The Samurai's Ninja (Yugo Nansui x Ukyo Ibuki)

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Yugo is not one to fall in love. With his samurai and beyblade training, it keeps him busy all the time. He knew something wasn't right when he met Ukyo, a ninja that drops in whenever he pleases.

There was definitely something unique about the blue-haired male, Yugo just couldn't figure out what.

The samurai sat on the floor of the Sword Flames dojo, his eyes closed as he meditated without any distraction. Or was... He suddenly felt a presence behind him, making him whip around to grab whoever's wrist.

Brown eyes opened to meet the blue eyes of Ukyo, who had a slight red tint on his cheeks. Yugo released his wrist, standing up to greet the other male.
       "You should know better than to not sneak up on me while I'm meditating Ukyo." The samurai stated simply, stretching out his arms.
       "I know, but I had nothing better to do, so I wanted to see what you were doing." Ukyo replied with a shrug, bringing a hand up to run it through his bangs. "Sneaking up behind you was just an added bonus." He smiled.

Yugo rolled his eyes, they catching sight of the bey stadium, making him smirk.
       "Since you're here, how about training?" He suggested, walking to the side of the stadium. The offer made the shadow walker smile and take out his bey.
       "Why not? I've been meaning to practice." Ukyo said, walking to the other side of the stadium.

They both got into their stances, beys at the ready and launchers in their positions.
        "3... 2... 1... Let it RIP!"


After a few battles and the two gasping for breath, they decided to take a break. They sat together on the floor by the stadium, catching their breath and talking a bit about random things.
        "How about... Out of everyone at the dojo, who's your favorite person?" Yugo asked, glancing at the blue-haired male.
       "Easy. You." Ukyo said with a smile and a slight blush. The samurai nodded, feeling a bit of heat burn his cheeks as well. "How about you? Who's your favorite person from the dojo?"
       "It's close... But, you." The blonde male replied.
       "I see... What next?" The ninja asked, turning a bit to face Yugo.
        "Let's see... Oh, I got one. Do you have a crush on anyone?"

Ukyo was taken aback at the question. He does have a crush on someone, the samurai himself, but he can't tell him that. Not yet at least...
       "U-uh..." The blush on his cheeks grew darker, his face now in resemblance of a tomato. "Y-yeah actually... I do..." He cursed himself for stuttering.

Yugo looked surprised, and for two reasons. One being that his best friend has a crush on someone. And two, he's never heard him stutter. And that means never.
        "That sounds nice. On who?" He asked, tilting his head slightly to the side.
        "Wait, it's my turn. What about you? Do you have a crush on anyone?" The blue-eyed male asked.
        "Yes I do, back to my question. Who's your crush?"

Of course, Yugo was going to trap him right there. Ukyo was still, mentally arguing with himself about an answer. He clenched his eyes shut and his hands curled into fists.
         "N-ngh... Do I have to answer...?" He groaned, rubbing his face with his hands. The samurai blader chuckled softly.
         "No, I suppose not... Would it make you feel better if I told you who I had a crush on?" He asked, admiring the blue-haired male in his nervous state.

Ukyo's blue eyes peaked out in between his fingers, Yugo taking that as a sign saying for him to continue. Unfortunately, continuing wasn't an option because of the red head who just walked into the dojo.
         "Who's ready for training?" Xander asked, his hands on his hips and his sharp teeth showing in a smile. Yugo and Ukyo looked to each other, moving and standing up to be ready for training.


It was short of 8:00 in the evening when training was done for the day. The samurai and the ninja were taking a walk through the woods resuming their conversation from earlier.
        "Hey Yugo?" Ukyo started, receiving a hum as a response. "About earlier, you said you would tell me your crush..." He trailed. The two came to a beautiful clearing, the sun setting to make it absolutely breathtaking.
        "Ah, that's right." The samurai remembered.

They sat on the grass, both of them gazing at the sunset. Yugo looked at the blue-haired ninja, moving and placing his hand on top of the other's. He heard Ukyo gasp, tearing his gaze away from the sunset to look at his best friend.
         "Y-Yugo?" He asked nervously, his blue eyes staring into the samurai's own brown ones.
        "My crush is someone who drops in whenever they please. They normally keep to themselves, but enjoy having a bey battle when someone asks." Yugo started listing, his eyes never leaving the shadow walker's. He moved closer inch by inch, keeping his grip on the other's hand.
        "W-what else?" Ukyo asked, his face a deep red.
        "They're stubborn even though they say they aren't, they're one of the best defensive bladers I've seen, and they're sitting right in front of me right now..."

The last thing was what shocked Ukyo. Sitting right in front of him right now? The only one here was him... Right?

At the thought, the ninja turned his head to look behind him, his cheeks burning darker in embarrassment when he seen no one else there and when he heard Yugo chuckle softly.
        "No, I'm not talking about anyone else but you Ukyo..." He said softly, making blue eyes snap back to him.
       "S-so... I-I'm the one you have a crush on?"
      "Yes, you're my crush... I've never known about love until you came to the dojo. With my samurai and beyblade training, I felt I didn't have time to experience love. There was something definitely unique about you when you joined, and I could never figure out what."

By this time, Yugo had taken both of Ukyo's hands into his own, entangling their fingers together before continuing.
        "I love you Ukyo... You helped me discover what love was..." He finished, squeezing his hands lightly.

Ukyo was speechless. How does one respond to that? How does one even process that?

Tears filled the young ninja's eyes as he moved his gaze to the grass, not wanting Yugo to see him cry.
        "Y-Yugo..." He started with a shaky breath. "I-I love you too... You were the first one to talk to me when I came here... T-the first one to be my friend... T-the best thing to ever happen to me..."

The tears were streaming his cheeks now, Ukyo forcing himself to swallow the sob in his throat. A hand left the grip, coming up rub away the tears on his cheek, making the blue-haired male look up.

Yugo had a gentle smile on his face, comforting to the crying ninja. He kept his hand on his cheek as he leaned in, pressing his lips softly to the other's.

The kiss was nice, soft and loving for it being their first together. The samurai pulled him a bit closer, moving his other hand to wrap around Ukyo's waist, the ninja wrapping his arms around his neck.

They pulled away, blue meeting brown once again. Yugo held the other male close to him, smiling when he felt him cuddle closer to him.

The sun had already set and the moon was out, shining in the sky along with the stars.
       "Come on... Let's get out of here and we can watch a movie at my house." Yugo said, pulling back slightly. The arms around his neck didn't let up, and the young ninja in his arms didn't give an answer.

The samurai sighed, wrapping Ukyo's legs around his waist and standing up. He moved out of the clearing and into the woods, walking to his house with a sleeping ninja in his arms. His sleeping ninja...

NightBear15 signing off...

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