Wedding Bells... (Shu Kurenai x Valt Aoi)

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The sun, though the month was cold, shone as it rose, casting its honey-colored rays across tan skin. He stirred in the comfort of his childhood bed and soon sprawled his limbs every which way, chocolate brown eyes fluttering open. His breath hitched in excitement once he realized what today was, throwing the blankets off his form and sending himself out of his room, only to collide with two smaller bodies. They all fell to the floor with a groan, the older one rubbing his head with a breath.
    "Toko, Nika, why were you outside my room?" He asked, untangling himself from the mess of limbs that belonged to his twin younger siblings.
    "Mom told us to come and get you since you weren't awake. Valt, didn't she say to set an alarm for today?" Toko asked, helping his sister up once he collected his thoughts.
    "Yeah. you wouldn't want to be late to your own wedding, would you?" Nika asked after her twin, arms crossed. Valt blushed at the thought, an embarrassed look twinkling in his eyes as he stood.
    "Good god, no..." He mumbled, a sick feeling in his stomach.

He was suddenly incredibly aware of the day and his nerves hit all at once, the nausea palpable as he and the twins walked down the stairs, walking into the kitchen as their mother smiled brightly.
    "Well good morning Bride-to-be! Are you excited about the wedding?" She asked, setting a plate with the contents of breakfast in front of her eldest and kissing his head. Valt, the poor blader, could only nod, staring down at the plate as his stomach twisted in unadulterated anxiety. "Valt, are you okay?"
    "Y-yeah, just... Just trying to cope with the fact I'm getting married today..." Valt took a shaky bite of breakfast, trying to breathe. "These two years flew by, oh my god... I'm so nervous mom."
    "Well, that's completely normal, honey. Weddings are a very big deal that require a lot of careful planning. Anything can happen throughout the day."
    "I know and that's what's scary. What if he changes his mind and suddenly doesn't want to get married anymore?" Valt felt his chest tighten at the intrusive thought, setting his fork down when his appetite was suddenly absent. His mother looked toward the twins, the younger siblings shrugging as they sat and ate to get ready for the big day.
    "Now Valt, do you really think Shu would do that to you?" Mrs. Aoi asked, hands to her hips as Valt sighed.
    "Well, no... But like you said, anything could happen. I love Shu to death, it would break my heart if he changed his mind." The Valtryek blader explained, rubbing his eyes stressfully.
    "He loves you too, Valt. I promise you this, everything is going to go to plan and we're going to have a beautiful wedding. Come this afternoon, dad is going to be walking you down the aisle."

Valt smiled softly, picking his fork back up when his nausea subsided a decent amount to make him feel hungry again.
    "You're right mom, today is going to be great. I'm marrying my best friend, what could possibly go wrong?"


Famous last words.

Apparently there's a lot that could go wrong when you're trying to make everything perfect. It started small with the cake toppers going missing into the venue kitchen. Not that big a deal, but a minor setback as people started searching for the missing toppers. Valt nervously fiddled his fingers as his mother helped him get ready in one of the rooms, thoughts going a thousand miles an hour over everything. He hasn't been able to see his fiance since the day before and his heart hurt, wondering how Shu was handling his nerves.

Probably a lot better than him.

    "Valt, you're stressing yourself out too much. Try taking a deep breath with me." His mom told him, the two taking in a breath. The blue-haired man let it out in a deep sigh and relaxed his shoulders, feeling a little better than he was prior.
    "I just want everything to run smoothly, mom... What if they don't find the cake toppers? What if something bigger goes wrong?" Valt asked her, hands holding the sides of his head nervously. His mom took his hands in hers gently, smiling warmly when he looked up at her.
    "Everything will run smoothly, I'll see to it."
    "I promise." She reassured him, brushing the blue locks of her son's hair back into place. They continued to prepare for the ceremony, Valt adjusting the sleeves to his stark white suit before straightening his bowtie. It all felt surreal once his nerves subsided, looking down at the engagement ring on his left hand. He loves Shu to death, but what if he really doesn't want to get married anymore? No, Shu loves him just as much, he wouldn't do that to him. The blue-haired bride smiled, taking the bouquet from his mom gently. Mrs. Aoi felt tears fill her eyes, covering her mouth at the sheer sight of him.
    "Oh Valt..." She smiled, walking over and hugging him tightly. "You're going to take everyone's breath away, honey."
    "Thanks mom..." Valt smiled, hugging her back. He looked at the time and felt his breath hitch, a hand to his chest. Not too much longer now...


Shu stood at the altar and took in a breath, glancing at his watch before shuffling his feet. Guests were seated and wedding parties were ready to go, the albino man could finally feel his nerves starting to go.
    "Nervous?" Rantaro asked, leaning over to him from his position with a smile. Red eyes blinked before meeting brown, a deep breath filling his lungs.
    "More excited than anything, Honcho. I can't believe how fast today came..." Shu answered, smiling softly at the thought of seeing Valt coming down the aisle. Rantaro nudged his shoulder gently, smiling at him.
    "They always have a way of sneaking up on ya, bud."
    "That they do."

The tall blonde tapped his finger against the book he held, his smile softening.
    "We're really not kids anymore, are we?" He asked, Shu chuckling softly.
    "Nope, not anymore..." The music started up and the guests stood, the doors opening up as his beloved walked through with his father. A bright blush was dusted across his tan cheeks, a round of tears in his eyes the moment they met his partner's red ones.
    "Shu?" Rantaro glanced over, eyes softening when he saw a tear travel down his friend's cheek, Shu trying his hardest to keep his composure the closer his fiance walked to him. Valt's dad gave his son a tender hug, passing off his hand to Shu with a smile.
    "You're a good man, Shu. Take care of him." The pilot winked, giving Shu a pat on the shoulder.
    "Yes sir." Shu nodded, squeezing his lover's hand gently as they stood face-to-face. The albino took in a deep breath, smiling warmly at Valt. "You look amazing, Valt..."
    "So do you, you look great in a suit." The shorter man smiled, sniffling softly with a laugh as the ceremony went underway.


The ceremony was beautiful and at the end of it all, Shu and Valt were finally married. Everyone was at the reception now, getting some dinner and drinking some liquor as everyone talked and danced to the music. The newlyweds ate at their table with the wedding party, sneaking kisses in between bites and sentences.
    "So how does it feel being married?" Toko asked, leaning over the table to look at his brother and new brother-in-law.
    "It must be a super nice feeling, right?" Nika asked after, taking another bite of her dinner. Shu and Valt looked at each other, the younger smiling brightly.
    "Just being together is a super nice feeling, married or not." He blushed, Shu giving his knee a gentle squeeze under the table. The twins smiled at each other as Nika 'aww'd, Valt looking back down at his plate with a bright blush. Shu pressed a soft kiss to his beloved's temple, chuckling softly in his ear.
    "That was cute of you to say..." He told him, taking his hand gently. Valt shook his head with a laugh, leaning against his side for a moment.
    "Yeah yeah..." Valt grinned, pushing him softly. "I don't regret it, but I'm of course happy that we're married."
    "I am too. I love you."
    "I love you too."

After dinner came the dances. Shu and Valt had their first dance together as a married couple and then Valt had a dance with his mom. After all of the dances was when the time came to cut the cake.
    "Alright you two, smile!" The photographer told them happily, camera on them as the newlyweds held the knife and cut into the delicious dessert. They cut the first slice of the wedding cake and put it on one of the plates, Valt picking up a piece with a glint in his brown eyes. His newfound husband looked at him and soon frowned, taking a cautious step back.
    "Don't do it, I'm warning you." Shu warned, picking up a piece of his own. Valt smiled sweetly, holding the treat up to his lips.
    "You think I'm that mean? Never."
    "Yeah, sure..." The silvery-haired man scoffed, opening his mouth to take a bite. All right before Valt turned on him and smashed the piece of cake against his pale skin. Everyone started laughing as Shu retaliated, both of them laughing with cake against their faces.
    "This is good!" Valt smiled, taking one of the many pieces on his cheek and licking it off of his finger. Shu laughed and did the same, nodding in agreement.
    "It really is. We picked a good flavor." The two shared a kiss, taking napkins and wiping the sponge and icing off of their faces before passing out slices to the guests.


    "Be safe you two, please." Mrs. Aoi said as she shared a warm hug with both newlyweds. The time came for them to leave as they had a flight to catch, the reception coming to an end as they got ready to leave.
    "Mom, don't worry. I'll make sure I call you when we land." Valt reassured her, hugging her tightly. Pulling back, his mom showered him with kisses before turning and sharing a hug with Shu.
    "Take care of each other and have fun."
    "We will..." The albino smiled softly, the two pulling back. Toko and Nika were next, giving them both warm hugs.
    "Have fun in Paris! Make sure you take pictures." Nika gushed, Toko nodding beside her.
    "Yeah, we want to see what it's like!"
    "We will, don't worry"

The couple packed their bags up in the car, giving final hugs and goodbyes before they got into the car. Valt waved as they drove off, taking in a deep breath before leaning back against his seat.
    "You okay, honey?" Shu asked, glancing over at him as he drove. The blue-haired blader looked over and smiled, rubbing his head slightly.
    "Yeah, just unwinding from how busy today was..." He said, sighing in relief. It was a great day but super busy, he has a headache now.
    "Well now it's just you and me on our way to Paris. No stress, no battles, just you and me." Shu smiled softly, taking his hand gently. Valt squeezed his hand the moment it held his, nodding happily.
    "I'm so excited about this trip, and I get to spend it with the love of my life. I love you so much."
    "I love you too, Valt..."

Off to the airport they go, newly married and ready for their next adventure~

NightBear15 signing off...

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