Here Comes The Planning... (Shu Kurenai x Valt Aoi)

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    “Dinner was great! I love it when you make that awesome spaghetti of yours!” Valt grinned at his partner as the two walked the sidewalks of Japan. He and Shu were back in town visiting Valt’s mom and the twins for a week, Shu taking time to get out of his stuffy office at the Raging Bulls headquarters. The albino team owner gave him a soft smile, squeezing the hand he was holding gently as they walked.
    “I’m really glad. Someone has to be able to cook in our house.” He said, a teasing glint in his crimson eyes. Chocolate brown immediately snapped up to him in offense, a noise of disapproval coming from the smaller blader.
    “Hey! I’ve been practicing my cooking skills!” Valt pouted, taking his hand away and crossing his arms over his chest. 

Shu chuckled and kissed his head as they came up to a familiar park, past memories fronting in his thoughts.
    “Hey, remember this park?” He asked, stopping in his tracks with Valt stopping beside him. The blue-haired blader stared out at the park and at the bey stadium both he and Shu battled at a lot, smiling at the pleasant memories.
    “You and I put so many hours into training here.” The Valtryek blader recalled, taking the steps up the pavilion to the stadium. “I remember watching you practice launching with your left arm.” Shu came up behind him, Spryzen resting in his hand as he laid his chin on his partner’s shoulder.
    “How about a battle for old times sake?”
   “I thought you’d never ask!”


Valt picked up the pieces of Valtryek as Shu did the same for Spryzen, the two smiling at each other. They’ve battled a few times and they each ended in a draw, just proving how matched their power is.
    “Wow, I forgot just how strong you are.” Valt smiled as he put his partner back together. When he looked up, his smile dropped as well as Valtryek upon finding Shu down on one knee in front of him. His brown eyes were wide and his voice was stuck in his throat, staring into those crimson red eyes he fell in love with years ago.
    “Valt Aoi, you and I have been together for over four years. Even after the whole ordeal with Red Eye, you still saw me as the same blader I was back when we were kids.”Shu started, his hands holding an engagement ring. “I love you with all of my heart and soul, so will you please marry me?”


    “... Valt?” Said blader snapped out of his thoughts, shaking his head slightly and looking to his beloved that sat beside him. “Did you hear anything we were talking about?” A soft blush stained his tan cheeks, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
    “Sorry, I guess I just zoned out really hard.” He laughed softly, trying to play it off. “... Uh, what were we talking about again?”
    “Flower arrangements.” Suou told him with a soft smile, the gardener setting out pictures of different bouquets and arrangements he’s done. “For your bouquet, the centerpieces on guest tables, for things like that.” The younger blader told the couple, pointing out the different styles he’s done.

So many choices yet so little time.

Shu and Valt have been engaged for a couple months already, doing everything they could to plan out their perfect wedding. These two are planning on involving everyone they thought would be of benefit on their big day, hence why they came to Suou for their flowers.
    “These are gorgeous, Suou. Fubuki wasn’t kidding when he told me about your arrangements,” Shu complimented, causing the younger albino to blush softly.
    “Well, thank you. I’ve had practice since I was young, but it still means a lot to me, Shu.”
    “Wow, I never knew flowers could be this colorful!” Valt beamed, taking each picture and looking them over. “You really have a gift!”
    “A-Ah, thank you.” Suou set a hand against his inflamed cheek, smiling at the couple in embarrassment. 

Man, only Fubuki could fluster him this easily…


    “So, what was it you were zoning out about earlier?” Shu asked as they walked towards the direction of Valt’s mom’s house, hands holding each other while they walked. Valt smiled softly at the recollection of his thoughts, looking up into crimson eyes.
    “The night you proposed to me, Shu.” He told him, hugging his partner’s arm gently. The albino blinked and thought back to the day he indeed proposed, a fluttery feeling in his chest.
    “Definitely one of my favorite memories we have together, my love.”

Shu remembered the day very vividly. The happy look he drew from the smaller blader, the tears that filled his eyes as he ran around the stadium and jumped into his arms. He knocked him over that day, chuckling softly as Valt uttered ‘yes’ to him over a dozen times while trying not to cry.
    “Hard to believe that next May, you and I are getting married.” Valt said truthfully, squeezing the pale hand softly. “Before we started dating, I never thought of things like this before. Only Beyblade and keeping my title.”
    “May is a beautiful time of year for a wedding, baby. I think we picked a good month.”
    “Did I tell you that Honcho called me the other day? Guess what he just did?”

Shu grew skeptical all of a sudden, letting out a soft sigh. Rantaro Kiyama was full of surprises… What did he do now?
    “What did he do? Is he in trouble again?” The silver-haired blader asked, raising an eyebrow.
    “No, the opposite actually. He told me he got ordained the other day, and asked if he could officiate our wedding.” Valt told him, smiling at him. 
    “He… What?” Shu questioned, thoroughly confused. Rantaro seriously became a minister just to officiate their wedding? What a strange man…
    “I’m not kidding. He’s a minister now, and he wants to be the one to marry us.”
    “... We’ll think about it.”

Valt laughed as they made it back to the bakery, opening the door and walking inside.
    “Hey you two! Back just in time for dinner!” Mrs. Aoi told them happily, her and the twins already in the kitchen. The couple took their shoes off and greeted the family, Shu ruffling Toko and Nika’s hair when he passed them.
    “Dinner smells awesome mom!” Valt grinned, sitting at the table with his lover. Mrs. Aoi smiled, setting dinner on the table as everyone filled their plates.
    “Thank you for dinner, Mrs. Aoi.” Shu smiled at her, taking a bite of the meal.
    “You cooked yesterday, so this was only fair!” The woman pat his shoulder gently, sitting down with the kids. “Where were you and Valt off to today?”
    “We went and talked to Suou!” Valt beamed, fork in his hand as he spoke. “He’s going to be providing the flowers for the wedding.”

Mrs. Aoi smiled at the mention of the big day, remembering when the couple asked if she could help cater for the event.
    “Well that sounds great! I did hear he’s quite talented with gardening.” The mother smiled, everyone eating happily.
    “He is really talented mom.” Toko piped up, setting his fork down a minute as Nika nodded beside him.
    “It was a really good idea to enlist his help for your wedding!” The girl smiled, clasping her hands together for a moment.
    “Fubuki told us about his talent.” Shu informed them, his head leaning into his hand. “I’ve known Fubuki since he was younger, and yet I never heard him speak so highly of someone before.”
    “That’s because he and Suou are dating!” Nika gushed, remembering when she saw them sneaking kisses during a video analysis. “They’re not public with their relationship yet, so I never told any of you. Okay, Valt?” 
    “Hey, don’t only target me!” Valt whined, pouting slightly.
    “You’re terrible at keeping your mouth shut, so I’m not surprised Nika emphasised you.” Toko laughed, standing and taking care of his plate.

Valt huffed and crossed his arms, pouting in his seat after finishing dinner.
    “You guys are so mean…” He said softly, looking over when Shu touched his shoulder gently.
    “I love you, but I agree with your sister on this one.” His albino partner told him, chuckling at the offended look he got.
    “Nika, you know I can replace you as my maid of honor right?” The blue-haired blader asked her, looking back at her. Nika gasped dramatically, a glare in her eyes.
    “You wouldn’t dare!”
    “But I would.”

The siblings went back and forth with each other, both Shu and Mrs. Aoi watching in amusement the more they went. Those two are just too funny to break up~

NightBear15 signing off...

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