Snowed In... (Gabe Brunai x Lui Shirasagijo)

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Bundled up in his fluffy white coat, his familiar white scarf wrapped around his neck, Lui walked down the snow-covered sidewalk of the town. His breath was shown in a white puff, his cheeks flushed a light pink from the cold as his violet eyes tried to see through blurred vision. His gloved hands hid slightly in his coat sleeves to keep warm, a soft kick felt at the base of his swollen, eight month pregnant belly. Mid December hit Beigoma City hard with snow,  foot after foot of snow blanketing the city in white. A sharp gust of wind cut through the air, making the flame-haired male's eyes water and his nose nuzzle into his scarf to fight off the cold.

There was a storm coming, he could feel it, and he needed to get home quick before Gabe could worry more than he already was. Snow was already falling pretty heavily making the small male groan and quicken his pace, pulling his hood up. The storm sped up quickly, Lui's violet eyes scanning the area for shelter. Just until the storm passed.

          "Excuse me!" A female's voice called, stalling Lui's quick movements. A woman was peeking out of a door, waving him to her. "This storm is getting too out of hand!" Lui didn't bother testifying. It's too cold to protest, not to mention free shelter. He moved as fast as he could, his gloved fingers clinging to his hood as the nice woman let him inside.
           "Thank you for the shelter Mrs..." He trailed, not exactly knowing her as he pulled off his black and blue gloves.
           "Aoi. Mrs. Aoi." She finished, making sure the door was locked to seal out the cold.

Aoi? Oh no... Lui suppressed a groan, knowing exactly who's house he's at.

Valt Aoi.

         "And I most certainly wasn't going to let you walk out there all alone in your condition." Mrs. Aoi continued, referring to his pregnant belly. "What's your name sweetie?" Lui took in a breath, grabbing his hood and pulling it down, looking at her.
         "Hey mom, have you seen- Lui?" Valt blinked, confused as to why the flame-haired male was standing in his house.
         "Ah so that's why you looked familiar." Mrs. Aoi smiled, setting a gentle on his shoulder.
         "Um, not to be mean, but what are you doing here? I never thought I'd see you see you here." Valt said sheepishly, laughing slightly.
         "This stupid storm prevented me from getting home..." Lui said quietly, suddenly self conscious, which was a first for him.
         "Oh, okay!" Valt smiled, bounding off upstairs. Lui shook his head, burying his face into his scarf partially.
         "Lui, please, let me take your coat for you. You should really sit down."

Lui swallowed and took in a breath, unbuttoning his coat and slipping it off, handing it to her.
         "... Thank you..." He said quietly, walking over and sitting down carefully on the couch. He leaned against the arm, his legs crisscrossed to cradle his stomach gently as he sat. Mrs. Aoi smiled at him and hung his coat up, grabbing her apron and tying it around her waist.
         "Feel free to watch anything on the TV dear. I have a few things to take care of in the bakery." She smiled, walking away before Lui had a chance to say something. The flame-haired male sighed, digging his phone out of his pocket to tell Gabe where he was. 

Toko and Nika ran down the stairs as fast as they could. Valt had told them about Lui being here and, considering this was the first time he came here, they wanted to see if it was true. Sure enough they found him sitting on the couch, violet eyes looking up to see the twins.
         "Can I help you two?" Lui asked, raising  a sharp eyebrow. The twins giggled to themselves and ran off, making the baby blue-haired male sigh and rub his pregnant belly. "Please be calm like your daddy..."

The baby kicked him happily, Lui yawning softly as he stood to get a drink. He flinched slightly and held his stomach, dismissing the pain and walked into the kitchen. Looking around the cupboards, he found and pulled out a glass, turning on the sink and filling it with water. He stopped and shook his head, taking in a breath when the pain hit again, finally taking a drink of the water he had gotten.

Boy was that a mistake.

The pain had grown deeper, making him choke back on his drink and drop the glass, it shattering on the kitchen floor. He took in a sharp breath and started coughing, grabbing onto the counter and trying to keep himself steady the deeper the pain got. The sound carried throughout the house, Valt perking up when he heard it.
           "Toko, Nika, did you drop something again?" He called, standing and walking out of his room.
           "It wasn't us." Toko started, looking at him.
           "We've been in our room." Nika finished, the twins shifting their gaze to the staircase.
           "Maybe it was Lui?" Toko suggested with a shrug. Valt blinked, turning and walking down the stairs with the twins following.
          "No I'm not fucking okay!" They heard Lui's voice snap, Valt immediately covering his siblings' ears.

          "I don't know how long this kid is going to wait before wanting to come out Gabe. I just started feeling the contractions." The flame-haired male growled, looking up when he heard someone's footsteps.
          "Lui, baby, you have to stay calm, for your sake and the baby's. I'll try to make it out there to be with you, but this storm will make it quite difficult..." Gabe said calmly, slipping his winter coat on.
          "Lui, are you okay?" Valt asked, holding the twins' hands. Lui looked(more like glared) at him, trying to straighten up only crumble to the floor. Valt gasped, rushing over to help him. "Go get mom, tell her something's wrong with Lui."

The twins nodded, running off into the bakery to get their mom. Lui glared at him, trying to push his hands away as his breath picked up.
          "Get away from me... I'm fine..." He snapped, a huff in his voice.
          "No you're not, so tell me what's wrong." Valt said, holding his hands out to him.
          "It's none of your business Aoi! Leave me alone!" Lui yelled, slapping his hands away.
          "God damn it Lui! I'm just trying to help you but you're too stubborn to see that!" Valt stormed off after that, going back upstairs to his room. Lui blinked, never thinking he would hear Valt Aoi, as innocent as he is, swear.
          "Lui, what in earth happened?" Mrs. Aoi asked as she walked in, helping him off the floor. The flame-haired male flinched, holding onto her arms tightly as he grit his teeth.
          "Contractions..." He breathed, the contractions getting closer together. Mrs. Aoi held him tightly, helping him out of  the kitchen.
          "You need to get to the hospital, and fast." She said, grabbing his coat and helping him get it on before getting her own on.
          "Is he gonna be okay mom?" Toko asked, he and Nika watching from the doorway.
          "He's going to be fine. Behave for Valt while I'm  gone."

Lui panted softly, his shaking hand keeping his coat closed as Mrs. Aoi helped him outside, the harsh wind blowing as she opened the back door to her car and helped him inside. She got in and started the car, taking in a deep breath before backing out and driving off.

Okay, maybe going out in the snow storm was a terrible idea.

Driving to the hospital led Mrs. Aoi to get stuck in a snow drift, a sigh passing her lips as she shook her head. Sweat was dripping down Lui's forehead at that point, the contractions closer than the ones before as he shifted in discomfort.
            "I'm sorry Lui, but we're stuck here for a while..." The female said, looking back at him.
            "I-I don't have a while... T-this baby wants to come out now!" He somewhat growled, struggling to get his sweatpants off. Mrs. Aoi took in a breath and unbuckled herself, turning and moving back to help him deliver the baby.


Lui, a sweaty and teary mess, held a bundle of cloth in his arms. Contained within it, a beautiful newborn baby girl, her pale body laying against his uncovered chest.
            "I am so proud of you..." Mrs. Aoi said, back in the driver's seat and back on the road. The flame-haired male smiled slightly at her, kissing his new daughter's head gently.
            "Thank you for all your help... It is greatly appreciated..." Lui said softly, his voice hoarse.
            "It wasn't a problem. I'm always happy to help..."

She pulled into the hospital, getting out and getting a wheelchair before opening the door for him. Lui breathed in and sat in the wheelchair, shielding his baby girl from the cold as they made it inside the hospital. A nurse took him immediately, rushing him away to take care of him and the baby. The flame-haired male let out a sigh in relief, his eyed closing for a second as he cuddled the newborn.

Ten minutes later he laid in a hospital bed, on the rode to recovery hooked up to an IV. His daughter was taken care of by a couple nurses, clothed, fixed, and back in his arms in due time.
           "I'm here Lui! I'm here-" Gabe started as he burst into the room. Lui glared at him and put a finger to his lips, losing the look immediately and waving him over. Gabe walked over and stood by his side, the breath leaving his lungs the moment he seen the baby.
           "The addition to our family Gabe... Our beautiful baby girl..." Lui said softly, a tear rolling down his cheek as he looked up at him with a small smile.
           "Absolutely gorgeous..." Gabe smiled, leaning down and kissing his lips softly. "So, what's her name going to be?"
           "Leila... It fits her perfectly..."
           "A dark beauty... Amazing choice my love..."

Lui yawned, looking at Gabe with tired eyes.
           "Here... Why don't you hold her for a while..." He said softly, handing her over carefully. Gabe sat down in a chair near the bed, holding her and rocking her gently as he did. He looked back up at Lui and chuckled when he found him to already be asleep, looking back down at his beautiful girl.
            "Don't you worry about anything baby girl... I will do everything in my power to protect both you and mommy... Even if it hurts me in the end..."

Lui peeked an eye open slightly, a small smile on his face when he heard Gabe's promise, closing it again and falling asleep.

Now he felt complete...

NightBear15 signing off...

(I am so sorry for this whole one shot... Please, no hate!)

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