💙Freakshow❤️ (Skulldog! Lui x Dragonwolf! Shu)

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(All animals in this story are anthropomorphic animals!)

(If u don't know what a skulldog or dragonwolf are here u go!👇)

(Shu looks more humanoid, as in he walks on 2 paws, and Lui's a full skulldog and is light blue with purple eyes and shu is white with red eyes and Blood-red wings!) Ps: The skulldog isn't mine and the dragonwolf isn't either!

Shu's POV:

I sighed as I heard the ringmaster's call from outside my cage. I yawned and uncurled myself from my nap. Stretching my wings, I waited until a Circus attendant came and unlocked my cage. As a smallish pink and black devil unlocked it, I fluffed out my fur and gave my arms a couple of swift licks. Then flexed my wings and smoothed out my spikes and shined my horns. "Looking Good Shu! The Ringmaster will be pleased!" The devil said, then flew off to join the other freakshow creatures.

As I walked out of the cage, A black cat ran past me, she waved and dropped onto all fours to run faster. I rolled my eyes and went to stand beside a orange-red Folf.(Fox-wolf) he grinned at me and looked at our Ringmaster in the centre of the circle of creatures. "Well hello my freakshow fellows! I have something to show you~ or rather someone!" He said. I felt my neck fur begin to rise. I snarled, a small flame flickering out of my nostrils. The Folf jumped in surprise. "Yo dude! Mind keeping the flames inside your body??" He whispered. I groaned. "Sorry, but who did he enslave this time?!"

The Folf shook his head. "I don't know dude, but I hope their more interesting then this idiot" he nodded towards the black cat that ran by me earlier. I cocked my eyebrow. "Her? She seemed nice.." The Folf barked a loud laugh. "Really?! Shadowstalker, nice? She pulls the evilest pranks!" I blinked. "That's her name? Shadowstalker?" The Folf twitched his tail, crossing his arms and narrowed his eyes. "She's a shapeshifter, capable of changing her appearance and size." I shot a quick look at Shadowstalker, who was bouncing on her paws and waving her tail. I sniffed. "Sure"

Then I heard a loud yell of anger. The Ringmaster turned around to reveal a large cage being pulled out into the centre by Circus attendants. That's when i realized, this wasn't just another weird animal coming in, this was something more. It...was....A skulldog. How did he make a SKULLDOG?! The skulldog was light blue, with hypnotic purple eyes, and his skull was a creamy white, along with his ribs and tail bones. Skulldog's have their skull, 3 ribs on each side of their chest, and 3 bones near the end of their tail on the outside of their body.

He screamed again. "YOU MOTHER F*CKING B**CH!! LET ME OUT RIGHT NOW!" ......I know that voice. My tail instantly went between my legs. My ears flattened and my mouth went dry. That was the blood curdling voice of my bitter rival in the blading world.

Lui Shirosagi

How did our Ringmaster get his hands on Lui?!? Of all people?!? Lui squeezed his eyes shut, which rather surprised me, considering I thought Skulldogs didn't have eyelids...at least I don't think they do? Lui then threw his head back and griped onto the bars on his cage. Then he let out a ear piercing roar. I yelped in surprise, and so did most of the Circus. "I didn't know skulldogs could roar?!?!" I yelled at the Folf. It sounded a bit like mine, but ghosty and the sound of bones rattling in the echo after. When Lui stopped he glared angrily at the Ringmaster. Who just smirked. That's when Lui looked at the crowd. And locked eyes.....With me.

Lui's POV:
THAT AS**OLE! I was in the middle of a battle with De la hoya...Then a blowdart hit me in the side of the neck, and I blacked out. The next thing I knew was I woke up like this! I flexed my paws, then unsheathed my claws. They were cool, I'll admit. I looked out to the crowd of odd looking animals. And I saw him.....
A beautiful white and red Dragonwolf. He had snowy white fur with blood red wings, horns and spikes. But, his eyes. They were a gorgeous crimson red. They reminded me of someone. Who? .....Shu Kurenai

I whipped to look at the stupid Ringmaster, my tail lashing and making scraping sounds as the bones rubbed against the ground. "Hey stupid!" I shouted. The Ringmaster blinked and looked at me, a horrid grin appeared on his face. "Yes Lui?" He said. I nodded towards the Beautiful Dragonwolf. "Who is he?" The Ringmaster laughed. "The Dragonwolf? The most popular of our creatures! His name? Shu Kurenai!" I coughed. "WHAT?!?" I can't believe I just thought Shu was....was...HOT?!?!
I felt my face becoming hot, and I shook my hand rapidly to get rid of it. I didn't know my Skull could blush?!

I suddenly got a burst of anger, and wrapped my paws around 2 bars of my cage. Then, I felt my muscles ripple underneath my fur as I pulled as hard as I could. And the bars snapped clean off. Roaring with anger, I bolted to Shu, knocking him over. He yelped in surprise as he was pinned down, his wings spread. I growled in triumph. "So Kurenai, What are you going to do?" I mocked. I don't know why I was so mad, but I really needed to punch something right now. Shu snarled, then opened his mouth, to the point where I actually think he dislocated his jaw. "This!" He spat. And with that, a burst of boiling hot flame came pouring out of his mouth. And hit my face.

I roared and jumped off him, since my Skull couldn't actually catch on fire,(I learned that the hard way) The fur around it did. I padded at my face feebly in an attempt to douse the flames. It worked. Shu started laughing. "You forgot I'm a dragon too I assume?" He said. I snarled. A metal ring closed around my neck, and I roared again in raw fury. The Circus attendees pulled me away, and threw me into another cage. I yelled horrifying death threats at them, but they didn't seem to care. I spat, and stomped around a bit.

Hours later of hopeless escapes, yelling, and clawing at the walls, I finally gave into exhaustion. Collapsing onto a nearby bed, I looked at the ceiling. I felt like crying. I felt like screaming until my lungs explode. But instead, I closed my eyes, put my arms behind my head, propped one leg up, and fell asleep.

Shu's POV:
I yawned, at least I could get a good nights rest after the stupidity of today. As I unlocked my cage with my claw, as it could only be opened by the outside, I heard a quiet grunt. I blinked, my right ear twitched. I perked them up, to listen better. As I let my eyes adjust, I saw....Him?! Lui was peacefully sleeping on my bed. I started to hyperventilate. I'm sharing a cage.....With Lui Shirosagi.

Part 2?

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