💛How...?(Sick! Free x Valt) SHORT 💙

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Free sighed as he rolled over in bed. Welp, I can't sleep. He closed his eyes and curled into a ball. For the last couple of days he's noticed that his chest had started to hurt. Then the night before he coughed up blood.  What the f*ck is wrong with me??  He groaned as a new headache started. The blond sat up, then walked out of his room, attempting to find Chris. He walked down the halls, looking at the ground. When he looked up he saw Silas, standing in front of Chris' office.  The green haired blader glared at the blond. He was about to say something when Free stopped him. "Not in the mood for your bullsh*t Silas." He snapped. Silas snorted and stomped away. Free opened Chris' door. 

Chris looked up from a blueprint of a stadium. She smiled. "Oh hello Free! What brings you down here this late at night? I thought you'd be in the forest?" She asked. Free nodded as he sat down on the couch. "Well...I haven't been feeling very good for a while-" He continued to explain what's been going on. Chris furrowed her brows. "Would you mind if i took you to the hospital?  I know you don't like going outside at night after....'That incident.'" Free winced as she mentioned what happen two months ago. He gulped, then slowly nodded. His best friend smiled. "Good. I'll make sure to look for any sketchy people." Free closed his eyes. "Chris? Has....Has he been caught? I don't want him doing anything like that to anyone else." Chris sat down beside him and ran her fingers through his hair. "Free don't worry about that. Don't even think about it. Your next therapy session is next week." Free nodded. "Okay." Chris smiled. "Now let's get into the car before anyone wakes up."  

Not even an hour later the two arrived at the hospital. "Hello!" Chris said to the girl at the counter. She smiled. "Ah Christina Kuroda and Free de le hoya. What brings two famous members of BC sol here?" Chris explained what was going on. "Room 238. A doctor will be with you shortly." The girl said. The two left in search of their room. Free sat down on the bed. "How's Valt?" He asked. Chris smirked. "You seem very interested in him. Is there something your not telling me Free?" Free blushed. "N-no! J-just wondering that's all!" Chris giggled. "You know i'm not homophobic Free." The blond yelped and angrly started to yell at Chris. Then a doctor walked in. "Hello Free! I hear your experiencing some chest pain?" He said. Free nodded. "Ok, I'd like to run some tests. I'll be with you shortly." The doctor smiled and left. 

3 hours later he returned. He looked grim. Chris blinked. "Oh no. What's wrong?" The doctor sighed.

Free's eyes widened with fear.

"I have lung cancer......!?"

Sorry its so short i have no motivation lol.

pt 2?

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