💙Might be more than friends ❤️ Pt 2 (Shui)

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Lui froze, his beautiful purple eyes wide with surprise. He turned to look at Shu, who was watching the flame-haired one with concern. "I ..... you'd really do that ... for me?!" Whispered Lui. He took a step closer to Shu. Tears started to form in the corners of his eyes. "After everything I've done to you ...." he reached up to rest his hand on Shu's scar. Shu flinched, even though Lui gave that to him years ago, it still stung slightly when someone touched it. He took a deep breath; "Lui shirosagi, you may be the coldest person I know, but ... everyone deserves a second chance." Shu said. At this point Lui's heart just melted with happiness. His Icy-cold walls that shut the whole world out, just came crashing down.

He bowled Shu over and the two fell onto the lush grass. Shu gasped in surprise, and something remarkable happened: Lui started to laugh. Not the creepy ones he does at battles, No this was a laugh of happiness. He had Shu Pinned to the ground and was sitting on his hips. He blinked and stared at Shu. Wow ... his eyes ... it's .... it's like getting lost in a pool of swirling red. Suddenly, his eyes closed and he smiled, all razor sharp teeth gleaming in the sunlight. But, Shu wasn't scared at all. He normally would be, but in this moment, the flame haired blader's teeth didn't look threatening at all. Shu would regularly imagine those teeth ripping through flesh and Lui laughing maniacally. (i'm so sorry, i have no idea why i'm obsessed with the sharp-toothed bladers, they just look so cool lol. 😅 that entire sentence probably sounded really weird didn't it?)

Lui leaned down and rested his head on the albino's chest. "Thank you Kurenai." he whispered. "Ahem ... Are you two done? .............. that was the weirdest thing I have ever witnessed." A voice yelled over too the two bladers. Shu sighed. "Yes we are Zac, hold on, let us get up." Shu turned to look at Lui again, But lui was staring down, a deep red blush line ran across his face. I wonder why he's looking at me like that? Then he realized what position they were in. After he leaned down, his hands had slipped underneath Shu's arms, and he had moved forward slightly, to the point he was sitting directly on .... Well ...... The top of his hips? (I have an idea that you know where he's actually sitting .. I'm just super cringey) Lui had basically pinned shu to the ground. OH CRAP THAT'S WHY "Y-you can get off me now ..." Shu whispered. Lui let out a small noise and slid off. He then helped Shu get up. "S-sorry ..." He mumbled. Xander burst out laughing and Zac elbowed him. Lui snarled. "Oi you two! keep you mouths shut or I'll make sure you won't have one!" He snapped.

The other two bladers noded quickly and they continued on. Shu suddenly stopped and breathed deeply. Lui blinked, then cautiously sniffed the air himself. "...I smell the ocean." He said, his purple eyes lighting up. Shu turned to look at him, smiling. "Hey guys, how about we go for a nighttime stroll around the beach?" Shu asked. Zac probably jumped high enough to reach the top of Mt. Everest, then repeatedly yelled "YES!" Xander just nodded and started to walk in the direction of the beach. By the time the supreme 4 got to the sandy beach, the moon was high in the sky, casting dull white rays to illuminate the area. Shu sat down, then took off his shoes(lol) and socks. Beckoning to the other bladers to come over and sit with him.

After about half an hour of watching the waves splash gently against the sand, Shu got up and wadded into the water, looking back at the other bladers. "Come on! the waters perfect!!" Xander looked at Zac, then ran full speed into the warm ocean water. Zac blinked, then sat down, yelling: "I'd rather not thank you! I Don't want to get my shoes wet!" Lui, who was standing beside him, smirked a devilish grin. "Go skinny dipping then~" He purred. Zac shreecked, and started to furiously yell at Lui, who fell over laughing. "What? I'd do it in a heartbeat!" he gasped. Zac gave him a weird glare. "You....You'd go skinny dipping?" He said, a hint of disdain in his voice. Lui nodded, "Ya, I've done it before-" Zac shreecked again, This time Lui had to punch him to keep him quite.

"Will you shut up?!" he hissed. "As I was saying, Yes..I've went skinny dipping before, It's not that bad, If you undress and dress quickly enough. And honestly, It feels amazing." Zac shook his head, getting up and walking away. Shu turned to look at the shore, to where lui was still sitting. "Hey Lui, Where'd Zac go?" He asked. Lui shrugged. "How should I know? That wimp left after I told him to try Skinny dipping!" Shu gasped, "You jerk! Anyway Come over here, I want to show you something." Lui wadded into the water to stand beside shu. "What?" he asked. "Look." Shu whispered, he had his hands slightly clasped around something big-ish. Lui blinked. "What do you have?" Shu giggled, "It's tickling me!" He laughed. Lui Narrowed his eyes and looked at shu. "If it's alive, i'll pass." He said, wadding back out. Shu gasped as lui splashed him. 'Hey! Come on lui, I know you'll like it!" Lui groaned, "Finnnnnneeeee!!!" He stomped back to shu, and waited for him to open his hands.

Shu slowly uncupped his hands, revealing a small turtle. A baby. It had a long alligator-like tail and a sharp beak. Lui gasped as shu placed the baby turtle into his hands. "Shu! This is a baby snapping turtle!! How'd you find it??" Shu laughed, "He basically swam onto my feet!" Lui smiled as he tipped his hands, the turtle running onto them as they tipped. "You are so adorable!" Lui whispered to the baby snapping turtle. Shu blinked, A light pink dusting over his cheeks. "You are too..." He said under his breath. Lui looked up, "Did you say something?"

Shu shook his head quickly, "No, no. I was thinking." Lui rolled his eyes, Then slowly put the turtle back into the water. A sudden cough interrupted the two. Shu started, he had forgotten Xander had joined them as well. "Sorry to ruin this moment, but it's almost midnight, we should start heading back-" He didn't get to finch because Lui Yelped loudly. "MIDNIGHT?!?! AND YOU DIDN'T TELL US?!?!" He ran out of the water, quickly slipping on his boots and scarf. " Sorry guys, I have to go! My sister will KILL me when i get back to the hotel!!" Zac blinked. "Did-did lui just...Apologise?!" Xander came up beside him. "Yep! people can change, Zac. But they do it on their own pace. Lui's only just beginning." He said, sounding very wise. Shu looked skeptical. "Xander, you sure that wasn't just cuz he was in a rush?" Xander sighed. "Why'd you do that Shu? I was trying to sound wise!!" He said, looking upset. Zac started laughing. "We really are the perfect frends!"

{I'm so sorry this took so long to come out lol}

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