New Journey - 1

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Bladebreakers had received acceptance letter from Hogwarts.

Till kai read all letters all team members kept quiet as they know what will happen if you disturbed Kai Hiwatari and no one wants to face his anger, and right now Kai was in his 'The Caption Kai Mode'. But you know they have so many questions and doubts about this which they really wants to express.

T: Magic? Wizards? As in magic show which shows on TV?
R: Tyson i think they are talking about real magic not magic tricks show.
D: Did Magic exist?
Ke: If our bitbeast do exist then why not magic?
T: Kai what do you think about it? Should we replay? Should we accept?
K: Tyson i don't think we should accept easily without background search. We should not forgot how many times someone tried to snatch our bitbeast.
R: But Kai how will get information?
K: Don't worry, i will tell my personal driver.

Kai called his driver + bodyguard + detective Mr. Usami. (You can say this Mr. Usami is one man army. I will show actual conversation later).

Mine while in Hiwatari mansion, at white tiger x tribal, and at ozuma's village.
Team Blizkring Boys who knows also as Demolition Boys, White Tiger X and Saint Shield also received letter from Hogwarts, all team members are thinking what should they do now, as no one had any information about Hogwarts. You can say they never heard name of Hogwarts till now even after visiting different countries for their tournaments and this is making them suspicious.

With Bladebreakers :
K (on call) : Mr. Usami i have one order for you.
Mr. U: Good morning master. Tell me what i have to do.
K: I want you to search every possible information about Wizarding world and Hogwarts. Use as much money as required to gain information. I want this information very soon. I am sending you location.
Mr. U: No need to send location master Kai. Master Tala and his team also received same letters.
K: They did?
Mr. U: Yes master.
K: Okay. Complete this work soon. And give my message to Tala. I want him at Tyson's home till tomorrow.
Mr. U: Okay Master Kai. Have a good day.

Other teams White Tiger x and Saint Shield decided to meet Bladebreakers after lots of discussion.

With Bladebreakers:
T: What's the matter Kai.
K: Demolition Boys also received letters from Hogwarts.
R: This means there is possibility that other teams may also received same letter.
M: I can ask my mom whether her team received any letters or not.
T: Good idea. We can't forget incident where someone tried to snatch our bitbeast and hurt our friends. Kenny you ask Hilary if she got any letter or not.
K: And if she didn't receive any letter then don't tell about our letters. I want conform everything before this thing goes out.
Ke: Yes Kai i will do it immediately. Also i will try gather information on online.
K: Everyone i want to complete your homework soon. We have evening training session don't forgot and don't get late.
Everyone: Yes Kai.

Time skip next day evening at Tyson's home :
  Team members of Demolition Boys with White Tiger X and Saint Shield arrived at Tyson's home at different time. But Bladebreakers understand one thing after seeing other teams also received letters from Hogwarts. After connecting different team they also got to know some teams like BEGA who already decided to reject offer as Brooklyn and others wanted learn more about beyblade and they really wanted to understand more about beyblade sprite, receive letter but some teams like The Majestic didn't receive any letters also Hilary didn't receive any letters. In kitchen Tyson's grandpa with help of Ray, Maria, Mariam preparing dinner for everyone.

Kai's Pov who is busy in thinking about Hogwarts and it's mystery hard:

This letter is saying Hogwarts is school which select people who have magical powers, but why not every team got selected? Is they have any selection criteria like toppers of school something like this? Then why not Hilary, who is model student? And if magical powers is criteria then why not majestic team? All this making me so confused. Mr. Usami will require some time before he gathered all information. I think till then all us should concentrate on our daily practice. ( i think Kai only thinks about beyblade and practice. Poor Bladebreakers 🤭).

After eating dinner every team members decided to stay at Tyson's home. And till they gathered some information decided concentrate on training. Tyson suggested to take mini tournament between all them but his idea got rejected by all other members as all of them got free from tournament recently. So right now all them going to focus on their daily training and school homeworks. And they decided to keep reason gathering together kept secret for time being.

I am stopping right now. Next will be all bladers will receive information about wizarding world from Mr. Usami.

What will be reaction of bladers regarding magical world?

How they will react about difference which are present in wizarding world?

What will be their reactions about wizarding world hero Harry Potter and villain Voldemort?

I know till now i am writing from Kai's Pov only. Don't worry others pov will come after some chapters. Right now i am focusing on Kai's pov because writer of beyblade anime had shown Kai's emotions only when it's comes to beyblade and it's battle. That's why right now you will get only kai's point of view only.

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