💛Dear Valentine💙(Free x Valt)

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Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

May your day be filled with love and light <33


Free smiled gently as warm sunshine filtered through his curtains. He blinked open his eyes, watery from the long night's sleep. He had a feeling today was going to be a warm day, much like the past 3 days. Maybe it was a break from the snow, maybe winter was finally coming to an end. Regardless of the reason for the sun, it was welcomed with open arms. 

Free slowly rolled over, intending to snuggle deeper into his boyfriend's body. But to his surprise, he was met with empty air. Free looked at the other side of his bed, but Valt was nowhere to be seen. In his place was a small white envelope, a pink wax heart stamp holding it closed. The blond blader tilted his head and grabbed the envelope, sitting up with his back on his pillows.

He flipped it over and saw his name written on the front in beautiful cursive. Teaching Valt cursive writing paid off apparently. Pure love shined in Free's eyes when he remembered what day it was. February 14th. Valentine's day. This was his first Valentine's with Valt, or a romantic partner in general. 

"I had no idea you were such a romantic, Valt." Free whispered to himself as he opened the envelope. Inside it was a black velvety card, pink and red hearts dotted it. He was almost brought to tears as he ran his thumb across the soft velvet. It was such a pretty card. He was gonna keep it forever. Free opened the card and read Valt's message:

To the love of my life,

I never quite thought I'd ever fall in love. It wasn't something I thought about very often. But the day I joined BC Sol, one year ago, That all changed. Because I met you, Free. You stole my heart the moment I laid eyes on you. (Don't worry, you can keep it, heh) When I found out you shared the same feelings, my whole life flipped upside down. Now I have a boyfriend. We've shared so many of our firsts with each other: Our first crushes, our first kiss, our first date. And now we get to share one more first; Our first Valentine's Day. And so I would like for it to be special. Something worth remembering. Anyway, I'm rambling a bit so I'll finish it off here. I love you so much Free, and I couldn't think of anyone better to share this holiday with.

~From Valt <3

Small drops of water fell onto the card, making Free blink in surprise. He realized they were coming from him. He was crying. The blond wiped away tears, folding the card and placing it neatly on his nightstand. Never had he ever been so moved by someone's words before, even if they were just in a card. They seemed so sincere. Free smiled and shook his head, finally getting out of bed.

He got dressed and opened the door, almost stepping on another present. A bouquet of red roses sat on the floor in front of his door. Free picked them up and held them like they were the most precious thing in existence.

"Oh Valt, you spoil me too much." Free said to himself as he brought the flowers back inside, putting them next to the card. He grabbed a small box from inside the drawer and left his room.

In BC Sol's main building, the team was lively. Every member sat in the cafeteria, eating a full breakfast. Free spotted Ange in the kitchen, flipping pancakes. She saw him and winked, pointing with a spatula over to the right, where Valt sat with Honcho and Cuza. 

The black-eyed blader headed over to his friends, picking up a tray of food from Ange on the way there. Valt's eyes lit up when he saw Free. He got up and ran over to him, hugging him so fiercely that Free almost dropped his food.

"Good morning, Sunshine!" Valt exclaimed happily, burying his nose into the crook of Free's neck. Free blinked in surprise, blushing slightly with embarrassment as he wrapped an arm around Valt and patted him twice. Valt knew Free didn't like PDAs, so this was a bold move. 

"Alright, alright. Good morning to you too, Valt. Now let me go so I can eat." Free said, laughing. Valt let go of him and smiled, walking back over to his friends. Free followed him, sitting down and listening quietly to their conversation. 

At around noon the bladers went their separate ways, most off to train while others lounged around the gym. Free and Valt went for a walk in the woods, chatting softly as they went. 

"You said lavender grows in these woods?" Valt inquired, holding Free's hand. Free nodded, pleasantly surprised that Valt seemed to be interested in his knowledge of flora.

"Yes, it smells wonderful near dusk when the wind blows in this direction. There are also a few wild berry bushes somewhere in here too. Those are best for smoothies, fresh right off the bush."

Valt's eyes glowed with love as Free went on, talking about all the plants and creatures that call the forest home. He leaned against the blond's arm as they walked, thankful for his heat when a chilly wind picked up. 

Eventually, they made it to Free's old stadium, where they sat on the steps and enjoyed the sunshine. It was then that Free pulled out the small light pink box from his pocket. 

"You've spoiled me so much today I almost feel bad for not getting you anything else..." Free said quietly, embarrassed. 

Valt held him by his chin and kissed him softly on the lips.

"Your love is all I ever need." He responded. 

Free felt his eyes start to water. Blinking, he held Valt's hands in his own for a moment. They gazed into each other's eyes. Brown met black, and the only emotion they shared was pure love.

Free handed the box to Valt and watched as he opened it. Valt gasped softly as he pulled out a silver chain bracelet, it glittered in the sunlight. In the middle was a heart, and in the middle of the heart, was a diamond. 

"Oh Free....It's beautiful." Valt said, his voice barely above a whisper. He flipped the bracelet over and discovered text on the back of the heart. Engraved into the metal were the words 'Lovers Forever'. 

Free fastened the bracelet around his wrist, Valt smiling the whole time. 

"I love it so much..." He said, holding his hand up to the sun. 

"I know its kinda cheesy and gentaric but it's all I could think of to get you." Free said after a moments silence. 

Valt looked at him and lightly wacked him on the head. 

"Oh shush you, It's amazing." The bluenette said, giggling. 

"Happy Valentine's day Valt."

They sat there, Free leaning into Valt's arms, for what felt like hours. The gentle way Free's body rose and fell told Valt that he was asleep. Valt squeesed him protectively. Free was strong, he knew that. He was a powerful blader with a powerful body and a mysterious mind. But right now, under the late afternoon sun, bundled up in Valt's arms, he seemed so vulnerable. So fragile and small. 

Valt knew in his heart that he'd do anything to protect Free. His love for him was so strong and so real  that somehow he knew they'd be together forever. That thought was comforting. 

"Happy Valentine's day, Free." 

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