2️⃣ pt 3 Into to Zafrina

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I yawned. It's late at night and I have to go to sleep, but won't. You see I still have wizardry homework to do, and it was a starry night tonight too! "Zafrina, darling, your dinner is ready!"
I gasp underneath her breath. "It's finally dinner time with my family!" I love having dinner with her family! But when I magic myself down to the kitchen with my wand, there's no one sitting at the table. Huh. I walked up to the lonely plate and looked around her.

There was only my mom and she's cleaning up. "Mother, isn't father and other family here too?" Mother looked away and sighed before saying that they were all busy. "Oh . . . ok. May I eat upstairs in my room or outside in the front yard then?" Mother looks me in the eye and nods before looking away. I gave a small smile before taking her plate.

"Zafrina, wait."

Yes, mother?" Mother gives me a little smile as a boost, "I love you" I tear up a bit before saying it back.

"I love you too . . . mom."

I go upstairs, enclose her plate of food so I can eat it later, and dart myself towards my bed. Loads of tears suddenly just start to flow down my face. Where are they now? What are they doing that they have kept missing out on dinnertime? I miss them! I rolled around my bed before levitating a large stuffed cat into my arms. "W- welp, today is a failed day, j-just like all the other days. Heh." I crossed out another day on the calendar that I made the fly to me because I was so upset, I could barely get myself out of my bed. Once I realized that I can't be moping around forever, I decided to get out of bed to go outside after I crossed out another day in my calendar. As I put my stack of homework on my desk, I switched the sweater for an even thicker oversized sweater, a large scarf, and a blanket. "Great, I am now ready to work outside till dusk becomes dawn!" I opened the window and took her broomie out to carry all of my things.

Once I got it all set up, I got started with homework of practicing to fly on my broom, until I heard a little kitty cat meowing. It meowed every few seconds and by the way, it sounded, it must be small, and fragile. My eyes closed trying to locate it for a while until I decided to see if it needed help. I hopped off the chair, brought a broomie, and looked around the block. Luckily, before I found the adorable black cat, I was so relieved that I saw my father and a couple of my other relatives flying on their brooms, on their way back to the Witch Chamber, so now me and mother don't have to be worried about them any longer.

I was going to go over to them and say "Hi, I've missed you so much," but now that I know that they are safe, I really wanted to find that cat, so she wouldn't get lost.

"Mew, mew" I can speak cat you know! The little kitty said that she's lost and is looking for her master. Oh no! Poor little kitty! I meowed back saying that I will help you find your friend! When I find the little black cat, I let her sniff me so that she knows I mean no harm, so that I can pick her up. "Now, what does your master look like?" The little cat said that she had short curly brown hair, blue eyes, a sweatshirt, and a skirt. Okay, so now I can track her down with my locator spell as this cute black kitty cat tells me about her whereabouts.

"Ok so, she should be somewhere by the trees," I say as I walk into the small cluster of trees. "Before I continue on this quest, I should put you in a safe place, these woods are full of Tree-ents (humanoid trees of nature)!" she started to say as she opened a portal to her room. "When I find your friend, I'll bring her over to my Witch Chamber which is where you are going to teleport in just a second!" I smiled to show reassurance before placing the kitty cat inside the portal.
When the portal closed, I entered the woods and climbed the trees for a better view. I flew on my magic broom from tree to tree, but then I saw this girl that had the exact same description of what the black cat told me just fell out of the sky in front of one of the trees way far in front of me. She must have been practicing on her magic broom for homework and must have accidentally fallen off. But, then where did her broom go? Hmm, well, maybe she is one of those fairies born with no wings learning how to fly with fairy dust?

Okay Zafrina focus, I told myself after I realized I was getting too distracted while wondering where this girl came from. She also looks very odd, so I don't think this is the girl the cat is looking for. She has all of the qualities of someone my age has, except for a couple of things. She must be at least fifteen like I am, but when everyone turns thirteen, their skin slowly starts to turn one of the colors of the rainbow depending on your supernatural creature. Like for example, mine is a faded green color because I am not a fully trained witch yet. Her's is just a pale skin tone that I had when I was a newborn baby to when I was twelve, but there is no way that she is younger than fifteen.

She also has the most odd clothes. She is wearing pants, with a very heavy-looking shirt that I think is called a sweatshirt. I do not even remember the last time I saw someone wearing that. Even though people are allowed to wear whatever they want, everyone wears clothes based off of their creature. I wear a black dress with a witch hat because I am a witch. Oh yes, and there is another thing. She also has a scar running across her neck that looks very familiar for some reason, but I am not going to get myself carried away again.

I think she was having the idea to walk around, but in this town, she is going to get lost within seconds, so I did what I was thinking by instinct which was, I do admit, not the smartest thing I have ever done. As I was running something suddenly popped up into my head. I forgot to ask the black cat what her name is so I can ask this poor girl if she has lost a cat.

I was so afraid that she was going to get lost. I dropped my broom and started to run towards her, forgetting the fact that my broom would make me go faster, but whatever. Luckily, I made it over to her before she got lost, and don't worry, I am not going to mention her very odd qualities because I don't want her to get offended. All I said was, "Hey, my name is Zafrina!" and then of course invited her to my Witch Chamber because it obviously looks like she had nowhere to go.

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