💛24-Hour Hold 💙🍋(Free x Valt lemon)

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'Nother Watersports lemon for all you piss-loving weirdos out there <333 (I am one of them)

This one's weird, in the sense that it's long and the actual piss play doesn't happen till the end. I did not think this one through before writing it lmao


"I AM NOT!!"


"NO, I'M NOT!!"



Silas scoffed and the blond's pointless comebacks. He stared down at Free, who glared back up at him, indignation sparking in his eyes.

"Admit it, Free. You've gone soft ever since you started dating Valt. You're skills have slipped and you give in to every word he says, sometimes it's honestly pathetic." 

Indignation turned to rage at Silas' mention of Free's blue-haired boyfriend. 

"Don't you DARE bring Valt into this! He has nothing to do with-"

"With what?"

Free and Silas both turned around to see Valt standing at the doorway, tilting his head curiously. Free's body relaxed as Valt neared them. He would be able to settle this. His pride quickly turned to embarrassment when he realized just what exactly they were fighting about. He is pathetic sometimes. 

".....Silas says I'm a pussy cuz I've gotten 'soft' from dating you...whatever that means," Free mumbled, blushing slightly.

Valt snickered. These two fought over the stupidest things.

"Well, are you?" Valt asked in return.


"That settles it then," Valt smiled and winked at Silas. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna steal Free for a bit." He hooked his arm under Free's and pulled him out of the training gym. Once they were alone in the hallway, Valt turned to Free.

"You have become a little bit of a pushover around me." He stated.

Free stared at him with wide eyes. "Not you too! I-" Valt silenced him with a finger on his lips. 

"Butttt, I don't see that as a bad thing. Besides, I have a way you can prove you're not."

Judging by the tone of Valt's voice, Free assumed it was something dirty. He arched an eyebrow as Valt pulled his finger back.

"It's easy for someone like you. It's called the 24-Hour Hold challenge."

Free stared at him blankly. "And that is?"

Valt grinned, the way his eyes narrowed turned Free on a little bit. Whatever he was planning would be absolute torture for him and pleasure for Valt.

"You, my dear Free, will not be able to step foot in a bathroom for a full 24 hours. You're gonna have to hold it allllll day." 


Valt slid closer to Free, pressing his whole body against him, holding him by the waist. He leaned in and licked his neck gently, whispering in his ear:

"You heard me. And when you're done, I'm gonna hold you down and watch you squirm under my grasp, whining, begging for me to let go. You'd look so cute like that, don't you agree?" 

Free shivered at Valt's words, picturing said scenario. He blushed bright red, eyes flicking back to the door. Valt released Free and smiled sweetly, all possessive malice gone from his bright brown eyes. 

"Now go on and keep training! Beat Silas' ass and prove him wrong!" He turned and walked down the corridor, leaving Free alone. "Oh, by the way, the challenge starts now." 

--Hour one--

Free flicked his wet hair back with a hand, sitting in the dirt a little ways away from the boulder he was dragging. This wasn't so hard, he decided. As long as he didn't drink a lot of water he should be fine. Valt and his stupid challenges, He thinks he can best me with something like this, I'll show him. He stood back up and walked over to the boulder, grabbing the rope in his hand. The warm spring sun gave him renewed energy. His spirits lifted, no matter what Valt said, he's gonna win this.

--Hour five--

.....Alright, this was getting kinda hard. Free shifted slightly on the bench, watching BC Sol train. He had felt pressure beginning to build about two hours ago, and it's only gotten worse. Was it even healthy to hold your pee in for this long? Was his bladder actually going to burst? Free pressed a hand down on where his bladder was, hoping the pressure would control the urge. He had misjudged the complexity of this god-forsaken challenge. 

--Hour ten--

......What the actual fuck was he thinking when he said yes? Free clutched at the blankets of his bed, watching a movie on the TV on his desk. He shivered, clenching his legs together. He glanced at the clock on his nightstand. 10:05 pm. The pressure in his body felt unnatural. The blond shuddered once again, blinking rapidly in panic when he felt small wet spots form on his pants. He reached for the remote and turned the TV off. Flipping over onto his side, Free closed his eyes and willed sleep to come fast. 

"I'm gonna kill you Valt..." He muttered as he fell asleep.

--Hour twenty--

Bright sunlight tore Free out of the sweet embrace of sleep. He groaned, flipping onto his other side away from the sun. He wasn't ready to get up yet. The blond opened an eye to check the time. 8 am. Ya, he definitely wasn't ready to wake up yet. He gently felt around the mattress with his hand, relief flowing through him when he found that it was dry. Thank god he didn't end up pissing himself in his sleep. Valt would never let him live that down.

An hour later the pressure in his abdomen demanded his attention once again. Free sighed and slowly sat up, stretching. 

"Alright, alright, I'm up..." He mumbled, rubbing an eye. He stood up and walked over to the bathroom, hesitantly going in. Valt said he couldn't go into a bathroom for a full day, but surely he could shower right? As long as he still held it in. It got increasingly harder to do so once he was naked, he discovered. Warm water ran down his back, but Free stared blankly at the floor. Oh, how he longed to just let it out, finally relive himself after so long.  4 more hours...he can do this. 

--Hour twenty-three--

Free sat quietly at a table in the cafeteria, munching on a sandwich while BC Sol argued around him about some battle he wasn't interested in. Without him noticing, Valt had slipped from the crowd and sat beside him. He grinned at the blond, who blinked back, pain glistening in his black eyes.

"Good morning, Free? So, how are you feeling?" Valt asked breezly. 

Free glared at him, astonished that he had the balls to ask him that, after what he went through. Free loved Valt with all his heart, but sometimes the bluenette thought with his dick.

"Like I'm about to fucking explode. This better have been worth it."

Valt smiled warmly and kissed him on the cheek. "Well guess what? It's 11:30. Half an hour and this can finally end. And I know just the spot where it can. C'mon," Valt stood up and took Free's hand, walking out of the caf with him and to a nice sunny spot at the side of BC Sol.

--Final hour--

Free shivered as he sat down on the grass, Valt crawling on top of him. He tilted the blond's head up with a finger, gazing into his eyes lustfully. He pushed a hand against his bladder, making Free whimper and his legs twitch closer together.

"I told you I was gonna make the last hour hard. You look so pretty like this, Free. Trapped under me, whimpering and whining for release." Valt purred, smirking when he felt Free's dick twitch against his wrist. Dirty praise always turned him on.

"Valt," Free pleaded breathlessly, "Valt, please. Just let me go. Look, I get your point and I promise to not let our relationship interfere with my training. Just please let me go, it hurts so much." 

Valt shook his head softly, sliding his hand downwards. It was met with the blond's very hard cock. His index finger circled the head, making Free moan softly. A wet spot appeared on his pants, but judging from the stickiness, Valt knew Free kept his word.

The bluenette pulled his hand back and licked the pre-cum off his finger. He glanced down at his boyfriend, who was sitting on the grass shivering. His face was flushed a pretty shade of pink and he panted quietly. 

Valt checked the time on his phone, smiling in victory. "You did it, Free. It's noon. Now you may go." 

Free's black eyes lit up with delight and relief as his body relaxed and he let out a full 24 hours worth of piss. The wetness quickly spread down his pants, trailing down his legs. A pool formed in the grass underneath him. 

His moans ricocheted around them, Free put a hand against his mouth to muffle his whines. Valt watched over him in complete admiration, pressing his nose against Free's.

"There you go...Let it out...You're doing so well." Valt murmured in Free's ear, gently rubbing his dick while he pissed. It felt like a solid 5 minutes had passed when Free finally finished.

The two sat there in near silence, only Free's gentle pants could be heard. Valt smiled and curled up against Free, resting his head on his shoulder. He felt the wetness from Free's clothes transfer onto his, But Valt didn't mind. 

"I have never felt so good in my life..." Free said quietly, wrapping his arms around Valt.

"I bet...Wanna feel better?"

Free nodded, bearly registering what Valt said. He was exhausted, he had no idea how much energy this challenge took away from him. He twitched and moaned softly when he felt Valt's hand around his dick, slowly gliding up to the head and back down.

Valt kissed the blond's neck, and with his hand and the smell and feel of piss, it didn't take Free very long to cum. He shivered and groaned as thick milky strands of cum shot out and over Valt's hand and his pants. Valt pulled his hand back and licked some cum off before raising his hand and letting Free lick the rest off.

Within minutes the two were fast asleep, Free leaning against the wall of BC Sol with Valt curled up in his lap, head on his chest. They were soaked and reeked of piss and cum, but they didn't care. They only hoped they could nap for the rest of the afternoon.

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