Grief... (Arman Kusaba x Gywn Reynolds)

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A shrill cry erupted through the silent atmosphere, the sound making a young man shoot up straight in his bed.
    "I'm up!" He yelped, his brown hair sticking up and out in several directions. Green eyes blinked, realizing what was going on and sighed, shuffling out of bed to tend to his baby brother. The twenty-two-year-old shuffled into the nursery with a yawn, scooping the crying newborn out of the crib and rocking him. "Shh, hey buddy... It's okay Taka, big brother is here..."

Baby Taka cried and cried as the man did what he could, walking out of the room and toward the kitchen to prepare a bottle. The baby's cries seemed to grow louder as he groaned, skillfully making the bottle with one hand as he attempted to calm the infant.
    "Taka, please, I'm trying..." He whined, waiting for it to heat up as he rocked back and forth. This was harder than everyone made it out to be... With the bottle finished, the young man nudged his baby brother with the nipple, the infant refusing to latch onto the bottle. "Buddy, you have to... Please..."

Taka continued crying, squirming in the arms that held him and making his brother sigh. Their mom would've been able to handle this... Tears filled green eyes at the memory of the phone call he received just the other day, trying to level his breathing as he grabbed his phone. Unlocking it, he went to his contacts, wincing at the time and pressing call. The brown-haired man held the phone to his ear, listening as it gave a couple soft rings.
    "Hello...?" A certain sleepy voice drawled, making him wince again.
    "Hey Gwyn, did I wake you? I'm sorry."
   "You know for a fact I barely sleep, Arman. What's up?" Gwyn told him with a soft laugh, finally hearing the crying in the background. "What's going on? Are you and Taka okay?"
    "Yeah, we're fine, it's just- I've done everything, Taka won't stop crying, I'm so tired a-and-" Arman babbled, tears in his eyes as his voice choked. "I-I need help..."
   "Say no more, I'm on my way..."


Twenty-year-old Gwyn Reynolds shut off his car and got out, locking it before shuffling up the porch stairs of his partner's house, knocking on the door. He could hear the crying from where he stood and his heart broke, the door opening and revealing an exhausted and emotional Arman Kusaba.
    "Gwyn, I'm sorry, I didn't know who else to call..." The broken man whined, letting the petite male into the house.
    "You should know you can call me about anything. Here, pass him to me..." Pink eyes started kindly at him, holding his arms out. Arman nodded and carefully passed the newborn over, running a shaky hand through his disheveled hair.

The white-haired male held the baby close and rocked slowly, hushing him gently.
    "Shh Taka, everything is alright..." He spoke softly, pressing gentle kisses to the soft forehead. And in no time, right in front of stressed green eyes, his baby brother slowly stopped crying, Gwyn taking the bottle and feeding him.
    "... Have I told you how much I love you?" Arman spoke after a moment, collapsing on the couch with a grunt.
    "All the time, honey..." Gwyn smiled, taking a careful seat next to his boyfriend. The infant ate happily, the two adults sitting in a nice quiet. "... Are you doing okay? You have really answered my texts..."

Arman sucked in a breath at the question and felt tears fill his eyes, slowly breaking down as he started crying.
    "I-it's only been a week and I'm falling apart. I-I can't be a dad yet, I just graduated college." He cried, pressing his palms into his watery eyes. You see, Arman's parents just recently passed away in a tragic accident, their adult son becoming a father and severely depressed shortly after. The other members of the Victories knew he was going through a hard time and attempted to reach out of course, only to be left on read and ignored.

Gwyn was the only one to successfully receive a message or two from him...

The smaller male frowned and leaned up carefully, pressing a gentle kiss to his beloved's cheek.
     "Let me finish up with the baby and you and I can lay down and talk..." He spoke softly, smiling softly as he moved to burp the freshly fed infant. Arman smiled softly and nodded, kissing his partner's head gently.
    "That sounds fine by me, thank you again..."
    "I'm your boyfriend, I'm supposed to help..."
    "Doesn't mean I can't thank you for what you've done." Arman stood and stretched, sniffling softly and brushing his tears away.
    "Alright, fair enough..."

Gwyn burped a now content and sleepy baby Taka, standing carefully and moving toward the nursery as he bounced him in his arms gently. Arman followed behind and watched, a soft blush on his cheeks the more he watched. He'll make a great mother one day... Gwyn hummed quietly as he laid the newborn down, turning the mobile on as the baby fell asleep. The couple walked out of the room quietly and Arman sighed, kissing him the moment they were out of the room.
    "Gwyn, I love you so much, oh my god..." He mumbled, hugging him tightly. The petite male laughed softly and hugged back, pulling away as they made their way to the bedroom.
    "I love you too... No matter what, I'm always here if you want to talk, or if you need a distraction..." He smiled, collapsing on the large bed with a breath. Arman laughed as well as he closed the door, walking over and collapsing beside him.
    "I know and that's why I love you..."

They looked at each other and leaned in, sharing another wonderful kiss. This one, filled with a lot more love, helped the oldest ease his mind, the two deciding to take their minds off the sadness with a little bit of fun.


Arman sniffled as the priest spoke, the two caskets slowly being lowered into the prepared holes. Gwyn stood beside him holding Taka, his partner's arm wrapped securely around him as he tried his hardest not to cry. He needed to stay strong.

For Arman.

When lowered completely, the couple tossed a couple of flowers into the holes, landing on the caskets gracefully. The brown-haired man picked up some of the prepared dirt, tossing a handful in each of his parents' graves before brushing a tear away with his sleeve.
    "I'll do my best raising Taka... Thank you for being such amazing parents to me..." He spoke as he bowed his head, hugging his small family as a couple men started shoveling dirt into the graves. Gwyn leaned his head into his partner's side, sniffling softly himself as the infant slept against his chest.

The graves filled and bouquets laid amongst them, the small family walked with the crowd of friends and extended family back to the church, Arman and Gwyn bidding everyone goodbyes and walking to the car.
    "That was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do..." The twenty-two-year-old mumbled, buckling the car seat into the car and buckling Taka in.
    "I know honey, I'm so sorry..." Gwyn told him, rubbing his back before they got into the car. Driving home, the two held hands tightly, quietly listening to the radio. Pink eyes started out the side window, watching scenery fly by while they drove.
    "Gwyn?" Arman called suddenly, glancing over every now and then.
    "Can you help me raise Taka? Like, move in with me and everything?"

Gwyn looked over in surprise, at a loss for words for a moment. He smiled softly soon after, squeezing his hand tightly.
    "I'd thought you'd never ask..." He told him, bringing his hand up and kissing it softly. Arman glanced over with a smile as they pulled home, ready soon to start their new journey.

As a family~

NightBear15 signing off...


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