Because We Love You

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Since there was no more space on the Supreme 5 Scenerios book, this is a special case since I replied late.

Requested: LunaButterfly17

Shu's POV

Me and Luna walked together on our way to school, and she was talking about life, as per usual.

"I just don't understand how some people can be so happy about everything," she stated flatly as her dark, long hair blew in the wind.

I chuckled. "You do realize you just summed up Valt in a sentence right?" Luna giggled, and began messing with her choker, which had a skull.

She stared at the morning sky. Had her eyes always been that sparkly? Or her skin so soft?

Luna was truly a special girl, and I have to admit, I've had a crush on her ever since we met. She's just so determined, and caring. I sighed happily.

But the thing was, there was someone else who likes her too. Luna's childhood friend, the one she's known forever.


"Watcha thinkin' about, Shu?" She asked, snapping me out of thought. I looked at her and she smiled.

That smile...

I must've been drooling because Luna poked me the stomach. "Earth to albino, helloo??"

"S-stop!" I quickly turned my face to hide my blush. She put up her hands in a "I give up" way. Luna mumbled, "And you say I'm annoying."

I was joking when I told her that. Oh, please don't tell me she took it seriously.

Speaking of annoying, Diago was now walking towards us from in front. When he saw Luna, he smiled slightly.

"Hey Luna." He walked over right beside her. "Shu."

We glares at each other before going back to normal. Luna ran off ahead of us and waited a block away.

Diago huffed. "I'm guessing you're going to ask Luna to the new restaurant that opened up."

I smirked. "She's sure to say yes, that's a fact."

He looked as if he wanted to strangle me. "Well, I know her more than anything, she's my friend!" And there we go again, bickering over Luna.

Luna' s POV

I'm glad I decided to walk a few blocks ahead of the guys. Every time it's just us three, Shu and Diago are always trying to see who's better at anything.

The truth was..

I liked them both.

Diago since we've been friends forever...Shu since he's there for me in my darkest times.

But if you asked who I loved, we would have a major problem.

I sighed in discontent and kicked a stone to the road, when a car came and ran it over. The stone remained undamaged.
Cool..., Luna thought. The stone didn't get a to decide if it got kicked or not, but it stayed strong.

Luna decided she needed to be like that.
She couldn't let her love life ruin her friendship with the emo and the albino. (Hey, that rhymes!)

Now that she thought about it, a new restaurant popped up in town. Maybe she could ask the whole beyclub to come!


She turned around to see Diago and Dshu running towards me, shoulder to shoulder they kept shoving each other.

"Oh brother...," I mumbled. "When are you guys going to stop being so childlike?"

They skid to a halt.

Diago practically yelled, "Hey Luna, I was wondering if you'd like to com-"

"Luna," Shu began. "Wanna come with to the new restura-"

I stopped them both. "Before you ask, I have a question. You guys want to come with me to the new restaurant?"

They stared at me wide-eyed, looked at each other, and repeated this cycle for about a minute.

I joked, "If you keep staring at each other, you're bound to kiss."

At that comment, they scrambled to get away from each other. I laughed and said," I ship it," before running off to who knows where.

They called after me, but I was enjoying myself to much to look back.

Time skip sponsored by my new Kawaii Ken profile pic! Special thanks to NayanCatLovesTrolls for making this dream a reality!

Diago's POV

I walked over to the restaurant to meet up with the BeyClub and Luna. Why couldn't she have invited me only?

Well, no matter, because today, I was planning on telling her how I really feel. And not even She will get in the way of us getting together.

I pushed the entrance door and scanned to find my friends. A lady in an apron walked up and said, "Welcome to the Sakaki Family Resturant! Are you per chance Diago Kurogami?"


She grinned. "Follow me this way please!" The lady led me right to the guys.

Valt waved around a salt shaker. "Hey Diago, you made it! Nice place, don't ya' think?"

I nodded. Rantaro was busy looking at a menu and crunching his face at the exotic food names, Ken looked as if he wanted to throw something at someone, Wakiya smirked and proclaimed he was ordering the most expensive thing there, Shu was...well, glaring at me (I glares back) and Luna...


She has changed her clothes, but when? Under her jacket was a dark mid-glittery purple dress.

Luna waved me over to sit next to her, so now she was in between me and Shu. Just great.

The waitress came and took out a small pad of paper. "And what will you be ordering today?"

"Oh! Can I have some of this?!" Valt literally pointed at a chocolate cake. She scribbled it down and looked at the rest of us.

I said, "Some soup will be nice."

Rantaro stated, "Steak, please. And make it juicy~" He winked at her, but luckily she failed to notice.

Ken showed her the menu and pointed at something. She wrote it down, but I wonder what he chose.

Wakiya ordered this weird French rare-medium steak or something like that.

Luna asked, "Can I have some a sushi tray?"

Shu quickly added, "Me too as well, please."

The waitress hummed and walked away. Luna smiled at Shu. "Who knew you'd be the gentlemen type of guy."

"Oh well, you know, I'm just trying to be polite." He winked at me as I clenched my fist and replied, "At least I'm trying not to flatter her with a fake act."

"This isn't a fake act, Diago.'

"Oh please, how else do you get girls to be constantly around you?"

"I'm just like that, can't you tell."


Luna shoved us a bit from each other. She glares at us and said, "Now don't say you haven't been fighting with each other to see who's better."

She was right. We both suddenly became very interested in our shoes.

She stood up and huffed. "I'm going to the restroom."

Luna' s POV

I couldn't take it anymore. It's just so annoying to see and listen to 2 boys fighting over something silly.

Why can't they just be good friends like they used to?

Regardless, I walked out of the restroom and shook my hands so they would set faster when I spotted Diago and Shu running once again towards me.

"Luna, we have to tal-"

"Go away."

They looked at me in shock. Diago looked hurt, but said, "Please just let us talk.." Shu nodded, wait, was he agreeing with him for once?

I crossed my arms. "Fine."

They said, "Look, we both really like you, but we came to the conclusion that neither one of us will get you-"

I frowned.

"-unless we shared."

Wait, what?! I stared at them as they walked up to me and planted a kiss on my cheek simultaneously.

I blushes and screeched, "Idiots, why would you do that?"

"Because we love you."

Ever since, anything they wanted to do with you, they did it together. Wether it be going to the carnival or more~ ;)

Yesh I know it sucks am terribly sorry bear with me people but I hope you enjoyed it still!

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