Tell Me You Love Me... (Shu Kurenai x Valt Aoi)

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Valt ran as fast as he could, tears streaking his face as he let a small sob escape his lips. Never before has he been so embarrassed in his life, and he may of just lost the best thing that ever happened to him.

He doesn't know where he's going, but anywhere is better at this point.  He panted, his breath coming out in short puffs, but kept running and pushed himself to move faster. The small male finally skid to a stop at his destination, tears still dripping down is cheeks as he readied Valtryek in his launcher, standing over the bey stadium in the park. His vision is blurred, but it doesn't stop him from launching his partner  into the object before him.

Beyblading was probably the only thing to calm him down right now.

Valt watched tearfully as his partner wavered from his failed launch, making the bluenette curl in on himself and fall to his knees. His eyes shut tight as he cried, memories from earlier playing back in his mind.

   ~~~ Earlier ~~~

Everyone was at the roof of the school practicing for the upcoming team tournament. Everything was normal, or at least close to normal. Honcho and Wakiya were bickering like they normally do, Ken and Daigo were in the middle of a battle, and Valt was talking a bit with Shu.
        "Those two need to learn to get along better." The white-haired male said, referring to the two blondes. The bluenette nodded.
        "As much as I agree with you, it's pretty much impossible. You and I both know they can't go five minutes without arguing about something." Valt replied, crossing his arms.
       "True... Still, I think we should break them up." The two walked over, Valt stepping in front of Wakiya and Shu in front of Honcho.
        "Can't you two get along for more than five minutes?!" The smaller male asked, pushing the boy in purple back some.
        "He started it!" Wakiya snapped, pointing at the other blonde, causing him to snort.
        "As if! You're the one that had to open your mouth! I don't even know how you found out about that in the first place!" Honcho shot back, making the two males separating them wear the same look of confusion.
        "What are you guys talking about?" Valt asked, looking between the two blondes.
        "Oh you don't remember?" Wakiya started. "I heard that you have a crush on Sh-" Valt had reached up and covered his mouth before he could finish what he was going to say, a bright red blush staining his cheeks and ears. Shu spared a look at the chocolate-eyed male, piecing together what the Wyvron blader was saying. The red-eyed male walked over and grabbed his best friend's wrist, pulling him away from the others and down the stairs leading inside the school. He pulled him forward, having him stop in front of him. Valt took one look into crimson eyes and wished he hadn't, the seriousness in them made him shiver.
        "What is going on?" Shu had asked, causing the smaller male to flinch. He gave no answer, keeping his gaze to the floor. The Spryzen blader took a step forward, repeating his question. "What is going on...?" This one having another emotion Valt didn't want to hear.
        "N-nothing..." He muttered, shoving his hands into his hoodie pocket.
        "Don't give me that." Shu started, crossing his arms. "What was Wakiya talking about?" Hearing about his best friend having a crush on someone hurt him. Why hadn't Valt come to him about it? He's going to find out now.
         "So I have a crush on someone... Who cares? It's not like they'll like me back..."
         "But why didn't you talk to me? Best friends tell each other anything."
         "There is nothing you can do to help me with this Shu!" Valt suddenly snapped, taking the taller male by surprise.
         "I can't help you if I don't know who you're talking about." Shu said calmly, causing Valt to flush red and tears fill his eyes.
        "I-I... I can't..." The Valtryek blader whimpered, clenching his fists.
        "Oh Valt..." The bluenette didn't dare meet his gaze, gritting his teeth when Shu took another step closer to him. "You don't have to tell me, but I just want to help. That's what friends do for each oth-" lips met the other's as tears fell from shut chocolate eyes. Valt pulled away after a few seconds and took off running, leaving Shu to process what had just happened.


Shu pushed him over the edge. That's why he did what he did, just to lift a huge weight off his shoulders. Valt grabbed Valtryek from the bey stadium, sitting on the step and looking at his partner with teary eyes.
        "W-what am I supposed to do Valtryek...?" Valt whispered, a tear falling on his bey. A glint shone on his beloved partner, making the bluenette give a small smile and tighten his hold.
        "I had a feeling I would find you here." He heard Shu call behind him, causing him to freeze. The smaller blader felt a hand touch his shoulder and he turned, meeting crimson eyes.
        "I-I..." Valt couldn't seem to form a sentence, bringing his hand up to rub the tears from his eyes. The Spryzen blader sat next to him, bringing his hands up to rub away the stray tears on his best friend's cheeks, causing them to turn red.
       "Are you ok? The others are worried about you."
       "I-I'm- fine..." Valt muttered, moving his gaze to the ground. Shu sighed, staring up at the sky.
       "About earlier Valt... Is that how you feel about me?" The taller blader asked, leaning back on his hands. He looked over to the bluenette when he didn't receive an answer. "Valt?"
       "I-I'm sorry Shu... I-i was confused about my feelings, and you kept pushing me. I just couldn't control mys-" the white-haired male stopped his little rant by pressing his lips to the smaller male's. After he pulled away, crimson met surprised chocolate, making him chuckle slightly.
         "It's fine Valt. I like you too. I just didn't know how to tell you." Shu said softly, a small blush staining his normally calm features. Valt smiled widely, tears once again filling his eyes as he latched on to his best friend in a hug. He buried his face into his neck as he felt arms wrap around his waist.
         "I-I love you..." The Valtryek blader said, causing Shu to smile softly at the words.
         "I love you too, Valt." The taller male felt his friend grow heavier, the grip around his neck loosened as the bluenette fell asleep in the embrace. Shu sighed, moving to pick him up. "Get some rest Valt... You had a long day..." The Spryzen blader began walking to his apartment, planning on calling his new boyfriend's mom when he gets there.

NightBear15 signing off...

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