him, his arms holding each other as they normally do.
    “Lucky? About what?”
    “How lucky I am to have such a great friend like you.”

Something ached in the silver-haired male’s chest when he said ‘friend’, something about the word itself not sitting right with him. He played off the feeling as his pale cheeks dusted pink, faking a small smile.
    “You don’t have to say you’re lucky. Fate is what brought us together.” He told him, tilting his head slightly. Fubuki chuckled and shook his head, smiling at him.
    “There you go again, trying to be so modest.”
    “Is that not how I always am?”
    “Well, yes, but you don’t always have to.” The Forneus blader said, his hands on his hips. “The more modest you are, the more people will try to use that against you. I don’t want it to hurt you in the end.”
    “Your concern is definitely appreciated, Fubuki.” Suou smiled at him. “I’ll be fine though.”
    “I believe it. Thank you for the lesson for gardening as well, I’ll put practice in and tell you how it went.”
    “You better. I look forward to seeing your work.”

Fubuki wished his crush a good night with a wave as he walked to the door, disappearing behind it as he left. Suou felt his smile drop after he left though, placing a hand to his inflamed cheek in thought. He let out a breath and sat on the bench his coat sat on, looking out into his garden.
    ‘What is this feeling…?’ He asked himself, rubbing the burning skin in thought. He leaned against the bench, eyebrows furrowed. ‘Strange…”


Closed golden eyes stared in surprise at what was held out in front of him before looking up into red eyes. He was at a complete loss for words, looking back down at the beautifully crafted bouquet of flowers.
    “W-what’s all this about?” He finally managed to ask, looking back up into his friend’s red eyes. Fubuki had that smile from the other day on his lips, a look Suou was not familiar with in his eyes as he held the bouquet he made towards the Salamander blader.
    “I took what I learned and made this for you. A great way to pay you back.” The Forneus blader said, taking his hands gently and transferring the flowers into his hands. He took a step back and looked at his albino teammate, suddenly feeling a blush spread across his cheeks as he stared. Suou held the bouquet in both of his hands, staring down at them with a fiery blush on his cheeks.
    “F-Fubuki, you really didn’t have to do this-” Suou looked up and squeaked suddenly, noticing how close the team captain was all of a sudden, gripping the stems of the flowers tighter. “F-Fubuki?”
    “You have no idea how high the urge is to kiss you right now…” The older blader said suddenly, an overwhelming confidence in his chest. Suou looked surprised, his lips twitching slightly in embarrassment.
    “W-well… Why don’t you?”

It was Fubuki’s turn to look surprised, staring at the silver-haired male in shock. He bit his lip and grabbed Suou by the waist suddenly, pulling him into his body before slamming his lips against the other’s. The overwhelming shock clouded the Salamander blader’s head as Fubuki kissed him, slowly giving into the feeling as he wrapped his arms around his neck, bouquet still in hand. Hands gripped his waist tighter as the captain poured all of the love he had bottled deep inside into the kiss, things slowly getting heated as the softness melted into a full-on makeout.

Suou whined subconsciously into his lips upon feeling things turn, the two pulling away with a heavy breath.
    “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that…” Fubuki said with a huff, slightly breathless from the little makeout session.
    “T-that… T-that was amazingly intense…” Suou said quietly, his arms tightening around the Forneus blader’s neck slightly.
    “I’ve had the largest crush on you for the longest time Suou. Seeing you holding those flowers in your hands made you look even more beautiful than you already are.” The older male confessed, still holding onto the other’s waist. Suou felt himself blush deeper but give a smile nonetheless.
    “Thank you for the flowers and the wonderful confession…”
    “So, would you like to go out with me?”
    “I would love to…”

To say Fubuki was happy would be an understatement, as he was completely ecstatic at the answer he got, pressing another but softer kiss to the pale-skinned blader’s lips. They pulled away and Fubuki took his hand gently, giving it a light squeeze.
    “I hope the next time I see you holding a bouquet of flowers like that, you’ll be walking down the aisle.” The blonde said to him, the two walking towards the exit of the rooftop. Suou’s cheeks burned a deep shade of red, bumping his shoulder against the other’s gently.
    “G-getting a little ahead of yourself, Fubuki!” He squeaked, a new level of embarrassment in his chest. Fubuki laughed, bringing their joined hands up to kiss Suou’s gently.
    “Let me dream.”
    “M-maybe when we get further in our relationship!”
    “Where’s the fun in that?”

Well, let’s say that Fubuki got his wish later down the road, falling in love all over again at the sight…~

NightBear15 signing off...

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