Not-So-Merry Christmas, Unhappy Birthday... (Gabe Brunai x Lui Shirasagijo)

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You know, during Christmas, everything was supposed to be right with the world. Everyone was supposed to come together and have a great time with each other.

Well, not this time.

Colored lights flickered on and off, broken ornaments and glass littered the floor. The tree, one that was once decorated brightly, was tossed carelessly aside to the floor. Soft gasps and squeaks could be heard from another room, clothes leaving a trail to said room that hosted to noises. Inside the room, a teenager, his eighteenth birthday Christmas day, was pressed harder into the surface of the bed, the older man's nails digging deeply into his shoulders and back. The teenager moaned in discomfort the deeper he felt this older and stronger man go inside him, tears filling his dull violet eyes as his baby blue hair stuck to his pale skin with sweat.

What a great start to his day. Wake up, go downstairs, get beaten and then raped, all in a span of ten minutes after waking up. And he thought just being beaten was bad...

Wonder who I'm talking about? Why, the shortest and fiercest member of the Supreme Four, Lui Shirasagijo. Over three years he had been being abused. All the black eyes, broken bones, cuts and bruises he managed to successfully hide and play off from every suspecting eye that questioned him. Especially Gabe...

Oh god, especially Gabe...

His boyfriend of two years had no idea of what went on behind closed doors, no idea of all the pain he endured the almost four years after his mother's death. Lui cried out and hid his face in the bed, feeling his abusive father tear away the last of his innocence, the pureness that he was saving for Gabe. He felt the large man above him lean down, licking his ear as his breath was hit against it.
        "Happy birthday, you little slut..." His deep, raspy voice growled lowly, grabbing and pulling his hair back to listen to his moans. Lui cried out again, his eyes closed tightly the harder he went.

The torture continued for hours, the baby blue-haired male aching as he laid into the bedsheets. He yelped when his father gave his ass a hard smack, the older male chuckling darkly before walking from the room, Lui panting heavily as he weakly rubbed where his father slapped. God, this was the worst... He never thought his life could get any worse, but it did. That was obvious.

Lui struggled to sit up, wincing in pain and listening to the sound of his father's car leaving the driveway.
         "Fucking perfect..." The flame-haired male muttered, wrapping himself in a sheet before standing, stumbling heavily. He leaned into the wall and, with a deep and heavy breath, walked from the room. Lui stumbled into the living room and grabbed his phone, slipping and buttoning his white coat to conceal his naked form. Clothes were the last thing on his mind, mostly since his father wouldn't take long to get back, the small male quickly slipping his boots on before getting out of the house.

Snow was falling rather heavily, the cold air immediately nipping at his bare legs as he struggled to run, the wind blowing around him. Lui's breath came out as a white cloud, dull violet eyes looking back to see his house shrink in the distance, making him sigh in relief. He flinched at the burning pain inside him, it starting to creep up on him as he stumbled to a walk.
          'No, no... Keep going... Please...' The exhausted male pleaded in his thoughts, gasping for breath as he kept slowing down. His body burned in agony, his knees hitting the cold, snowy ground a little hard. Lui shivered and curled in on himself, his hands shaking as he struggled to get his phone out of his pocket.

Missed call after text after voicemail filled his screen, all from Gabe and telling him happy birthday, wondering how he was doing and if he was alright. God, he loved him so much... He tried calling him, trembling with force and sighing when he didn't answer.
           "D-damn it Gabe... R-right when I need you most..." Lui said shakily, clutching his phone. He shivered heavily and took in a breath, his body shutting down as his eyes grew heavy, his mind dulling. The last the he heard was a car engine, it sounding familiar, before he lost consciousness.


The tall maroon-haired male held the hand to his smaller boyfriend as he sat next to the hospital bed. It all made sense to him now. The broken bones he claimed as falling down the stairs, the black eyes and cuts and bruises...
          "I wish you would've told me sooner Lui..." He said softly, his beloved sleeping peacefully beside him. Gabe sighed lowly and kissed his head, getting up to get a coffee. He nodded to a nurse that was going in to check his vitals, sparing a small smile as he walked down the hall.

The nineteen-year-old blader took a sip of the scorching liquid as he walked back, nearly dropping it when he heard a small scream echo in the hallway. Walking further down the hall, Gabe seen the same nurse walk quickly from Lui's room, holding her hand.
         "Oh god..." The tall man mumbled, walking inside to see Lui fighting a doctor.
         "Get your hands off me!" Lui yelled angrily, trying to bite his hand.
         "You need to let us check up on you. It's protocol." The doctor tried, trying to reason with him.
         "Fuck your protocol! I don't want your hands on me!"
         "Lui, calm down..." Gabe spoke suddenly, violet eyes immediately snapping to him and widening. Lui felt his hands slowly drop to his lap, the look of shock painting his features as he watched his boyfriend of two years walk over to him and take his hand gently. Gabe kissed his hand gently, noticing how calm and relaxed Lui had gotten.

The doctor took the opportunity to get Lui's vitals, walking out after to give them privacy.
            "What in the fresh hell happened to you? I was worried sick..." Gabe said softly, running his thumb along the skin of his hand. Lui looked away from his eyes, sighing softly as he shifted his legs nervously.
            "... I finally left... I was never being completely honest with you..." Lui said quietly, biting his lip.
            "About your father?" Gabe asked, watching his small boyfriend flinch and look at him with emotional and dull violet eyes.
            "So you figured it out?"
            "Yeah, and I already told the police, so this asshole will be out of your life forever."

Lui looked nervous, squeezing his hand tighter as he took in a deep breath, the smallest smile he could manage gracing his lips.
            "Thank you..." The baby blue-haired male said, kissing his cheek. Gabe smiled back and pecked his lips, running a hand through his messy flaming blue hair.
             "Anything for you..."


A few hours later, Lui was able to be released from the hospital, making his day better. An officer called Gabe's phone twenty minutes before his release, informing the couple that Lui's father was hunted down and successfully arrested, which added another level of happiness to the small male's day. By the time they got home to Gabe's house, it was already seven in the evening. Lui was able to quickly pack the necessary things he need, all of his clothes, his bey and launcher, and the few pictures he had left of his mother.

Lui laid comfortably against his boyfriend's chest with his eyes closed, his legs on each of his sides along with his arms, his head on his chest by his shoulder. The TV played quietly in the background even though they weren't watching it. All they wanted right now was each other. Gabe leaned into the couch, his arms holding his beloved tightly but gently in his embrace. His head was nuzzled deep into his neck, taking in his scent and his warmth.
           "Happy birthday Lui..." The maroon-haired male whispered to him, one of his hands moving to rub his back gently. "Merry Christmas too..." He couldn't tell of he was asleep or not, but he knew he had to say it. Lui smiled slightly, shifting slightly in his arms as he yawned.
            "... Thanks Gabe... Merry Christmas to you too..." The small male mumbled tired, silent after as he fell asleep against his chest. Gabe chuckled softly, kissing his shoulder gently and nuzzling his skin, thankful that he could still hold his beautiful boyfriend in his arms...

NightBear15 signing off...

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