🩷Cherry Sunday💙(Chris x Shasa)

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Decided to restart this oneshot at the request of my bestie UnU



Chris stood in front of the mirror in her room, two dresses on hangers sat in both her hands. She held one in front of her, the other, then back to the first one.

"God...I don't know what to wear. They're both so pretty. What do you think, Free?"

She turned to her best friend, who was lying lazly on the couch across the room. He tore his gaze from Fafnir, who sat in his hand, to look at Chris. Free tilted his head, regarding her. 

"Whatever you decide." He said, his voice unbearably monotone. His black eyes looked bored and emotionless. Chris scowled.

"Gee, thanks Free. You're a big help." 

Free grunted in response, seemingly not caring at all about Chris' girl problems. 

Chris rolled her eyes, finally settling on a pink dress with a drop sleeve. She put it on and spun in a circle, admiring herself. 

(I don't usually do this, but what Chris was wearing <33)

She went to her dresser and put on a silver necklace and a matching wrist cuff. Chris grabbed her small black handbag and slung it over her shoulder. 

"Ok...I think I'm ready," she said aloud.

Free looked her over and nodded. "Have fun." He said quietly.

Chris winked at him and set off to find her girlfriend for their first-ever public date. She found her waiting outside by the limo, courtesy of Trad and his connections hah. Shasa beamed at her, waving. Chris couldn't help but blush at the sight. Shasa was wearing a beautiful blue dress, it was short, cutting off just below her waist. Black knee-high socks ran up both legs, and the outfit was tied with cute white dance shoes. (s h u)

Chris smiled widely as she reached her girlfriend. Shasa took one look at her and leaned forward in a deep bow. 

"My apologies, your majesty. I was unaware I'd be in the presence of a goddess today." She said solemnly. 

Chris yelped and blushed madly, covering her face with her hands.

"S-Shasa! Stop it this instant! The driver is literally right there!" 

Shasa burst into laughter, straightening back up. She took the taller girl's hands in hers and leaned up. Chris bent down and kissed her, warm and passionately. It sent bubbles flowing through Shasa.

"Ready to go?" Shasa asked. Chris nodded and followed her into the limo. The driver smiled politely at them.

"Where to?" He asked. 

"Somewhere fancy," Chris responded, making Shasa giggle. The driver nodded, rolled up the window to the back seat, and drove off.

About twenty minutes later, the limo stopped. The driver smiled at them through the window and opened the door for Shasa. She giggled and walked out, Chris following her. The pinkette gasped, her teal eyes widening in shock.

"Oh my....When I said fancy, I didn't mean fancy."  She said, breathless at the sight before her.

A tall building with black bricks stood a little ways away. It had crystal ball lights strung around the whole thing, and a shiny frosted glass entrance. The restaurant's name was lit in a bright neon sign: The Blacklight Tavern.

Shasa let out a dreamy sigh, slipping her hand into Chris' and holding tight.

"It's beautiful." She murmured.

Chris nodded her thanks to the driver as the limo sped away. She opened the door for Shasa, marvelling at the frosted glass' texture. Shasa smiled at her as she went in and Chris followed.

The Blacklight Tavern wasn't actually a tavern. It was a high-scale restaurant that only the wealthy could afford. A huge crystal chandelier hung from the middle and round tables scattered the floor, their white tablecloths and wine glasses only added to the effect. 

A waitress spotted them and smiled heading over. Chris asked her for a table for two, and she led them to a nearby table. Chris settled down with Shasa on the opposite side.

"I feel like royalty sitting here," Shasa exclaimed softly. Chris grinned. 

"Well, If I'm a goddess, then you must be a queen. And only the best is fit for a queen." She responded, making Shasa cover her face in embarrassment.

The waitress returned and Chris asked for a bottle of champagne. Shasa tried to argue against it, saying they weren't technically old enough to drink yet. Chris silenced her with a goofy look. It was that 'No one needs to know' kind of look.

When their drink arrived, Chris poured them both a glass. Shasa watched lovingly as Chris poured. 

"What??" The taller blader asked. Shasa just smiled.

"Nothing. You just look really cute right now."

Chris blushed and handed her her glass. "What would you like to eat?" She asked, changing the subject.

Shasa's answer was immediate. "Steak."

Chris blinked. She laughed. "Alright then, steak it is."

The waitress came back around and Chris placed their order. After about twenty minutes, their food arrived, steaming hot and smelling amazing. Chris thanked the waitress and handed Shasa a steak knife.

They ate comfortably, the food tasting amazing. They talked while they ate, sharing fond memories. The two girls sat deep in conversation for what felt like hours. It was rare times like these that Chris loved the most. Times she could share with her girlfriend and not care what anyone else thinks. The afternoon turned to evening, and the first stars began to appear when they finally decided to leave. 

"Hey, Chris?" Shasa asked as they got back into the limo. 


Shasa leaned in close and smiled softly.

"Would you like dessert?" 

Chris nodded, giggling. Sasha asked the driver to take them to that Chris wasn't allowed to hear; she had to cover her ears while Shasa gave the driver the address.

After a little while they turned up at a small ice cream parlor. Chris beamed with love. Shasa knew she loved ice cream.

"And what would my goddess like for dessert?" Shasa pondered as they waited in line. The approaching twilight was beautiful, casting warm purple and blue glows over the girls. Chris kissed Shasa's cheek gently.

"A cherry sunday." She responded.

Shasa nodded and ordered them two. They took their ice cream and headed down to the beach for a nighttime walk. They walked in silence for a while, enjoying the warm summer night. (And their ice cream.) Chris and Shasa stood side by side, staring at the ocean waves as they lapped lazly at the sand. The moon gave the whole beach a purple glow, which made it look so surreal.

"Chris?" Shasa asked, breaking the silence.


"I love you." 

Chris beamed. "I love you too, Shasa."

They kissed under the moonlight, marking the beginning of what would become a yearly tradition for them. Each year, on this very day, they would share a kiss under the moon and stars, on this very beach. That is what sealed their love.

Chris and Shasa knew they'd be together forever, no matter what life threw at them. 

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