Decision and Bladers meets Wizards - 1

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This chapter is basically continuation of previous chapter Gathering Information. I will focus on blader's decision and first meeting between bladers and wizards.
Bladers now have so much information about wizarding world but all this making them so much confused about final decision.

(Ignore background and Hilary as she not present here.)

T: This wizarding world have so much discrimination between people and their so much difference between them. It's no wonder that they are facing war right now.
M: You are right Tyson. Everyone is feeling that they are right, their ideology should followed by others no one is trying to find middle ground between them.

: That's why they are facing war. But if they are going through war so how is possible that no one noticed it. I mean we know that they are hiding using some spells and charms, but shouldn't be someone who noticed this things no matter how much they took care to hide. So how all this stay hidden?
K: By using memory wiping spell and charms.
T & D: WHAT????
M: You mean that they erase memories of people?
T: Is this even legal?
Ke: Yes as they took care that the person didn't get hurt physically or mentally.
T, M, & D: Oh!
T: So kai where did you get this information?
K: If you try to go through study material then you would have noticed all this things.
T (till now learned ignored Kai's comment especially when it's needed): So should we accept this offer? I mean we are basically muggleborn for them who either gets ignored, have to face curse words or adore likes new born baby.
K: Did we ever care about someone's opinion about ourselves till now? We have always followed our path once decision is made.
M: Tyson, Kai is right and what about our tournaments.
R: Yes we can't forgot, that Hogward follows boarding school system. Will they give us permission to enter?
D: I don't want to retire from beyblade this soon.
K: No one is retiring atleast for next two years.
T&D: Yippee.

With this team members started to think about whether they should accept or not. They are hesitating because of their tournaments. (If you wondering about other team members then with common vote they decided follow to Bladebreakers'  decision. I will mostly show conversation of Bladebreakers team only sometimes you will get to see other's pov for sure.). After lot's of discussion they decided to meet some wizards before making final decision. So kai decided to write letter to Hogward's deputy head master Professor Mcgonagall.

Professor Mcgonagall Deputy Headmaster and Head of Gryffindor This is Kai Hiwatari caption of Bladebreakers. Actually my team wants to meet any faculty from your school as we love our game and love to take part in tournaments. And In upcoming year we had already planned to enter. So we wants to discuss with you our schedules and love to plan studies. And all of us has decided to take exams which will prove that we are eligible for fifth year. One more thing other three teams are present at Tyson's home so if it is possible please can you send more than one faculty. As all of have so many doubts and queries.
Yours, Kai Hiwatari

( i know this letter is simple but hope you will like it. Why i kept letter simple you will get to know soon).

After completing his letter he read it for all the members. All agreed to send it and wait for their reply.

K: One more thing told that they have mind reading technique and it's counter technique that is Legilimency and Occlumency. And there is high possibility that someone can be there who knows about them and can use against them.
Ke: Is all this techniques are legal?
R: Who knows?
T: Can we learn about them Kai?
K: Yes, but not right now as this techniques require more time.
M: Then how will we kept our thoughts secret from them.
K: By using our bitbeast and our connection with them. You connect them and find solution which you can use temporary. And then we will start learn all this techniques.
R: This is best idea.

Time Skip ---------------------------------
After two days bladers finally received reply from Hogward which stated that Hogward's teacher's are ready to meet them as per their request. And as all four teams are present together, they will send four teachers to meet them. During this time Kai had told all of them go through study materials also, which will help them when they wants to create situation for their own benefits. All had agreed with.

Finally the moment when arrive when bladers meets wizards for first time.

Author's Pov
Professor Mcgonagall introduce all other professor to all bladers. All blders also introduce themselves to wizards. And finally the storm with had name Beyblade especially Bladebreakers has started. Wizards don't have any idea what they are going to face in future.


I know many will think that bladers are taking so much time to take decision whether they should accept offer of Hogward or not.
I don't think they are taking too much time. Think this way that you have to enter completely unknown area which name also you don't know, knowing anyone from that area is nearly impossible. So you will take as much as precautions before visiting that place. So my bladers are taking as much  precautions as possible.

So how albus and other professor will answer bladers questions.

Will albus able to give answers?

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