💛Foxy Woxy~💙(Fox! Free x Valt) Lime~🍈

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DAMN IT!! AGAIN!! STOP WRITING ABOUT THESE TWO!!! I caaaaann'tttt!!! Seriously tho, do u want me to stop? This ship doesn't get enough attention!! 🥺🥺 Anyway, here we go!
Free's POV:
You know, I absolutely hate winter. Not only cuz it's cold, but because winter is a foxes breeding season. And because I'm Gay, I can't do anything about my sent, or of the vixens around me. As only a vixen goes into heat, that kind of sexual activity doesn't affect me. But, I am still a fox. A male. Whenever I fully morph into my red fox form, the idiotic vixens around BC sol immediately come flocking to me, asking to mate with me. Apparently, I have a different scent during mating season. And vixens really like it.

Anyway, I guess maybe because I'm half human-half fox, winters not that bad. I can stuff down the mating urges for a while, but not all winter. At some point, they need to come out. That's what I call my "breed cycle." It last's about a week and a half, and it's extremely embarrassing. Chris offers to help, but she can't. She doesn't know what I'm going through, or how to fix it. But it's simple: Mate.

To be honest, because I'm not dating anyone, I well...I can't. So.....Well....I fix it myself if you know what I mean... And I hate to say how incredibly embarrassing it is to have to go through that. If the rest of my team knew about my breed cycle....I can't even fathom what would happen.

But...one problem remains. A horrible problem. That is, I'm about to hit my first ever "lengthly breed cycle." I didn't have it last year, so it's double the time this year. And I'm f*cking screwed. I quickly went to check my calendar, it's January 3. Great...2 more days to prep. It will last from the 5th to the 22ed. Oh god...why...I felt tears forming on the corners of my eyes.

I shook my head rapidly, wasting the day crying wouldn't do me any good. I've already done that when I found out this would be happening. I walked to my closet, and opened it. Most of it were my clothes, but at the bottom, I kept my..."toys." Jeez, It feels weird calling them that. But...that's basically what they are. Sex toys. Ya, I own sex toys...don't judge. They really help actually. (No I'm not a bottom, get that through your head) At least they were all still useable. Maybe I should get some new ones just in case...

I groaned. Life sucks. I thought as I got dressed. I grabbed my satchel that held fafnir, and headed to the cafeteria for breakfast. That's when I saw him. Valt Aoi. The small annoying bluenette. God damn he was so cute. He waved at me and sped past, heading to the main training area. I swore my heart skipped a beat. Then, a new feeling swept over me. It made me feel all bubbly inside, and like I'd melt into the floor. Like...someone set off fireworks inside my heart. It was...weird. Is this what...love feels like? I felt myself smile. I closed my eyes and walked outside and towards the forest. For the first time in my life, I felt genuinely happy. I like this feeling......Love. It's nice.

I stopped close to my stadium, and made sure no one was there.Then I sat down, and morphed. I was a red fox, nothing special. But l liked it anyway. I felt the wind in my fur, the sounds of the trees, my whiskers twitched. I shook out my pelt and flexed my well-built muscles. Then, sped away. Running. Running was nice. It was how I worked out my frustrations. Because screaming at the top of my lungs all the time does no good. I pelted through the forest, I ran faster and faster until the only sound I could hear were my paws thrumming against the ground.

I began to slow, down into a quiet trot. Enjoying the forest. I then got a whiff of something new. I froze, raised my muzzle to the sky, breathing deeply. It smelt kinda like my scent in mating season. Then, a low snarling sound came from the bushes. "Heh...Well looky here! A young fox, in my forest, stealing my vixens!" I whipped around to see a huge red fox, with long sharp teeth. I rolled my eyes. "Get lost, Sharpfang. I'm not here to find a mate. You know that!" I snapped. Sharpfang chuckled and stepped out of the shadows. He looked at me with disdain. "hmmm you shouldn't speak like that to me...." He snarled. My patience with this flea-bag was wearing thin. I felt my fur along my spine begin to rise. I turned to stare at him, my lip drawn back in a snarl and my ears flattened. "Sharpfang...i'm not asking again! Leave me alone!" The bigger Fox snorted, then turned around and stalked off, sniffing the air. "You are not worthy of my time!" He spat and bounded off. Good riddance!

I began to head back to BC sol, when i heard a rustling sound. I Instantly bristled and snarled at the sound. "SHARPFANG GET YOUR'RE STUPID A*S OUT HERE!!!" Then, someone stepped out off the trees. It wasn't Sharpfang, It wasn't even a fox. It was Valt.  He stared at me, shock written all over his face. Suddenly, A sudden urge rocked my body. I yipped in surprise and crouched down. Valt instantly was at my side. "Awww it ok! I'm not gonna hurt you!" He whispered soothingly. I don't think he knows it's me. The feeling....It hurts.... I feel like...I need to f*ck something... I have no idea why!

Then I remembered, I had a small pendent necklace. It was shaped like a sleeping fox. And it could turn anyone into a fox for 24h before it had to recharge. I shuffled around a bit, then It fell off my neck. Huh..I didn't know I was wearing it..it doesn't work on me though...I picked it it up in my jaws and carried it to Valt. He gasped in surprise. "What's this?" He asked as he took it. "Oh wow...it's so pretty!" I nodded at him to put it on. "You want me to put it on?" I gave a small Yip. Valt slowly clipped it on. I felt my whole body quivering as I waited for the changes.

Standing in front of me was a beautiful red fox. Valt blinked then yelped in surprise. "What the-" I smiled. "Hello Valt!" I said. Valt's eye's widened. "You can talk?! ...why do you sound like Free?" He asked. I chuckled and slid my tail down his glossy coat. "Well that's because I am!" Valt shivered. "Really?!" I nodded. "Hey Valt?" I asked as I sat in front of him. "Ya Free?" Valt responded nervously. "I need you~" damn it that sounded stupid. But oh well, it was true. I circled him then stood on my hind paws and slowly mounted him. Valt yelped. This was going to be a wild ride.
~3 hours later~

I woke up to the sound of panting in my ear. I groaned and curled up tighter. "Freeeeee!!! Wake up!! There's white stuff coming out of my butt and I don't know what to dooooooo!!" I rolled my eyes. "Valt let me sleep...I had a rough night..." Valt snickered. "Mhmm sure..." He gently licked my cheek. "I love you!" My head snapped up at his words. "What?" Valt looked at me blankly. "What do you mean What? I didn't say anything..." huh...guess I imagined it. I shook my head. "Never mind." Valt got up and took off the necklace. Then immediately fell back down, asleep. One thing about the enchantment, it puts the wearer to sleep after they take it off, then it wipes their memory.

Valt won't remember what happened last night, then I'll get a fresh start to try to hit him up. ....that's not gonna work. What am I thinking, I'm a idiot. Oh well. I quickly morphed back into my human form and back to BC sol. Valt will wake up in a hour or so. This was one wild breed cycle I'll say!

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