Loving An Edgelord... (Valt Aoi x Daigo Kurogami)

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One word to describe Daigo Kurogami?


Hands down the only word to sum him up. Considering his attitude towards certain things and people, it's pretty accurate. Not that Valt cared.

To Valt, he personally loved his dark and brooding attitude. It was made Daigo, well... Daigo. He was also one of the very few people to put up with his childish personality. But he also felt weird around the black-haired male.

Sure he was still super excited to see him and train with him, but he also felt the need to change when he was around. He feared that he'll lose him as a friend if he kept acting the way he did, so he changed.

Apparently, since the others were so accustomed to the way he was, they noticed the change immediately. He wasn't the normal bubbly Valt everyone was so used to.
        "What do you think is up with Valt?" Daigo asked Rantaro, watching as he practiced with Ken.
        "I'm honestly not sure. This is a first for me too, I've never seen him so... Calm." The tall blonde replied, placing his hands in the front of his pants.
        "Strange... Do you think someone got to him? I haven't seen him like this since Lui..."
        "Maybe. What do you think? Should we confront him about this?"
        "I don't think we both need to pressure him about it... I can do it myself." Deep purple eyes gazed at the dark blue-haired male, a soft smile gracing his lips.
        "Whatever floats your boat Daigo."


Valt walked down the sidewalk, keeping his gaze to his feet as he did. His hands held the strap to his bag tightly, trying to keep himself focused.

A picture of Daigo slithered into his thoughts, causing him to flush and shake his head. Things like this happened all the time now. Sure he should've gotten used to it by now, but no matter what, thinking of the black-haired male always made him flush red.

A hand tightened around the strap, keeping the pace he was walking.
        "Hey... Valt?" A familiar male's voice asked, the chocolate-eyed male turning to face him.
        "Oh... Hey Daigo." The bluenette said, giving the other male a smile. Daigo kindly returned it, walking up alongside him.
        "What are you up to?" He asked as they continued walking down the sidewalk.
        "Heading back to my house for dinner. Wanna come? My mom always makes extra." Valt offered, his smile widening and his eyes shining.

Daigo let a small chuckle escape his lips, his deep purple eyes glancing at the other male.
        "Sure. I need to talk to you about something anyway." He said, moving his hands to his jacket. They came up to Valt's house, the dark blue-haired male opening the front door.
       "I'm home mom! And I brought Daigo!" He called out, closing the door after the other male walked in.
       "Perfect timing Valt! I just finished dinner." Mrs. Aoi said as she placed a basket of bread on the table. "And what a surprise Daigo, I haven't seen you in a while. How's your little brother?"
       "He's doing good Mrs. Aoi, thank you." The black-haired male replied with a small smile.
       "That's good. Now go wash up for dinner, both of you. Valt, tell Toko and Nika to wash up too."
       "Got it mom. Come on Daigo!" The bluenette grabbed his hand and pulled up the stairs. He knocked on the door to the twins' room. "Toko! Nika! Mom said to wash up, dinner's ready!"

After receiving a simultaneous "ok!" from the twins, he and Daigo went into the bathroom to wash up.
        "What was with you today?" The purple-eyed male asked as he dried his hands off.
        "Wha? Nothing. Why do you ask?" Valt replied, looking back at his friend.
        "You haven't been yourself... You've been... Calmer..."
        "I don't follow." Genuine confusion was written on the dark blue-haired male's face, making Daigo sigh.
        "I'll tell you later..."


The two males took shelter in Valt's room after dinner, Daigo already told he could stay for the night.
        "Alright, you and I look about the same size, so these should fit you." Valt said as he handed Daigo a shirt and a pair of shorts.
        "Thanks Valt..." The black-haired male replied, walking off to the bathroom to change.

Once back, and the door closed when he did, he sat next to Valt on his bed.
        "Now, we need to talk. You've been acting really strange lately. The others are starting to worry too." Daigo said, his purple eyes focused on the bluenette next to him.
       "Oh yeah. I still don't understand what you mean by that. I'm still me." Valt replied, giving him a smile.
       "But you're not. Everyone has seen a change in your personality. Even Wakiya."

At the mention of Wakiya noticing something up, it peaked Valt's interest.
       "We all feel like someone had gotten to you during a battle or something. We just didn't know for sure." Daigo explained, purple staring into chocolate brown. Memories of his problem flashed in his thoughts, making the bluenette stiffen and flush.
        "I-I guess you could say someone got to me..." Valt said softly, tearing away from the gaze and rubbing his arms.
        "Really? If someone was getting to you, you would tell us right? Who is it?"
        "W-well... It's, uh... I-it's you..."

Hurt flashed across the black-haired male's eyes, Valt taking notice and waving his hands back and forth quickly.
        "N-not in a bad way! I didn't mean it in that sense!"
        "Then... Why am I the one that made you change all of a sudden? Did I do something to upset you?"
        "N-no, you did nothing wrong! It just that... You're always on my mind for some reason, and I don't know why... It always makes me blush and feel weird inside."

Daigo was taken aback slightly at the statement. Was this a confession, and he didn't know it was? The purple-eyed male has always a bit of a crush on the other blader, but he kept brushing it off as 'just a phase' as some would put it.

He placed a hand on top of Valt's, the other male giving a slight gasp at the contact.
       "W-what are you doing...?" He asked slightly, his cheeks burning darker in embarrassment. He squeaked when he realized how close his friend was, purple eyes pouring into his own.

He noticed how Daigo was leaning in, so he unconsciously did too, their lips meeting halfway. The effect was felt immediately, the black-haired male grabbing the other's waist to pull him closer.

The kiss was sweet, nice and soft to the two. They pulled away after a while, their breath somewhat heavy and their faces a bright red.
        "D-Daigo..." Valt said softly, tightening the arms around the other male's neck.
        "I love you Valt... I have for a while now..." The black-haired male confessed, pulling him closer and enjoying their shared warmth.

The bluenette smiled widely though the other can't see it and cuddled closer to him.
        "I love you too Daigo... Even though you can be an edgelord sometimes..." His smile seemed to widen when he heard the other male chuckle softly.
        "Maybe so... But that's why you love me..."

The two laid down after Valt turned off the light, laying the blankets over them and cuddling together in each other's arms. Daigo reached his hands up, grabbing the headband the bluenette wore, pulling it off his head.

A chocolate brown eye peaked open, gazing up at the other male before Valt brought his own hands up to pull off his bandana. Daigo gave him a gentle smile, pulling him close and nuzzling his face into the other's neck.

The bluenette smiled, his hands over Daigo's as his eyes slipped closed.

NightBear15 signing off...

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