Wasting All These Tears... (Naoki Minamo x Jin Aizawa)

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He laid there on the bathroom floor, using one arm as a pillow as the other was laid carelessly across his forehead. Tears stained his cheeks, his eyes red and puffy from crying.

Jin tried. He tried to find someone at the bottom of the bottle. His loneliness rattled the windows. He had just been it broken up with, his now ex boyfriend saying that he didn't want him anymore, like he was some object.

Six months of his life was put into the relationship, but Naoki felt it was long enough. The breakup is being really hard on the smaller male, but he forced himself not to cry anymore.

~ "Standing on a corner crying... Feeling like a fool for trying... I don't even remember why I'm wasting all these tears on you..." ~

Countless sleepless nights made his eyes look more tired then they were, dark circles underneath them. He's done practically everything he's got to do to get him off his mind.

What Naoki wanted was something Jin couldn't get. What the taller male did, he would never forget.

~ "I wish I could erase our memory, 'cause you didn't give a damn about me..." ~

His phone went off, signaling him about a text message. The hand across his forehead moved to fish his phone out of his hoodie pocket. He turned it on and unlocked it, going into his messages.
          'Can we talk?' Naoki had sent to him, making Jin sit up.
          'There's nothing for us to talk about. You already told me how you really felt, so I'm done.' He sent back, finally standing up and walking out of the bathroom. He stumbled into his room and collapsed on his bed.

He didn't get a reply after that, so he figured Naoki finally decided to leave him alone. A good choice in green eyes. The smaller male sat his phone next to him, staring up at the ceiling.

~ "And finally I'm through wasting all these tears on you..." ~


It was just after 2:30 in the morning, Jin was still having a hard time falling asleep, so he listened to music to try and tire him out.

So far it was music 1, sleep 0 because he was still wide awake. His phone went off again, this time it being a call instead of a text. He slid the answer icon to the right, not bothering to look at the caller id.
         "What Naoki...?" Jin growled softly into the device.
         "Please, can we talk?" The orange-eyed male asked, desperation in his voice.
         "If you wanted to talk, you shouldn't have said what you said..." The black-haired male's voice quivered slightly, but he was still pissed off.
         "Fair enough... But please... We need to talk." Naoki pleaded.

The line went silent, neither males speaking for a minute. Jin was about to hang up, only to freeze when he heard three little words.
         "I was wrong..." The taller male said softly, a sigh following. "I was wrong to treat you like that... I don't even know why I said those things to you, and I'm sorry..."

Jin was silent still, but then a small sad chuckle escaped his lips, tears starting to streak his cheeks.
         "Do you think it's going to be that easy...?" He asked, his voice wavering from the tears. "You hurt me Naoki... You really did. I felt like a fool for standing on a corner, crying and pleading for you to come back... I haven't slept in days, eating has been a problem, all because of you... I've wasted so many tears on you, but now I'm done..."
         "Jin..." Naoki started, only to be interrupted.
         "No, I'm not done." The green-eyed snapped. "Do you know how much it hurts? How much I loved you? It's hard knowing someone didn't love you as much back."
         "I'm broken because of you... So great job-"
         "Jin!" Naoki suddenly snapped, making the smaller male stop his rant. "I get it, I hurt you and you may never be the same again... But I still love you... I never stopped loving you..."

Jin was frozen, tears dripping from his chin and onto his blue hoodie. He blinked, running his fingers through his black hair.
        "T-then... W-why did you break up with me...?" He asked shakily, his breathing slightly ragged.
        "I was confused. I was so stressed out that it made me do things I'm not proud of, including breaking up with you... I want your forgiveness Jin... I can't live without you..." The young scientist said, his voice soft and truthful.

Jin broke down. He didn't want to, but he did anyway. The tears fell more, small sobs and hiccups getting caught in his throat.
        "N-Naoki..." He cried, his voice breaking. "P-please come over..."
        "I'll be over soon... Don't worry."


It was short of three in the morning when Naoki made it to his house, but once he was there, Jin couldn't help but latch onto him and cry into his chest.

The taller male wasn't even phased. He comforted him and rubbed his back, telling him everything was ok and that he was here for him. Two cuddled together on Jin's bed, the young scientist rubbing the sleeping green-eyed male's head and stroking his soft black hair.

He held him close, not wanting to let anything else like this happen again. Because if so... He wouldn't ever be the same ever again...

NightBear15 signing off...

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