Decision and Bladers meets Wizards -2

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This chapter is continuation from previous chapter.

Finally bladers meets wizards so they can made final decision.

Ozuma's Pov
The moment we received Hogward's letter we know no matter what Bladebreakers will also received same letters as they are owner of scared bitbeast and they are one of the strongest bladers. All of us decided to kept our bitbeast as secret for now, as this wizarding world is completely ignoring our human world. If someone asks about names of our blade we decided give them story which will include half truths.

With common decision it's decided Ray, Maria, Kenny, Max will talk with wizards as others are either antisocial (Kai,Tala) or gets angry easily (Dunga, Spencer) or can talk without thinking (Tyson, Daichi).
( From this onwards discussion between wizards and bladers will be there)

All team members taken place in hall of Tyson's home. Kai is only one who is one corner in his pose. Wizards sit on sitting arrangement with Albus sit in middle and other three takes other places

A: So tell me boys what are your doubts and why are you hesitating to accept letter. Don't get scared my boys. (Scared? Who?)
R: Sir we just have some doubts because of magical world's law, traditions, and school system of Hogwarts.
Ke: Sir, we not hesitating or scared we are just confused.
Mc: Why are you guys confused, Mr. Kenny?
R: We are professional bladers, and we love to beyblade and taking participation in tournaments is our passion.
Ma: Your school follows boarding school system.
Ke: And our tournaments held in every season, which held for atleast one month.
M: During this time we travel through different countries.
R: Our point is will you able to give us permission as till now we always gets permission from our present schools.
A: My boys can you tell me about your sport which you love so much, as most of us don't have much idea about beyblade.
Sev(in mind): This conversation going to be interesting. All this bladers have something different from others. I can feel but i can't name, let's see what will happen?
R: Sir beyblade game include spinning top also blader required lots of concentration, and strategy to defeat his opponent. (As per their decision Ray is giving as minimum information as possible about beyblade).
Mc: What? Just game which includes spinning tops? What it have that all of you are so passionate about it? After all it just spinning tops, huuu....

Severus' Pov:
All this boys and girls are different from any other students till now i have come across. Why i felt that they are well prepared to face wizarding world than anyone? They are hiding something. I have feelings that this boys have some special powers which are different than any other wizards. One thing sure, they are passionate for their game which is beyblade. I have to find more information about beyblade. Before returning to wizarding world, I have to visit certain places where i can get required information. Some of them are just observing openly where as some of them asking their doubt. Only few are looking like they don't care what is happening but i am sure they also observing conversation carefully. Only one boy no he is adult in boy's body is hardest to understand who is futher away from everyone. Before Professor Mcgonagall completed her sentence about the game, suddenly room's climate change completely changed. I am feeling like i am facing raging fire as well void same time simultaneously. After looking everyone's reaction one thing sure that everyone is feeling same, but other than us four no one is reacting like it is normal situation for them. What's going on here?

( i can't find Kai's cool walking style 😔)

Suddenly the boy who was away from all of them started to walk and every bladers behavior change completely. You can see respect, admiration in their eyes clearly. I think all of us notice this behavior. Interesting........ Let's see what happened now...........

Kai's Pov:
I'm proud of Max, Keeny and Ray they are handling situation so well without giving much information. I was correct this wizards didn't have any idea about beyblade, it's better to keep some information secret for now. Suddenly Professor Mcgonagall started to talk about beyblade. How dare she? No one can talk about beyblade like this. No i will not going to listen her, when she is thinking our game is just west of time.

Severus Pov:
This boy is leader definitely, he knows how to stay back and let handle other also he knows when he have to step up and take control of situation. I have never seen any teenager like him. He finally reached towards our desk and looked at Minerva. He have eyes with three different colors shades, but how? Most person have two shades but his eyes have three shades which consists of reddish brown, dark black, and red. Something really different about them.

At the desk where teacher was seated:
T(gets up from his seat comes towards Kai and said in very low voice): Kai, we can handle situation, but he become silent just seeing Kai's expression.
K(in deadly calm voice): Professor Mcgonagall you will stop right there. Do you know anything about beyblade, our passion towards it's, our daily pratice so we become better player everyday? Do you know anything about it? NO YOU DON'T HAVE ANY IDEA, SO YOU DON'T HAVE ANY RIGHTS TO SPEAK ABOUT OUR GAME. You guys thinks you are more powerful, more knowledgeable than others, but you know what you don't even know about electricity. Do you have any idea how human world progressing forward daily in terms of technology?
How you will know about all this you guys are still using fireplace to make room warmer and still use candles or your magical powers to lighten your room in night.

By hearing Kai's last sentence not only Professor Mcgonagall but other than Severus everyone become shocked. They are only thinking how?


Kai is on fire had taken command over situation how professors will handle him?

I know many of you guys waiting for beyblade battle. You will get one small battle in next update with a twist. Till then buy.

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