Orchids... (Fubuki Sumie x Suou Goshuin)

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Orchids, yes, a beautiful species of flower known universally as the flower for love. Or something else related to love, for that matter.

Pale hands almost clung desperately to the watering can they held, tears dripping to the floor the same as water fell to soil. His soft sniffles were almost unheard in his greenhouse, his golden eyes partially open and holding an emotional look.
    “T-this can’t be happening…” Suou cried softly to himself, trying his best to calm his breathing. He had not been feeling well for the last few weeks. It wasn’t a super sick feeling he was having but more of an off one, everyone’s favorite albino having a bad feeling about it and going to the doctor.

The white-haired male set his watering can down and reached into his pocket, drawing out a couple of pictures and looking them over with a teary gaze. A smile touched his lips and he looked down at the rings on his left hand, thinking back to their wedding. That was the first time he had ever seen Fubuki cry, his red eyes holding nothing but love and compassion when he walked down the aisle. Looking back down at the pictures with a soft smile, he put them away and grabbed his coat from the bench. 

Time to do something special for his husband.


    “What are you up to?” Fubuki asked shortly after walking into their house, noticing his silver-haired partner standing in the kitchen. A small box sat on the island, sitting in between three beautiful orchids Suou had also picked up while he was out.
    “I’m not up to anything.” The albino told him, walking over and pressing a soft kiss to his lips. “How was training?”
    “Training went by okay, but stop trying to change the subject. What’s with the box and the flowers?” The blonde asked again, eyeing his husband with curious red eyes.
    “It’s for something special.” Suou smiled, his hands brought together behind his back.

Something special? Fubuki was starting to get nervous, quickly checking the date on the calendar.
    “Fubuki, honey, what are you doing?” The soft voice held genuine curiosity, closed golden eyes staring at him in question.
    “Checking to see if I forgot our anniversary. You only ever do something special for special days.” The team captain immediately let out a breath of relief, his hand to his chest to steady his quick heartbeat. That was another thing, their one year wedding anniversary was coming up within the next couple weeks, so Suou could see how he made his lover nervous. He let out a soft laugh, bringing his hands up and resting them gently on the other man’s cheeks, giving him a soft smile.
    “Sorry baby, I didn’t mean to scare you like that…” He told him softly, noticing the playful glare he was getting.
    “Yeah, what the hell?” Fubuki joked, smiling softly at him and kissing him again. “But if it isn’t our anniversary yet, then what’s with the box?”
    “You have to sit down and open in to find out, Fubuki.”

Having him sit at the island, he brought out his phone and hit record, which only confused the blonde more.
    “Go ahead. Open it.” Suou pushed, keeping the camera on his beloved with a smile.
    “You’re acting super weird and it’s freaking me out…” Fubuki mumbled, taking the top of the box into his hands and lifting it off. Inside laid tissue paper and a couple of photos, a pale hand reaching in and pulling them out. Under them, however, was an item Fubuki never thought he would see, pulling out a baby onesie that says ‘Daddy’s Little Monster’. Red eyes snapped up and immediately stared at his partner, an overwhelming joy filling his chest.
    “... Surprise.” Suou smiled, holding his phone a little tighter in his hands.
    “Is this true? Are you seriously pregnant?” The blonde was in disbelief and he didn’t want to be. He was hoping to be able to have a baby with his husband…
    “It’s true, I promise.”
    “It’s not a joke? You’re dead serious?”

Suou started to laugh, digging skepticism deeper into his poor husband’s heart.
    “I’m serious, Fubuki! I’m really pregnant!” The albino squealed when his partner launched himself out of his chair, almost knocking it over as he brought him into a tight hug, lifting him into his arms and spinning him around.
    “This is great! Oh my god, you have no idea how excited I am about this!” They pulled away and Fubuki stared at the one he called his husband, bringing their lips together in a quick kiss. “I can’t believe it, but I’m so happy.”
    “Really? I couldn’t tell.” Suou teased, cutting the recording and setting his phone down. “But there was something you missed in those pictures.”

Red eyes shot back to the ultrasound pictures and snatched them back up, staring at them immediately. Shock painted his features yet again when he looked them over better the second time, looking back to Suou as he grabbed the box. Hidden inside under the tissue paper were two more onesies and in the pictures, not just one baby.


    “No, you’re playing with me. You’re not serious this time.” Fubuki said to him, shaking his head in disbelief.
    “Fubuki, that’s real, this is real. There’s three babies.” Suou smiled, motioning to his belly. Looking back down at the ultrasound and checking it over to see if it was fake, which it wasn’t, Fubuki felt like he was going to collapse. He sat back down at the island in complete shock, smiling over to his beloved.
    “No bullshit, we’re seriously having triplets?”
    “I’m as serious as a heart attack honey.”
    “Baby, you have no idea how blessed I’m feeling right now. But, what’s with the flowers?”

Suou smiled and ran a pale finger over the petals of one of the orchids, closed golden eyes opening slightly.
    “They’re orchids. A universal sign for not only love, but fertility as well. That’s why I bought three, for each baby growing in my belly.” His explanation made his husband smile, standing and hugging him yet again.
    “So, in a way, you have three little orchids growing in your garden?” The blonde asked, nuzzling his nose into Suou’s pale skin as he laughed.
    “Yes Fubuki, that’s a great way to put it.” The younger man pushed his head away gently, grabbing and looking at the ultrasound pictures again.

Fubuki came up behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist, resting his hands against his beloved’s stomach gently.
    “Now you just need to find a way to tell your mother.” He told him, feeling his partner stiffen in his hold.

How’s he going to do that?!

NightBear15 signing off...

~~ ILoveMysteryAndAnime ~~

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